

No it didn't have a name, it didn't need one. The home world was as close to paradise as one could imagine. Inhabited by graceful delicate beings with skin of jade and copper hair and deep green eyes. They had never known war or famine, for their race was one of the most beloved in the galaxy.

Other races traded with them but not recently as the arm of galaxy currently left the trade area. In a millennium or so it would re align with the wormholes.

Unfortunately they discovered that they were wandering to the vicinity of a previously unseen black hole. Help would not arrive in time to save them. The greatest geniuses had a plan. A yellow sun had been detected less than a parsec away. They could use their asteroid defense field to alter their planets orbit to ride the event horizon, propelling it into the goldilocks zone between the 3rd and 4th worlds of the yellow sun.

The inhabitants mobilized quickly building vast underground shelters where they would hibernate. Samples of every life form were gathered and preserved, stored away until they could live again in their new home. The true heralds of their civilization were vetted to survive the great journey. A galactic mayday was sent.

So imagine about 50 years from now a black hole was detected approaching our sun. We had our asteroid deflection field, but nothing could save us from our fate. What if a genius found a way for us to survive. Now imagine this happened to but our closest neighbor.

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