
The 4 Books of Chronicles

There was a 4 Books full of magical Powers and it's looking for the right holder. The books have a name, the first book "Chronicles of power" this book is the most powerful which manipulate and controls all the elements like fire, wind, earth, water. Second book "Chronicles of destiny" the Power of this book can foresee the future and the destiny of the individual and events or the happenings of the future. Third book "Chronicles of Unity" this book is a forming with a deep connections of the mystical beings and enhancing their strenght and knowledge. Fourth book "Chronicles of legacy" the last book focuses on achieving a harmonious control over the balance of Light and Darkness. But... This book is dangerous, if the holder of this book having a bad desire, the book will turn into a Darkness which controls all the monsters. And if the holder is having a good desire then the world will be at peace....but unfortunately there's a lot of people wanted to snatch the book for a bad desire which leads to a ruin of peace. The keeper of the 4 books want to find the right holder and the keeper is going to the kingdom of Aurelia to find the holders. The Aurelia kingdom is the widest kingdom compared to any other kingdom.

Hanabi_J · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Sea Giant

They already gathered at the outside and they all brought what they need "so...old gu we will be going, as promise you're going to give that thing after our mission" keeper said clarifying the words of old gu 

They are now heading to the sea giant's place, keeper cannot use his teleportation power because his in the water. They are just floating with the help of eliza's power, eliza created a big bubble and they get inside. 

"Where is the sea giant's place keeper?" Victor asked while holding his sword and sitting on the bubble's floor "well...old gu says when we hear a hard roar which means that is the sea giant" keeper looking at victor "ahhh, okay HAHA" victor truthfully did not get it he just laugh awkwardly 

The run of the bubble become faster, and eliza is Making the bubble even bigger "woah, I think eliza it's enough HAHA this bubble might explode" jem said worried with the possibility of exploding "don't worry jeremiah, I make this bubble even bigger and even harder" eliza replied

While the others are chatting, tobias is just silent and did not speak a little bit "what's wrong tobias?" Keeper said walking toward tobias "Nothing, just thinking about what will happened if the world is being ruled by the monsters" tobias looks so sad and thinking a negative thought "don't worry tobias I won't let that happen" keeper said certain with his words 

As what keeper said tobias is now smiling a little bit "so...are we almost there?" Tobias getting fired up and eager to kill the sea giant "yeah...I think so" eliza said while operating her bubble. Victor used his power and he's using his smell power if the enemy is near "we're here, I can now smell the scent of sea giant" said victor

Victor gives the direction and eliza quickly moved the bubble and it's running so fast...the bubble is running fastly, they finally reached the sea giant and victor is determined to say that the sea giant is now close to them "How was it victor?" Tobias and eliza both asked victor "the sea giant is now Closer to us" jem gasps as what victor said because he's not yet ready

The Sound of the sea giant's roar is so close and they are preparing their sword and book, (The books cannot be wet to a water because it is Magical, it can be used in the water.) Jem is holding his sword tightly

"Everyone prepare to attack if the sea giant show up, and be careful because according to old gu, there's a big diamond inside it's body" keeper said reminding them "wait, what do you mean Diamond keeper?" Tobias wondered "that diamond is worth for a one sword...but we can talk about it later just remember don't kill the body everywhere be careful with the diamonds" keeper said

The sea giant ia geeting closer and finally it shows up and they begin to attack it, tobias and victor attacked the sea giant to the head, and eliza is attacking to the feet while jem is not so sure where to attacked "what are you waiting for jem, go fight the sea giant" keeper said with a loud voice "I-I don't know where to attack" jem is hesitating

Keeper holding the hand of jem suddenly "you should attack at the middle" keeper and jem are now to the front of the giant's stomach and keeper lift his wand and attack its stomach, the sea giant feel the hurt because keeper's aim is to let the diamond inside it's body to move and so the sea giant feeling hurt for what keeper did

They continue to fought the sea giant with all their strenght and with a team work each of them are attacking everywhere to the sea giant's body. Jem is attacking at the back of the sea giant and uses his sword to stab the back, when they see that the sea giant is now full of wounds and feel weak they suddenly formed a formation

"Everyone formation" keeper said. Everyone is now in their positions and the keeper is now at the top of the sea giant, the 4 books are lightning and they are chanting some words. While they're chanting some of the power of the book is going to the keeper's wand.

The keeper's wand is now lightning brightly and after the chant, keeper is now aiming to the sea giant's head and his wand is full of a power thanks to the 4 books. The sea giant is now Knocked off and they bind the sea giant tightly.

"Woah, finally it's done" jem said with relieve "yeah, this sea giant is so strong, but we are more stronger HAHA" eliza said being so high "keeper, how about the Diamonds?" Tobias said reminding keeper about the diamond "yeah, about that, let's just uhmm...lets carry this sea giant and give it to old gu because he knows what to do about it" said keeper

They now begin to go home still with the bubble of eliza and they also carry the sea giant to eliza's bubble.