
The old castle...

The man approaches me and tells,the same thing which the fairy told .But i got additional information about THE DUNNERS.

The old legend tells that a samurai called John Brittler had sealed the DUNNERS in a old castle,he had sealed them into a magical bottle which was hidden from the eyes of evil people so that they cannot unleash them into the open air.The old man was the grandson of the samurai John Brittler, he even tells that they are no more protectors of the bottle because he was the last protector,so thats why he sent a magical message to select the saviour of the world,which was me ?.

This was the legend of the samurai John Brittler.

I asked him for where the bottle was hidden,he replies to me in a very sad tone

that nobody knows where the bottle is hidden and he vanishes into thin air..

This made me look puzzled.

I had no idea where to go ,i randomly walk away from the spot and i see a fairy in the air i went and asked her what to do ?


That is the only way i could save the world and free everyone from the clutches of the DUNNERS. I thought why dont i go into the castle and start my quest.

After walking about 8 miles i see a big,old,black building it was the castle !!

i started running into the castle and see a dark knight at the gate who has a spear with a eagle face on the bottom.

I thought there is some kind of mystery with the eagle face even the old man had a eagle face but at the top of his stick....