
The Quest....

After he gets to know about the eagle face he looks around, he finds an old book it was about the quest of John Brittler about the 27 stones for sealing "THE DUNNERS".He then thought should get out from here because of the Dark knight. He may try to kill him.

So he runs out of the castle with the old book in his hand. He sees the Dark Knight has almost healed his wound. He sees an ORV in a distance.

ORV is a vehicle which can go offroad without getting damaged.

He runs and gets it and escapes into it and goes.

After a long way from the castle, his ORV disappears and falls on the ground.

But he still has the book in his hand, then he gets to know that it was just a mirage.

He goes through the book and gets surprised that there were no pages in the book 📖.

He feels anxious, nervous...