
Spare Me, Please

"I think I need to finish college." Clarity said. "Ah, it's fine. Work is going good." Omar said. "All three?" "Yes." "Listen Omar," Clarity said "We have 3 childern." "Please work hard, or else we'll only spare one."

"What are they talking about? Spare? What's that supposed to mean?" asked the youngest, Emiko. "I-I don't know. They never told us about this." Jack answered, the middle child.

"I think they might give us away." "But atleast keep one" "Don't be silly" Emiko laughed. "Shhh! Be quiet!" Jack ordered. "We might wake up Sam or mom and dad might hear!" Sam was the oldest of them all. Emiko was 10, Jack was 13 and Sam was 14. "Let's go to sleep." Jack said. "It's midnight."

They crawled into their beds. Emiko fell asleep fast. *I'm scared.* Jack thought. *I still don't know what they mean by "spare"* worried thoughts put him to sleep.

It was 6 am when Omar woke up. *First job.* He thought to himself He dressed in his outfit and ate no breakfast. He didn't dare to. *I need my childern to eat.* He brushed his teeth and started the car.

"What size? Sir?" "Yes a medium, please" "Coming right up!" Omar sighed as he assembled the food. "Here you go." "Thanks." "OMAR MINATO PLEASE COME TO THE MANAGER'S DESK" "Ooooo" his co-workers teased. Omar ignored them and started walking to the manager's

"You called me?" "Yes, listen Omar." "So you know how you have 3 jobs right?" "Uh, yea." Omar replied as he toyed with his fingers. "Well." "I'm firing you." "What?! Why?!" He asked, his heart, beating furiously. "It's too much work on you."

"I feel bad." "Go, start your next job. Omar, listened, and went to his next job.

The same thing happened to all three of his jobs, for the same exact reason.

"YOU WHAT?!" Clarity yelled. "Oh, my god." Clarity laughed, then started to cry. "I guess we'll keep one.

"How would we decide?" Omar asked. "We'll write the names on papers and put them in a hat." "Then, who's name ever is first, that's who we'll keep."

"Alright, here goes nothing." she picked out a piece of paper. She opened it and the paper read,
