
Chapter 3

There it stood! A large, lilac, brick castle. Fire lilies were growing all around the garden. Honeysuckle vines were creeping up the walls. "This," said Tyla, "is the Sparklimmar Palace." The oak front doors of the castle burst open and a tall fairy with transparent wings and long silver hair flew out. She had a crown on top of her head, so the Grade Fives guessed that she was Queen Crystalia. A short fat bicorn stumbled out of the castle and rubbed against Tyla's leg. "Hey, Golden-Gallop!" said Tyla playfully, "How're you doing buddy?"

The chubby bicorn snorted happily then stumbled back into the castle. The queen giggled slightly then gave Tyla a stern look. "Come in!" her voice mirrored her expression. Tyla and the Grade Fives followed Crystalia back into the castle. There was a long, broad, red and gold carpet trailing down the hall. Unicorns, bicorns, pegasi, alicorns, hippogriffs and gryphons were trotting and flying around. At the end of the hall was a throne and thirty chairs in front of it.

"Sit down!" Queen Crystalia instructed, to which the Grade Fives and Tyla each took a seat.

The queen waited for them to all sit before sitting on her throne. She turned to the boys in the Choconin Army and said, "Tyla tells me you boys travelled here by ploits! How did you get hold them‽" The boys looked at each other, before Chate said, "we told you, we woke up here, perhaps we touched them in our sleep somehow?" Queen Crystalia stared at him for a moment then said, "That's actually a good point there, Chate." "Tyla, Summon Pipi the Ploit-goblin!"

Tyla clicked his fingers and unexpectedly, a small, green, creature with bat ears and blond pig-tails appeared. "Yes master," Pipi croaked, "why did you call for me?" "PIPI!" Tyla shouted, "WHY DID THESE BOYS HAVE PLOITS IN THEIR BEDS?"

"Oh master, yes, I have been meaning to tell you! The path I was taking went over the school to which they attend. When I got to Paris, master, I discovered a hole in the bottom of the bag that I was shipping the ploits. I saw that all of the ploits were missing, so I tried to find them." "Oh

Pipi, what am I going to do with you!" said Tyla, slapping his forehead, "Did you at least give Jolyn and Ron some ploits so they could come home?" "Ehuh, no, master." "WELL, I SUGGEST YOU GO DO THAT!"

"Yes Master, I will." "You had better!" With that, Tyla clicked his fingers and Pipi disappeared. The Grade Fives stared at Tyla. He turned to them and said, "Pretend you didn't see anything and I'll give you each a box of Vanilla Custard bites, deal?"

A few moments later, Queen Crystalia got up off her throne. "Because of the anti-animal charm not working," she said calmly, "the vortex is broken. Until we find a way to get you back to your world, I have eleven spare rooms to offer. So can you all get into pairs?"

The Grade Fives divided into pairs. The queen gave Chloe, who had turned into a mermaid, a necklace so she could float just above the ground. "Tyla," said the queen, "You take these ten to the spare rooms on the West Tower. I will take the rest to the rooms on the South-West Tower. When the kids get there tell them to wish for some of their bedtime objects. Such as a book or a teddy bear. Then lead them to the Grand Hall for dinner." Tyla lead Rhys, Gio, Tisah, Josy, Weston, Raiyaaz, Michaela, Chloe and the two teachers up a nearby staircase. Every minute or so, they would come to a door and a pair would go in. Rhys and Gio were the last pair and went through a door at the top of the Tower. There were two large four-poster beds to one side and a small bathroom with a curtain for privacy.

"Close your eyes,' said Tyla, just like he told all the others. "Wish for at least three things you want from your home, but don't wish for something living." Rhys closed his eyes and muttered, "I wish for Slick, my top deck chocolate slab, and the book I am currently reading." At once, a sloth – plushy toy, a slab of chocolate, and a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, showed up on one of the four-poster beds. Already on Giovanni's bed was a pair of pyjamas, a cap, and a copy of Matilda. Tyla then left.

Gio went to the toilet and just as he came out a small, orange and magenta monkey slid through the open window and took Slick the sloth – plushy and tore him in two. "NO!" Rhys shrieked, "SLICK! LET GO OF SLICK!" At once, Tyla came in and looked at the monkey. "FIRE-MONKEY!" said Tyla, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" The monkey named 'Fire-Monkey', dropped Slick and leaped into Tyla's arms. Rhys stood there in shock. "Oh, don't worry, I'll fix him." Tyla picked up the remains of the plushy and stroked them. A second later, Slick's pieces swirled through the air and went back together. Rhys took the sloth and said, "Thanks.' "You're welcome!" said Tyla, "Fire-Monkey, I never want to hear that you have done that again, EVER!" Fire-Monkey nodded sadly and Tyla left.

Two minutes later, Mrs. Jackson went around the West Tower collecting the kids to go down to dinner. The Grade Fives were lead by Tyla, into a room with a long table and several chandeliers hanging from a glossy white ceiling. There were hundreds of elves, fairies, and other mythical beings sitting around the table, all of whom stared when the Grade Fives arrived.