
When we met

John and Chris were detectives and used to work under Anamika,they used to solve big mysritris which were not solved by police and Government agencies,but this time they themselves were in a big mystery.Anamika was having a big intrest in mysterious lands stories and all but was not used to believe in their presence in this world ofcourse because it is 21 century who believes in all these things. One day when she went to library to read stories and novels about mysterious or abnormal lands we came across a book which she had never seen, the book was looking very old.when she opened it the page which was opened left her surprised, it was page no.15 of chapter 8 means her birthday 8 month and date 15 when she reads the page and completes it she finds her at a different place it was not library, it was a very old room made up of wood and furniture was kept like bed cupboard etc. When she moved out of the room was she watched it was a castle with lots of rooms in it and after some time in next room she found John and Chris too.what was this all happening with them was surprising and unbelievable they tried to found the way to get out of this castle but they didn't find any and as time passed they found a lots of people their and they were all known to these 3 detectives these people were the ones whom they met in their investigations. Anamika was not ready to believe all this true but can't do anything now.As she started to ask everybody how they came here and bright light came from the sky and started to speak.....