
The Academy's Archer

When I opened my eyes I was in a game. A game I use to play. This was something I found when I was at the worst time of my life and when my future shattered. Yet I had found myself in this game I couldn't but be shocked. I had been transported here and I wasn't even that strong. Not to mention I was probably going to die. However, hope wasn't lost as a status window appeared. [Swordsman] [Magicain] [Archer] [Paladin] [Alchemist] [Warlock] Without hesitation I chose Archer.

FatAxolotl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Cheers filled my ears as I aimed my bow. The lights of the building were shining on the target making it resemble a holy object. Pulling back on the string of my bow I held my breath as silence filled the building which increased my focus. I then let go of the string and the arrow flew in the air heading toward the target. In slow motion, I saw the arrow get closer and closer to the target.

However then suddenly a man wearing a dark black hoody with his face covered appeared in the middle of the field. With inhuman speed, the man wearing black started to charge at me. Fear gripped my heart as the man brought out a knife. I couldn't move and I started to hyperventilate.


I heard a muffled voice but I put it to the back of my mind when I saw the man was getting closer and closer.

"S-stop" I stuttered





I immediately opened my eyes and let out a gasp. Sitting up straight I looked around the empty lecture room in confusion.

"Huh?" I was confused "Dude the lecture is over"

Turning my gaze to the side I saw a youth with messy brown hair looking at me with pity "Ah thanks for waking me up then" I said

Grabbing my bag I put it on my right shoulder but it then stung "Gah", so I quickly put the strap on my left shoulder "Dude you okay?"

Waving my hand I reassured the youth that I was fine. I had no idea who he was but he talks to me every time were in class so I probably forgot his name.

"Well see ya," I said with a wave and immediately left the lecture hall. Gently rubbing my aching shoulder I couldn't help but remember the nightmare that I had.

"Here I thought I got over it" I mumbled "Too bad I can't afford therapy"

With that thought, I left college and started to enter the subway. Along with it, many unwanted memories came up due to the recent dream I had.

I had a talent for Archery. From the moment I picked up the bow I felt a connection to it. It was something I knew that I could rely on. With it, I was able to win many competitions and get prizes which me and my parents celebrated. They supported me through everything. But the keyword here is "had".

One day after competing in "The Vegas Shoot" the biggest archery tournament it happened. No, my parents didn't enter an alleyway where I saw them get shot. I'm not Batman. Anyway, on the way back to the airport I stopped to get some chips and soda when suddenly a hooded man approached me.


"Your total is $6.79," the cashier said with his fake smile

With the bags under his eyes and the number of paper cups in the garbage, I could only assume he was overworked which made me pity him. Paying him I took my orange crush and bag of chips and moved away. When I was about to reach the exit I heard someone yell.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" I heard a shrill scream and internally prayed for the worker.

I was about to reach the lounge area but then I heard someone say my name.

"Rin Remwin"

Turning my gaze I could see a person wearing a black hoody and with the hood covering his face.

"Yes and may I know who you are?" he slowly started to walk toward me "I am…" he made it pretty close then suddenly he brought out a knife. Quickly reacting I jumped back however it was already too late. The knife stabbed into my shoulder.

"Argh shit!"

The person was arrested. Turns out he was someone I had beaten and he couldn't handle the loss. Of course, I pressed charges.

However, it was over. Everything was over. When we visited the doctor it turned out he had cut the brachial plexus.

I was then in a deep depression. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't shoot an arrow. But I could pick up a bow, it was like the world was torturing me.

Yet the world decided that it wasn't enough. No, my parents went to go visit a relative but on the way they died in a plane crash leaving me alone with my sister.

Thankfully my grandma being a saint took in my sister while I went to college. Even though I wasn't the best student I was still a good one. With my grades, I'd be able to get an average office job.

However one day I downloaded a game a friend recommended. That game basically became my salvation. Day in and out I'd play it.

[Rise Of A Hero]

An RPG with an unclear plot and nice graphics. It was the only thing I played and helped me through my time of depression. Hell, I still play it.


Taking out my subway pass I scanned it over the scanner and was able to pass. I was just in time as the train arrived. Stepping on it I put the bag to my side and pulled out my phone and I started to play [Rise Of A Hero]. Pulling up my character I couldn't but marvel at how long I had come in this game.

When creating your character you have to choose your class. I had 2 accounts. One was a Necromancer which was pretty overpowered if I do say so myself. Then we have this account my second one. This was an Archer. Honestly, I did it because I wanted to sorta live in the world I guess.

However, unlike my necromancer account, this account was a challenge. The Archer isn't really a powerful class but still is a good class.

Before I could press play I noticed I received a gift. I wanted to see who sent it to me but when I did I was in shock.

It was from the developer. Opening the gift I read the message.

[Thank You For Being An Avdit Player]

When I blinked I felt something weird leaning on my shoulder. Looking to my left I saw a little girl around 7 or 9 leaning on me and sleeping. She was holding a small pink bag. My eyes widened as I instantly recognized her.


She was my little sister who was supposed to be with my grandma in another city. So why the hell was she here!?. But I then got a glimpse of my face on my mobile screen which made me freeze. I quickly pulled up a camera and saw my face which made me surprised. I looked…young.

It was like I was 16 again. Touching my shoulder I realized there wasn't any pain "I-is it healed?" However, my attention was suddenly brought to the screen in front of me.

[Welcome Player to {Rise Of A Hero}!]