
The Abandoned City: Avhelle

One day, God granted human kinds all their prayers before disappearing from the world. Everyone that wished wealth obtained immeasurable wealth. Everyone that wished immense power were granted super natural powers, similar to gods. Everyone that yearn to live were granted immortality. This sudden change of power caused chaos and sent the world to ruin. To counter the apocalypse, a hero, along with his disciples stepped in. He has power of God and put the punny gods to silence. He restored peace and revered as a new God by the saved people. He created a system to unite every broken nation. He govern people to let them live progressively into the new world. However, no matter how powerful he is, there was just one thing he can't do, and that is to cure people that were bestowed power to destroy and spread calamity according to their prayers. It's unfortunate, but for a gift that can be passed down through genetic, the bearers got to be executed. This is Kun's job. His father is one of the current God's disciples. He doesn't have a badge yet to work for his father since he never looked at him as a son, but he is determined to change his mind by going undercover to the most peaceful city around that world with zero crime rate, Avhelle."I mean, it's zero crime for centuries! There should be something in there!" Excited, Kun embark into his journey, a journey he will regret for his entire life.

Moth24 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Avhelle: The Green Family

The Green Family

"They have been waiting for you, madam."

Allesandra, Al's mother, walked gracefully, her aura catching the attention of all the guards standing in the hallway. It was decorated with precious stones, and chandeliers glittered from above. "For real, they are useless without us," she chuckled.

"It can't be helped, mother. Unfortunately, they got used to it too soon," Kei replied with a menacing grin.

"Can't disagree more."

The mother and son duo continued to walk until they reached the end of the hallway. There was a familiar heavy door. On both sides stood two guards. They then opened the door and politely gestured for them to come in.

"We're late. Oops, where are my manners!" Allesandra mockingly apologized to the men and women in suits sitting around the long round table.

"Of course, you're not late! You're always our main VIP!" the mayor replied, sweating heavily.

But Allesandra and Kei were indeed late. The mayor and the people in suits have been waiting for more than 40 minutes. This wasn't the first time they were late, and although the mayor can tolerate it, this is definitely embarrassing for him-a very influential person who holds 23.6% of the world's wealth.

"Madam Alessandra, allow me to introduce you to our most esteemed guest tonight," the mayor smiled, traces of worries spread all across his face. His short stature makes him look inferior and even pitiful. He no longer carries the pride of the Evans, not even a pinch. In front of him is a greedy and dubious man who wants to rise to the top. Ambitious, but without brains.

Allesandra already told the mayor not to do this, that is, inviting outsiders to participate in the meeting, but now it looked like he never understood a thing nor did he ever worry about the consequences.

"After months of pursuing, he finally accepted and joined our monthly meeting. Please welcome one of our most notable investors, Mr. Otis from Rain City!

He is always like this, calling opportunistic businessmen and politicians investors!

"Oh, I didn't know our city doesn't have enough money to fund safeguarding the peace that you went out of your way to look for investors," Kei argued.

"You completely understand it! I can expect nothing less from a smart guy like you!" affirmed Alessandra.

The mother and son walked to the center. They looked around. These so-called investors were excited, except for that one man sitting at the far end of the round table, Mr. Otis.

The Greens have heard of him, of course. To be honest, they're surprised the mayor pulled the strings to meet them. He must be pissed that he, one of the future owners of the Otis Corporation-a respected and feared family even in the prideful city of Rain-was asked to wait for someone like them, a fortune-telling family from unknown suburbs. As she thought of this, Allesandra saw his veins bulging on his wide forehead. Unlike him, most of these investors are waiting for them patiently, others are desperate. Well, not all of them meant bad. They, too, just want to live.

Regardless of their reasons, no one can stop Allesandra from making this choice. The Book of the Future which her late husband wrote had run out of chapters. She's glad that finally, the Green family can retire after years of suffering.

The mayor cleared his throat and began his speech proudly, "Avhelle is peaceful and progressive again thanks to you, madam, and as a result, both of us here benefited. I can see new faces here, and in the name of my father and great grandfathers, I assure you that you, too, will benefit from this."

The people around the table looked at each other. The mayor went on, "So, tell us again madam Allesandra, what does the future hold for Avhelle and everyone here? What will happen to the market 3-6 months from now? Are there any catastrophes that will cause the rise and fall of industries?"

Everyone leaned in and listened closely. Even the pissed-off Mr. Ostis did as well.

"Yeah, I can see the future," Allesandra declared proudly. She can see their excited expressions. They look like kids who are just about to discover some interesting secrets, and she's here to troll them. She continued, "I can see the future where we sit on the beach with my family, happily farming and living a peaceful life without entering this dark hall ever again."

There was an awkward silence in the hall. They were all puzzled. She knew why. They did not pay a huge amount of money just to hear that farce.

The mayor burst into laughter, "What a funny story! Always with the jokes, Madam Allesandra! Just like you used to tell!" The mayor tried to break the ice. He looked at everyone, who now had worried faces.

"We also wish we are joking, but we're not," Allesandra replied. Everyone was horrified. Even the mayor is speechless.

"The Book of Future my father wrote ran out of pages. You see, my brother has no talent and like my mother, I only have teleportation power. We regret to inform everyone that we can no longer follow the tradition, and we are only here to say goodbye," Kei added. With a gift that can no longer harm people or threaten God when abused, we are free to live, Kei thought to himself and smiled.

"Y-you are joking, right?!" one of the people responded in disbelief.

After the sea of murmurs, another person got up from his seat and slammed his fists on the table. He is beyond frustrated. He sold most of his assets just to be part of this meeting. He should be getting more. No, he should be! This is the only time he can finally turn his life around. He is not a gambler, and he was always afraid to take risks-until he got invited by a successful friend, telling him that this was the only gamble that guaranteed returns. Once he takes a glimpse into the future, he can decide what business to run, stocks to invest in, and even accidents to take advantage of! They can control wealth with the knowledge they'll get. His wife was in the hospital, so he's desperate to have the money for her long-term treatment. He put everything on the line for this meeting! With how it turned out, how could he tell his wife about this?

No! There's still a way. "G-give me my money back! This is a scam!" As soon as he shouted that, everyone else protested. Mr. Otis, on the other hand, just looked even more pissed. In his mind, he can't believe he got played. No one lives after humiliating an Otis!

"You must be joking! We all know that gift never fails to pass on to the next generation! It must be present in one of your sons, and you're hiding it from us! You just want to keep the fortune all to yourself! Shameless!" The mayor pointed his finger at the mother and son, but Kei snapped it like a twig. He shouted in pain.

The entire room was in chaos. Some tried to threaten the family with their respective powers. In just a few seconds, floating debris and fire engulfed the entire hall. This is a good chance. If the peaceful way won't work, then perhaps, tormenting the Green family is way better. The first one to kidnap or subjugate them wins. Their desperate minds are in one. One gifted user used his invisibility and tried to sneak in beside her with a dagger. Fortunately, the calm and collected Kei saw it. To be more precise, he and his mother expected it. His father wrote this on the last page, everything that will happen here in this hall.

"Too bad, we saw the future," Kei whispered to the man with the dagger.

His eyes glowed but like the abyss, it was endless. That is how the assailant saw them, before getting pierced by his own knife. Kei used his space magic to reflect the attack by surprise. It's not just him. Everyone's attacks are waiting to get reflected. Their materialized power went through a distorted space and came out with a sharp speed, just inches away from their throats and other vital parts. If they are not quick enough to stop and make a decision, they'll get attacked by their own power.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the warm farewell," Allesandra said as she smiled coyly at their hostages. "We hope we won't see each other ever again!"

She swung the sleeve of her kimono and they disintegrated into thin air, leaving everyone speechless. They then shifted

their anger to the mayor, determined to get back what they deserve.

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