
The 4 Books of Chronicles

There was a 4 Books full of magical Powers and it's looking for the right holder. The books have a name, the first book "Chronicles of power" this book is the most powerful which manipulate and controls all the elements like fire, wind, earth, water. Second book "Chronicles of destiny" the Power of this book can foresee the future and the destiny of the individual and events or the happenings of the future. Third book "Chronicles of Unity" this book is a forming with a deep connections of the mystical beings and enhancing their strenght and knowledge. Fourth book "Chronicles of legacy" the last book focuses on achieving a harmonious control over the balance of Light and Darkness. But... This book is dangerous, if the holder of this book having a bad desire, the book will turn into a Darkness which controls all the monsters. And if the holder is having a good desire then the world will be at peace....but unfortunately there's a lot of people wanted to snatch the book for a bad desire which leads to a ruin of peace. The keeper of the 4 books want to find the right holder and the keeper is going to the kingdom of Aurelia to find the holders. The Aurelia kingdom is the widest kingdom compared to any other kingdom.

Hanabi_J · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Rafa The Nymph

Keeper and the others are staying at the Invisible house of jeremiah and zenia was there waiting for them. Zenia is sitting at the couch and he's eating while listening to keeper's story. The others are taking a nap and jem is preparing a drink for them.

As the keeper continued the story, zenia is amazed with the sword so he touch it without keeper noticing"wow, this sword is cool, For what you said volumoso that this sword is from a nymph....could it be that this belong to Rafa?" Zenia said "rafa? Who is rafa zenia?" Volumoso is wondering

Zenia surprise gor volumoso's word "what? Don't you remember rafa?" Zenia said again "who is that rafa? It's my first time hearing that name?" Volumoso didn't remember rafa zenia wondered why volumoso did not remember rafa "volumoso, do you have a memory lost?" Zenia asked to clarify his doubt "yeah, according to old gu...some of my memories had lost" volumoso said lowering his voice with sadness

Zenia sipping his drink "ahhhh okay." Zenia said while sipping his drink. Volumoso is confused to the word of zenia "tell me zenia who is that rafa?" He asked zenia again "well, rafa is a nymph and I think she is the owner of this sword because I once saw her holding this sword...and I just remember it" zenia said with a smile remembering rafa

Rafa is a nymph, she was the owner of the sword dyia. She is the bone of the king which means she always follow the wishes of the first ruler king, she is once a warrior on behalf of the king and its kingdom. Rafa is being saved by the first ruler king in the midst of her difficulties.

Rafa is known to be a wild nymph since she always go everywhere going rampage and so everyone is afraid of here and they called her a wild nymph, because rafa is a hot headed she always get mad and impatient. Also, zenia and rafa are ally when it comes to fight.

Before zenia and volumoso meet...he first meet rafa and he always saw rafa tailing the first ruler king like a dog, he seems to think of it as weird or odd but, rafa wishes to be on the Kings side as always and she became obesses for following the king.

"Hey, zenia are you alright?" Volumoso tapping the back of zenia "ahh, yeah I'm alright I just remembered something about her" zenia said back with his self again "ahh, we should better take a rest because tommorow we will go back to the kingdom" volumoso stand up and heading to the room.

As volumoso heading to the room, he notice jem is not in his side anymore "where's jem?" Zenia stand and looking to jem and he saw him outside the Invisible house sitting to a big circle rock "hey, jem what are you doing here it's already late you should better take a rest" zenia said reminding jem "I can't sleep" jem said looking sad "what's the matter? What a long face is that?" Zenia asked jem uncertain to his question "well, uhmm...I heard about the name rafa and it bugs me a lot like somehow I heard the name before" jem is recalling his memory "did you know that volumoso forget some of his memories?" Zenia added

Jem is shocked and he gasps slowly "the keeper lost his memories? Why?" Jem asked zenia but zenia suddenly stand to the big circle rock "what are you doing zenia?" Jem asked again, zenia is just being quiet don't want to talk about it "so...tell me jem where did you hear the name rafa?" Zenia is back again to a serious mood "I think when I am still a child I feel like I heard some names like that" jem is hardly holding his head he wants to remember the time or when did he heard such a name.

Zenia still standing and looking at the sky "she's pretty like the sky" zenia suddenly said "Pretty? Who?" Jem is eager to know the who. Zenia stop talking and he don't want to say the name, for what he said it's actually for rafa because he is inlove with rafa....Rafa is such a beauty, nice green hair, and a flawless skin.

Jem is also looking at the sky "wow the sky tonight is so pretty, I just remembered, when my father just talks a lot about the stars he said that," the stars is my way for a battle" I dont knkw what he meant about that" jem said remaining his look to the sky "it means that every obstacle, you will still fight and fight for your life and those stars are always guiding us through thick and thin and we can find our way of battle" zenia added.

Jem is amazed for zenia and he look at him "wow, Amazing zenia" jem applaud "haystt, it's not Amazing its natural...come on jem let's go back and take a rest. Jem nod and they both get back to the house and now sleeping.