
The Abominable Beast Monarch

"Demon beasts are born capable of sensing the energy permeating the world. Absorb the energy of the world, turn it into one's own strength; comprehend the laws of the universe, search for the Dao. This is cultivation. A talent granted to all demon beasts by the heavens, a demon beast that can't cultivate is one that has been forsaken by the heavens." Despite being born a demon beast Ma Weizhe is unable to cultivate spiritual energy. Looked down upon by his peers, and seemingly abandoned by the heavens, he must rely on himself to search for his Dao, to carve his own path towards Immortality.

BlandLife · Eastern
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Ma Weifan

Dashing out the the main hall, Weizhe seemed to have gone insane from the fear, bolting around the compound with no clear destination. Eventually, while turning a corner, a loud crash sounded out shortly followed by a spew of curses. He had crashed into somebody.

Standing up, it looked to be another young Murky Whip Horse, it's build while similar to Weizhe's seemed to be hiding an incredible force underneath, when its muscles contracted and relaxed there would be a small disturbance in the flow of the air. Behind the young colt were two others, one was yet another Murky Whip Horse, not unlike Weizhe and the first, though the hair on its mane was much shorter while the whiskers on the sides of its mouth were far longer, reaching 30 centimeters in length. Meanwhile, to the left was actually a deer beast, it's eyes had a peculiar golden glow, and its coat was a regular dirt brown color with silver spots. The small, growing antlers on the young stag's head were a bone-white color, and had a shine to it not unlike glazed ceramic. Turning to see who they had run to, the young stag appeared shocked having seen the wretched state of Weizhe's body, before turning to the first horse, "Brother Weifan, who would this fellow be?"

Hearing the young stag's question, Weifan shook his head and reoriented himself before furiously turning to see who had rammed into him, and seeing who it was ridicule filled his eyes before responding, "Ah, this would be the resident cripple. This disgrace's name is Weizhe, a demon beast that cannot cultivate and thus turns to human practices to strengthen his body. It would be best if you avoid him in the future Brother Jinqiang." Hearing this Jinqiang's shock grew, and along with it some disgust in his eyes as he replied, "It's enough that he cannot cultivate, but he dares turn to the foul methods of those humans to increase his strength, isn't this too much?" Weifan chuckled in response.

"While out exploring the mountains once he supposedly came across a human training, a body cultivator who was using the river to strengthen his flesh. Since then, he has attempted to recreate what he saw, continuously bathing in the streams of the Sacred Ancestor river. His fleshly body is indeed quite strong, however the results are not nearly as pronounced as the strength spiritual cultivation naturally provides to a demon beast's body. The little bit of ability he has is only so." Both Jinqiang and the silent Murky Whip Horse by the side let out an amused snort before refocusing their disdainful gaze towards Weizhe. In the time that the two were talking Weizhe had already recovered, though very slowly as a result of his still damaged body. Looking towards whom he had crashed into, the apologetic look in his eyes was quickly replaced with some hostility, having recognized some members of the group. In the past he had suffered much under the bullying of the two horses, and while he didn't know who the young stag was the disdain in his eyes did not go unnoticed by Weizhe.

"That's quite the hostile look. It seems as though he does not put us in his eyes (1) Brother Jinqiang, Weijia. How about we teach this trash his place?" With a sinister look in his eyes, Weijia nodded his head in approval, Jinqiang however turned his head to the side, "I'd rather not waste my strength on that trash, I'll step aside and wait for you two to finish." Perhaps if Weifan had a human body he would shrug right now, seeing as Jinqiang had no intention of joining in the two began advancing towards Weizhe.

Weifan went in first, charging in the direction of Weizhe before making a wide arc around and circling behind him. Weizhe, seeing this, quickly turned around and braced himself, waiting to see what he would do, though he didn't need to wait for long. A shallow blue glow wrapped around Weifan, and then once again he charged, the speed of which was much faster than his initial charge, and then lowering his head Weifan moved in, seemingly intent on ramming Weizhe. Naturally, Weizhe wouldn't simply stand in place to take the brunt of the blow, instead he chose to try to contest with Weifan by charging towards him as well. The acceleration of his charge was surprising, causing his opponents to feel a little shock considering he was still covered in injuries. However, it's a pity that his intelligence was low, while his courageous charge was admirable Weifan's charge wasn't ordinary either, fueled by the shallow blue spiritual energy coming off of his body Weifan managed to force back Weizhe easily upon collision. This also placed the fallen Weizhe right in front of Weijia, perhaps if Weizhe was smarter he would have seen through the trap and attempted to dodge rather than charge, unfortunately it was too late now. Weijia, seeing Weizhe right in front of him, began his own attack. His long whiskers began to glow with the same blue glow as Weifan had displayed before visibly extending and expanding, from 30 centimeters his whiskers grew to a shocking 2 meters before pausing mid air. Then suddenly, they lashed out, raining down a barrage of attacks on Weizhe's already weakened body, resulting in a pained whines to ring throughout the compound.

Watching, Weifan couldn't help but praise Weijia, "Your Murky Whisker Whip Technique has improved." Hearing this, Weijia laughed and returned the praise, "Perhaps, however Brother Weifan's Bashing Wave Technique is still far more impressive than my small display of skill."

Suddenly a blur collided against the whip-like whiskers, sending them flying back towards Weijia resulting in him lashing himself. If he had a human face right now it would be red from the fury he currently felt, and so readjusting himself he prepared to retaliate against whomever had interfered but then froze quickly after. Standing defensively in front of Weizhe covered in a teal glow was yet another Murky Whip Horse, though the absence of certain features showed that this one was surprisingly female. Weifan, also eyeing the newcomer, showed some fear, and in a subdued tone spoke, "Greetings Sister Weiyang, you see-"

"No need for the pleasantries Weifan, it seems as though my warning the last time you bullied Weizhe was insufficient." Seeing the situation turn for the worse Weifan unhesitatingly turn and ran, quickly followed by his companions. Weiyang, seeing them try to escape, sighed and shook her head, "Their intelligence still isn't much, if they had split up I may not be able to catch all of them, it's too bad they ran as a group." The light teal glow on Weiyang flashed and she burst into action, quickly catching up to the fleeing band, and soon miserable cries rang out, lasting for around the time it takes an incense to burn, before Weiyang had returned to Weizhe's side. Her eyes were filled with a delicate gentleness on the verge of being overtaken by the sorrow hidden behind it as she stared at the pitiful Weizhe, who had passed out during the beating. Stepping forwards towards him, Weiyang gently placed her head against Weizhe's side allowing for the teal energy on her to flow into him. Miraculously, his body began to heal at a visible rate until eventually there was no sign of injury at all, though scars were still abound.

Sighing in relief, she then started nudging him in an attempt to wake him, eventually finding success. Still muddle headed from the earlier beating, he slowly got up and his eyes fluttered in an attempt to clear his blurry vision before he suddenly stiffened having remembered what situation he had been caught in before fainting. Seeing this Weiyang let out a small laugh, drifting into Weizhe's ear and causing him to pause.

Twirling around to face Weiyang, he let stared blanky for a moment before letting out a happy neigh and galloping in circles around her, occasionally playfully bumping into her. If she had a human face she would surely be smiling at Weizhe's antics. Ever since they were young Weiyang has taken care of Weizhe by protecting him from any who might bully him and, when he had begun body cultivation, healing his injuries using a simple healing technique. As a result the two were very close, thus the reason behind Weizhe's excited reaction upon seeing Weiyang. Allowing Weizhe to play around for the moment, she looked into the sky in an attempt to find the position of the sun hoping to figure out the time.

"It's nearly sunset, our daily lessons should be starting soon." she muttered to herself. At sunset each day lectures were often held for the young members of the clan to teach them the basics of the world and cultivation.

Having known each other for the vast majority of their childhood she knew words wouldn't work with Weizhe and so didn't bother to tell Weizhe, instead she gave him a serious look to get him to stop galloping around before walking a short distance and turning back to look at him, a sign to follow. Weizhe, seeing this, and also looking at the sun, also seemed to realize what time it was. Excited, he followed. While he didn't understand the lectures given, sometimes the elder teaching would put on demonstrations of techniques which would always fascinate him. And so, they walked off towards the back of the compound.

(1) Put us in his eyes - To recognize, to acknowledge. Not put us in his eyes would be to look down upon them

Also note that the terms Brother or Sister that they use with each other here is a way of addressing peers, not because they are actual brothers

You'll be able to tell the difference by seeing if they mention their name after. The clan chief calling his sister Elder Sister (no name) versus Weifan calling Weijia: Brother Weijia (name afterwards).

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