
Chapter :3 (PROTECT the SUN) part:1

(Morning at Ersalim)

The birth of the prince made the people of Ersalim in joy.Rumors about the prophecy and about the prince divine features began to spread throught the empire.People were eagerly waiting for the King to introduce his new born at the faer event(Event in which king introduces his newborn to his subjects ,called in that era).The new born became the central theme everywhere inside the empire ,gradually these rumors began to spread to other empires ,Fikdold Empire and Credikapto Empire.Fikdold Empire is the Empire of Dwars and Elves ,Credikapto Empire is the Empire of Demi humans and Monsters.They were both planning to sent there representatives to the Origo empire,


"All hail the king ,Long live king Agustus Long live the prince " These praises were flying up in the air .People gathered around the capital city Ersalim,near king Agustu's castle they were all eager to meet the divine child ,Representatives of other kingdoms and the other two Empires were present ,they were all seated properly at the stadium built for this event ,the common folks were separated from them by metal barrior,and they were seated above them.Childrens , Men ,women and even old focks were carrying small and large flags of the Origo Empire and were praising there king in their loud voices.

Large horn sounds were heard, Two knights in golden armour carrying a large flag of the Origo Empire marched from the front door of the stadium . A man with white beared and blue mage outfit followed them by their back.The stadium became silent ,wispering of people could be heard slightly ,they were adressing the man ,they were curios to see the blue mage tower master at close.It was an impossible feast for the commoners ,they coudnt even dream to meet the mage tower masters even in their 1000th life.The man in blue outfit began to speak. His voice resonated throughout the whole stadium."All hail our kingdoms Life,our men's strength,nation's pride King Agustus"

After his praise a Horn played and two other people's came out from the front door one was wearing a red mage outfit and another was a women ,she was wearing a green mage ourfit ,Following them Kalkal and group of knights came out wearing golden armours. After a few moment King Agustus and Queen came out ,she was holding The new born who made people forget about the sun shining above them, was seen in her hands .Both the mother and the Son looked godly and divine people began to praise the Queen and the prince.The King took the prince from the queen's hand an raised him, so that his subjects could have a good veiw of the prince.The citizens raised their voice and showed their happiness.

From the east part of the Ersalim large sounds were heard ,The sound of magic bomb...