
The Abominable Beast Monarch

"Demon beasts are born capable of sensing the energy permeating the world. Absorb the energy of the world, turn it into one's own strength; comprehend the laws of the universe, search for the Dao. This is cultivation. A talent granted to all demon beasts by the heavens, a demon beast that can't cultivate is one that has been forsaken by the heavens." Despite being born a demon beast Ma Weizhe is unable to cultivate spiritual energy. Looked down upon by his peers, and seemingly abandoned by the heavens, he must rely on himself to search for his Dao, to carve his own path towards Immortality.

BlandLife · Eastern
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: A Brawler's Weakness

The dust settled. Two figures were gradually revealed. One appeared to be shakily standing, while another was kneeling on the floor. The figure standing was the first to be revealed, it was Weifan. Then came Weizhe, who was kneeling on the floor, holding his head up to look at Weifan. A thud sounded, followed by the sound of a body shifting. The thud was Weifan, who had fallen over, and the shifting body was Weizhe, who stood up. The result of the final exchange: Weizhe wins.

However, even with the results out the stadium stayed silent. The members of the audience were shocked, however it was not Weifan's defeat which stupefied them; rather, it was the metallic gray spots which were scattered across Weizhe's flesh. One of the members of the audience, breaking out of her stupor, actually let out a "boo." Following this, others broke out of their daze and mimicked her actions, booing and letting out cries of outrage. Zhixin, who was overlooking the competition from a segment of the stadium reserved for members of the Murky Whip Horse clan, had an ugly look on his face.

"Elder Sister, this boy of yours really pushes things too far. It's one things to practice human body cultivation, but must he display it before this large audience." Beside Zhixin was Zhilan who had a helpless look on her typically stoic face. "It's surprising that Zhe'er has practiced body cultivation to the level of partially forming Iron Flesh. It's most likely the case that he has just obtained partial attainment during the intense fight with Weifan and thus can't control his appearance."

Iron Flesh was a phenomena that came as a result of body cultivation. Just like any other form of cultivation, body cultivation had it's own milestones. Beginning body practitioners typically displayed no signs that they practiced body cultivation until they achieved Iron Flesh. When one's entire flesh was capable of turning into iron, one would have the strength of a peak Qi Refining expert.

Weizhe displaying the hints of Iron Flesh showed his body was nearing the peak of the Qi Refining stage, having miraculously had a minor breakthrough overcoming his fear and facing Weifan head on. However, for a demon beast to actually practice body cultivation methods to this level could be considered a slap to the face of all demon beasts. A severe form of disrespect and insolence to the unspoken rules of beasts, who held disdain for human cultivation. This also caused some substantial harm to the clan's reputation, thus Zhixin's ugly appearance at the sight of it. Still, seeing as all the matches for the first group had ended Weizhe ignored the angered crowd and walked off the stage. Zhixin, on the other hand, cleared his throat, resulting a thunderous sound that silenced the disgruntled audience. The matches proceeded, with the second group going onto the platform.

The fights for the second group were also very intense. Two matches in particular stood out too the audience. First there was a match between Weidong and a male member of the clan, Weichen, where Weidong defeated his opponent in a single exchange. This was very similar to how Weizhe won his first match, however unlike Weizhe's opponent, Weichen was focused on the fight. Not only so, but Weichen actually had a bit of a reputation among his peers. Weichen practiced a unique technique that actually increased his biting strength. For horses who, aside from direct charges, typically engaged in stamina battles that involved biting and trampling the other, increasing their biting strength provided a significant boost to their fighting strength. This technique placed Weichan above many of his peers. Still, before Weidong's might his opponent could only accept utter defeat. The other match that stood out was actually one between two average clan members. It held no significant impact other than the result of the match being a draw, meaning that unless another draw occurred the following round would only have ten contestants remaining. Thus, no need to draw lots.

Soon, the third, and final, group was called up. By his side, Weiyang was using some of her spiritual energy to heal his wounds when she heard the call for the final group. Giving Weizhe a small shove, she used her head to point in the direction of the stage. Weizhe tilted his head, confused. Had he not already fought in his match for the round? Sighing, Weiyang once again shoved Weizhe, this time with more force, causing him to disregard his confusion and walk up onto the stadium.

Once again entering an empty ring, he waited for his opponent. He didn't wait long, entering the ring from the other side was Weijia. Weijia had none of the usual ridicule in his eyes, instead there was a solemness and seriousness in his eyes as he analyzed Weizhe. He had been watching the match between Weizhe and Weifan and had seen the poor state that Weifan had been left in. He didn't dare underestimate Weizhe because he had no spiritual energy. Weizhe, on the other hand, glared at his opponent as another surge of memories hit him, of another young horse who would often bully him. Similar to a bull preparing to charge, his forefeet pawed at the ground, sending dirt behind him.

Then, the match started! As soon it began, Weizhe, rather than charge foward, actually stood in place and observed Weijia. One thing was consistent in every one of his memories of being beat by Weijia, it was those whip-like whiskers which would extend from the sides of his face and lash him. This was the smart thing to do too, as Weijia quickly sent his spiritual energy into his whiskers, extending them until they reached three meters long, an entire meter longer than it had been a month ago. Many in the crowd who were observing the fight had mocking smiles on their faces seeing the difficult opponent Weizhe was placed against. While Weifan was an entire level above Weijia in terms of cultivation, Weijia's actual strength could actually be said to be equal. The reason behind this is simply because of the technique he practiced, the Murky Whisker Whip technique, which gave him a range advantage over those who specialized in close combat. A tricky opponent who could attack from outside their range was a brawler's weakness.

As a melee fighter Weizhe naturally held some fear towards these powerful whiskers, however he didn't remain idle and wait for his opponent to attack. Taking the initiative, he slowed trotted within the range of the whips, resulting in Weijia lashing him. He grimaced, his teeth clenched tightly as some blood leaked out of the new wound. The wound was only skin deep but, with Weijia's range and speed, if Weizhe was not careful he would perhaps suffer a fate not unlike death by a thousand cuts. This would be a difficult fight for him.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Some notes:

The "er" at the end of "Zhi'er" is a form of endearment meaning "child" in Pinyin.

Face - When I say lose face or a slap to the face, it means to lose reputation or take a blow to one's reputation.

In the case of this chapter it was the demon beast race taking a blow due to a beast using human practices.

BlandLifecreators' thoughts