
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Sins Vs The Demon King


"Right!" Diane said as she readied Gideon.

"Understood." King told him as Chastiefol spun around him.

"Merlin keep Elizabeth, Escanor and Hawk safe!" Isaac yelled as he turned to face the Demon King.

"Got it!" Merlin said as she threw up a Perfect Cubes around them. The Demon King smirked as they rushed him. He knocked Isaac away and him watched roll before he got hit by Gideon. When the dust cleared the Demon King was smiling at her. Before he could attack her King threw Chastiefol at him. He slapped it away and Isaac punched him in the face. The Demon King just smirked at him before picking him up by his throat and slamming him into the ground. Isaac coughed up blood as his ribs cracked. He slammed one of his appendages into Isaac before picking him up with it and throwing him against a wall. He spun and hit all of them at once. He made his way over to Isaac and picked him up with an appendage again.

"My halfbreed grandson from a dirty blood sucking vampire woman. How disgraceful." He laughed at Isaac's limp body. Suddenly Isaac was gone leaving the Demon King shocked. He turned around to see Ban holding him. Ban threw him to Elizabeth and began to fight the Demon King. Isaac opened his eyes slowly as Elizabeth healed him. He sat up and seen Ban trading blows with the Demon King. He powered up to his Hatred form and joined the fight.

"I should have destroyed you two when I had the chance!" The Demon King told them as he grabbed Ban by his neck. He went for Isaac but Isaac dodged his attack and punched The Demon King in the face hard enough for his remaining glove to break. The Demon King leaned back from the hit and Ban grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the ground. They both kicked him and sent him rolling.

"Those two are stupid powerful." Hawk told them, "Ban's power level is 700,000 and Isaac's is 800,000 but the Demon King is at 1,000,000."

"As long as they work together they'll win." Merlin told them. Ban was hit with an appendage but Isaac instantly went on the offensive making the Demon King focus him. He punched Isaac and Ban took over. He pushed them both back before looking up.

"Sighing Sage!" The Demon King yelled as a head flew into the air and began to send down a barrage of magical blasts that started to destroy the area. Ban and Isaac were to busy fighting the Demon King to intervene.

"Who is that?!" King asked as a silhouette stood up in the blasts, "Who else other than those two can withstand that attack?!" The silhouette shot into the air and stabbed the head destroying it.

"You!" The Demon King yelled as he watched Zeldris save them.

"My matters are with my son and Meliodas. I would kindly ask you not to involve yourself Father." Zeldris told him with a glare, "Did you know about me and Gelda when you told me to execute the vampires?" Isaac's eyes widened when he heard that last part.

"I was saving you from yourself my son. That whore of a vampire was tricking you." The Demon King told him calmly, "This bastard is proof!" He pointed right at Isaac when he said that.

"Then we have nothing left to discuss." Zeldris told him while tightening his grip on his sword.

"So be it. Hermit of Moments!" The Demon King yelled as several creatures with blades on their heads flew at Zeldris. Everyone watched as Zeldris killed them and looked back at the three. The Demon King grabbed Ban and Isaac and slammed them into the ground. They watched as the Demon King sliced through Zeldris' chest. Ban and Isaac slammed their fists into his face.

"THAT WAS YOU OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!" Ban yelled as they sent the Demon King flying.

"YOU TOOK MY UNCLE, TRIED TO EXECUTE MY MOTHER AND WORST OF ALL YOU KILLED MY FATHER!" Isaac yelled as his anger took ahold of him. He grabbed his head as his darkness consumed him. He fought it back and glared at his grandfather.

"Isaac's power just shot up to 900,000!" Hawk told them with his eyes wide. Ban and Isaac began to lay into the Demon King before they both kicked him in his stomach. The Demon King slid back and tried to attack them with his appendages but they dodged them. They both kicked him and he bounced across the floor. The Demon King roared and began to fly around sporadically.

"Now what?" Ban asked as he and Isaac watched him.

"We have to drive him out now! He's planning to take the Captain out with him!" Merlin yelled.

"Ban we need to make him stay still!" Isaac yelled. Ban nodded and they appeared in front of the Demon King. They both grabbed on and began to slide back until they finally stopped. Isaac and Ban kicked him into the air as the others prepared their attacks.

"Arc." Elizabeth said with a glare.

"Perfect Cube." Merlin cast while grinning.

"Pollen Garden." King said as he lifted his fingers.

"COMBO MOVE: TRIPLE PRISON!" They all yelled as their magic surrounded him. The Demon King slammed into the walls until they broke and he slammed onto the ground. He glared at Isaac and Ban before Hawk jumped on his head and covered his eyes.

"DIAMOND TOWER!" Diane yelled as Hawk was thrown off. A giant jagged crystal shot out of the ground and slammed into the Demon King. He screamed in pain as he was carried into the air.

"FINISH IT NOW!" Every Sin yelled to Ban and Isaac. They jumped into the air above the Demon King with their arms cocked back. They both punched him in the gut and destroyed the tower.

"Did that do it?" King asked with wide eyes.

"Yes it did. He's back." Elizabeth told him as she wiped away a tear.

"Boy oh boy. You two really messed me up, I can't move at all." Meliodas laughed as all three of them laid on the ground breathing heavy.