

"In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers tower over beautiful parks, the underworld of it all thrives under the rule of gangs and corrupt authorities. Within the chaos and the captivating landscape, Two teenage gang leaders, Paul Walker and Nicole Ruby, once inseparable childhood friends, Now find themselves locked in a bitter rivalry fueled by their ambitions, unaware to them of their shared past. But a chance encounter reignites their long-forgotten friendship that was buried within time, by an accidental kiss. As now both of them, Driven by an overwhelming thirst for revenge, they plunge into a dangerous game of prank warfare Navigating through the power and corruption that filled the city, Paul an aggressive and fun-seeking gang leader, struggles to balance his thirst for fun and close friends, with his responsibilities to find his missing brother. while Nicole the obsessive and power-hungry student council president, battles between her desire for her father's love and her mother's expectations, yearns to reconnect with her absent father. Will do everything to get what they want, Their desire, driving them to insanely desperate lengths, regardless of consequences. Caught between loyalty and darkness, Paul confronts his moral compass in a world where danger lurks at every turn throwing him towards the dark side. Yet amidst the chaos, laughter, and adventure thrive for Paul and the six other gang members and closest friends. As stakes rise and loyalties are tested, they'll realize the thin line between innocence and corruption, As Paul and Nicole spiral deeper into a web of vengeance and ambition, The stakes intensify as their personal ambition and hatred threaten to engulf not only just their lives but the fragile balance of power in the city Who will emerge victorious? Will friendship survive, and at what cost? Dive into a tale where opposing forces collide, redefining power and loyalty amidst chaos."

DansNovastories · Action
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the school grounds, the atmosphere filled with tension. Frustration hung heavy in the air, mixing with the scent of damp clothes and the faint sparkle of glitter that had wet all the clothes within the area surrounding the second track.


But in the midst of it all the vice principal was the most important one to be wary of after being wet, because an unpredictable man like him might do something beyond anyone's nightmare.


The vice principal, Mr. John, an imposing figure whose broad shoulders and chiseled features commanded respect.


A jagged scar traced its way across his cheek, a testament to his no-nonsense demeanor and unwavering authority.


Now, soaked with water and confetti, forcing him to make an intense gaze despite what was on his face.


Many students held themselves from laughing from the strange combination of intensity and glitter, but they almost all successfully held themselves in because, in the end, this strange combination was like adding glitter to a gun.


It would still kill once used.


"I...l apologize, Mr. John," the terrified Miss Nagasaki stammered, her voice trembling as she scrambled to rectify the situation.


"L...Let me clean that up for you right away."


Miss Nagasaki, trembling with worries, immediately rushed to his aid, but Mr. John's intense gaze turned towards her.


"Who is responsible for this? I expect answers," in a deep and menacing tone, Mr. John's voice reverberated through the space as he demanded an answer.


"But for now I'll leave this to you. Find the idiot who did this, and send him to me… or deal with it as expected. I'll be leaving now," he said, cleaning himself up and then leaving.


"Hmmm, that Paul kid is an interesting one, I guess I have to keep an eye out for him," Mr. John thought as a small grin was evident on his face.


As Mr. John's intimidating presence started to leave, Miss Nagasaki's voice calmed as a sense of relief was present in her.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Bucky, did you really think you had this race in the bag? So much that you planned a celebration in advance, huh? That takes some serious guts. Pretty risky move, am I not right?" Paul taunted loudly, aiming to get under Bucky's skin. However, his true intentions were not hidden to Miss Nagasaki.


"You crazy kid, you must have to learn that things won't always go your way, but whatever not to get fired, let's just follow this for now," Miss Nagasaki thought furiously but was willing to cooperate.


"Bucky," Miss Nagasaki's voice rang out with authority, her finger pointed directly at him.


"What is the meaning of all this? So many students have already been affected by this foolish play of yours. You better prepare for the repercussions of your actions, because it won't be a laughing matter."


"Hell no, it wasn't me! I swear, it must have been that bastard Paul. Why would I do any of this?" Bucky exclaimed, his confusion evident in his voice.


"Watch your mouth when you're talking to me kid, if you know what's good for you," Miss Nagasaki warned her eyes glaring as cold as the night.


"Argh! This is already getting too frustrating, how am I going to deal with this… Should I just make the call now?" Bucky muttered under his breath, struggling to contain his anger.


"Perfect, keep going, just a little more and get expelled already," Paul said in thought trying not to laugh.


"Bucky Thomas meet me in my...," Miss Nagasaki was about to yell out as a sudden interruption arrived.


"Sorry for the sudden intrusion ma, but it seems you are mistaken. Bucky is not the one we are looking for in this case," a familiar voice added, a face known throughout the entire school.


With her neat dress, respective badges on her school uniform that commanded authority around her, her well-groomed hair, and the terrifying aura about her.


"It's that student over there with black hair. Here, picture proof taken by my officials," Nicole with a terrifying tone said pointing to Paul's side after showing Miss Nagasaki a picture of a person with black hair messing with the sprinkler system during night time.


"Huh! What the heck, I'm sure no one saw me when I set this up, and I made sure Leo hacked into the school system to not show me when I passed the security cameras, so what the heck is she talking about,"  Paul thought completely shocked by her pointing towards his side she held her composure completely well.


"What are you talking about, I didn't do anything," Paul yelled out.


"Not you, you fool, I mean him. 'Desmond Young', come over here now," Nicole said as where she was pointing to become completely clear.


"Darn it," Paul was completely shocked by the sudden change, immediately feeling annoyed for falling for that.


"Wait," Desmond interjected, his voice tinged with panic.


"I didn't do anything. I'm absolutely certain I'm not the one in that picture. Check again, please. I swear it's not me."


Nicole walked closer.


"Quiet!!!!" Nicole said, yet at the same exact time,




A loud slap was heard from Nicole and Desmond's position, spreading everywhere. Desmond's head suddenly felt heavy, and he started to feel dizzy as though Nicole had slapped the shit out of Desmond, literally.


"If you know what is good for you, comply unless you want to face a fate worse than death," Nicole with a terrifyingly cold tone whispered quietly to Desmond.


"Why!!!... Why did you do such a stupid prank, now our beloved vice principal has been greatly affected by your foolish play, how do you expect to repay for it now, huh? With your life? No, no, no, what am I thinking…"


"It has now become too worthless with this foolish act. Be prepared for a very disgraceful expulsion very soon, because it is the very least we can do for you," Nicole yelled out loud trying to shift the blame onto Desmond.


"Yes... ma'am.." Desmond, still feeling the pain of his bleeding ear, responded.


"Good, now get out of my sight, head towards my office at once," Nicole said out loud as soon after Desmond left crying, shedding tears in fear of his unexpected expulsion.


"What the heck is all this rubbish, I spent so much time setting this up, and you Nicole just came and spoiled it all… argh!!!" Paul frowned in frustration, clenching his fist so hard veins started to bulge out as he watched Nicole free Bucky from his trap.


"This crazy bastard, did he really set up all that just to frame me, how the heck does someone set that up without anyone knowing, because I'm sure I didn't see him,"


"I have to be careful of this bastard… his pranks are starting to get more dangerous and annoying," Bucky boiling with and glared at Paul just wanting to punch him.


Paul's gaze immediately turned, landing on Bucky with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. Sensing the sudden shift in attention, Bucky tensed and goose bumps all over his hands.


Which is completely understandable. After all, just how much stupid must a mouse have been to bare its teeth in front of a monster?


Paul walked over toward Bucky's side trying to hold himself in.


"Just because you got lucky today doesn't mean tomorrow or next tomorrow will be the same, and just because you kept up with me in the race doesn't give you any form of right to feel so high on yourself you dare gaze at my presence,"


"And don't even dare complain why I'm doing this, you messed with my home, you messed with my life and plans, and worst of all you messed with my sister, now I'll mess up your life,"


"Be happy I'm taking it lightly with you and just pranking you because I know my limits and I won't go further than that… unless pushed to. This will be a last warning, try to f**k with me again and I will f**king punch the life out of you," Paul's clenched fist, gritting teeth, bulging veins, complemented his words said with a tone beyond cold and terrifying.


As Bucky heard Paul's words, almost forgetting to breathe, a memory flashed through his mind.


"His sister huh, I don't think I knew about her, because it reminds me of the promise I made to mine," Bucky said drowned in his own despair remembering a sad memory of his sister smiling.


Afterward, Paul took a deep breath and began to walk away.


He passed by Nicole's side. In that instant, they both glared at each other intensely, both gazes telling each other unspeakable words.


"This guy's just freaking lucky huh, regardless of the top security in this school, and me even giving strict orders to Bucky to watch over Paul, he still found a way to set that thing up, his really starting to get annoying," Nicole said in thought, staring calmly at Paul as he walked away.


"But I will still get rid of you no matter what. You came out of nowhere and stole my first kiss, and came to this school to become a nuisance to me, and so I'm going to make you pay," Nicole thought her fist clenched.


Nicole moved over to Bucky's side.


"You seem so hell-bent on getting on my bad side huh, Bucky? Watch your steps, because if you keep pushing me, I'll make sure the consequences are more than your death-wish can handle," Nicole spat out, her anger evident as she glared at him before storming away.


Bucky stared after her with an empty gaze.


"What have I become?" His voice was barely a whisper as he watched Paul and Nicole walk away, a knot of confusion and disappointment tightening in his chest.


It felt as though with each step they took, the more they became a greater threat to his life, binding him inextricably to them with unwanted shackles.


"Tch," Bucky muttered under his breath, annoyed at finding himself in such an undermining situation.


With a shake of his head, he quickly walked away from the scene, eager to distance himself from the rest of the world.


"I guess I'll go to the toilet, to make a call," Bucky thought to himself. He noticed a bird on the grass, struggling in pain. He moved over quickly.


Soon after, Bucky was seen helping the falling bird untangle it's wings that had been caught in a branch, offering it a reassuring smile and a bandage from his pocket. He released it, letting it fly, leaving a weak smile on his face.


"I wish I was as free as you," Bucky thought.




In the busy basketball court, bathed in bright lights, the air buzzed with excitement. Players dashed around, dribbling and shooting with speed. Spectators cheered from the bleachers, adding to the lively atmosphere.


Alen paused for a breather amid a fierce bracket ball game. Sweat dripped down his face as he caught his breath. Around him, other players also took a moment to regroup, their determination clear in their faces.


Alen focused on resting while the others ccontinued, his mind racing with strategy. Then a sudden realization popped into his mind.


"Yo, Fushiguro, I'll be back soon. Just need to hit the restroom," Alen called out to his friend, who nodded in acknowledgment, still engrossed in his match.


As Alen made his way toward the restroom, his thoughts drifted to the stressful events of the day. Concern for Paul gnawed at him, mingled with a hope that his friend wasn't stirring up trouble.


"Darn, today's been rough. I just hope Paul's okay... or rather, I hope he's not causing more trouble," Alen muttered to himself, his brow furrowed with worry.


But as he approached the restroom, Alen heard a familiar voice speaking softly.


"Big sis.."


Intrigued, Alen moved closer, his curiosity piqued. As he eavesdropped, he recognized the voice of someone unexpected.


"What's that annoying brat doing here?" Alen wondered, hiding behind a nearby wall, straining to hear the conversation unfolding.


"....." the voice was so silent I couldn't hear.


But, Alen's eyes widened in surprise and terror and concern…


Of what?


Who was this person really, and why did he just say that?


His heart raced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, wondering what secrets were about to be revealed.


What did he say?


I wonder.

Lately have been sooo busy with school work I early get anytime to write

That why

I hope you can be patient with me

Because I will be going on hiatus

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