
The Almighty


The Almighty




Precognition and Fate Manipulation as it's main abilites but it has other things like Self-Resurrection, Immortality type 4, Information Analysis, Power Nullification, Reactive Evolution, Power Absorption, Body Puppetry, Power Bestowal and Absorbtion.


Yhwach's own power and the source of his designation as "A". Upon activation, Yhwach gains his full power and his irises and pupils are split in two. Had he opened his eyes once in the 999 years after his original defeat, during which it took 900 for merely his heart to start beating again and another 90 to regain self-awareness, he would've been unable to control his own power and accidentally stolen the lives of all his loyal Sternritter.

The power of the Almighty is to see all that lies in the future, observing all possible futures like grains of sand in the wind, the knowledge that Yhwach uses to predict his opponent's actions and act accordingly. However, this is only a portion of its true power, which is the ability to outright choose between the futures that lie before him, rewriting fate as he pleases to best suit his goals. Yhwach can use this power to set up traps in his opponent's future paths, easily circumvent any defensive measures his opponent takes, and shatter their weapons and forms, breaking Tensa Zangetsu and claiming to have destroyed all the Bankai in the future. He can even rewrite a future in which he has died, and it is said that any power that Yhwach sees in the future will become his ally and grow incapable of harming him at all.


The ability works as Yhwach can observe multiple potential futures at once, and then choose the one that he wants to bring into reality, in really basic terms


The ability works on a Multiversal+ level, seeing how Yhwach can see and manipulate the infinite futures reflected within his eyes.


A big foil to this ability is reistance to or a higher manipulation of fate manip, the strongest showing of this was against Ichgio with numerous claims all leading to the point that Ichigo was changing his fate against Yhwach. The ability only applies to events that Yhwach has observed, only allowing Yhwach to manipulate events that he has seen in his visions of the future. He also cannot predict or control events that he has not witnessed, It can be countered by unpredictability: Yhwach's visions of the future can be disrupted by actions that are unpredictable or unexpected. For example, if his opponent acts in a way that Yhwach did not foresee, he may be unable to alter the future as he planned.

Been saving this one for a while now, cause bleach is goated.

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