
The 13th Loop (Halted)

[Mature content] This is due to violence and gore that it to occur, swearing, sexual references, major forms/depictions of abuse, mental health issues, self-harm, and even talks of suicide and the like. I do not suggest readers under the age of 17 due to some of the things that will happen in the story. You have been warned so read at your own discretion _______________________________________________________________ Nadia Luna, a 24-year-old woman suddenly becomes a 15-year-old girl called Evangeline Espinoza who is destined to become the 'villainess' that gets killed by the 'heroine' and her supposed 'knights'. But not long after waking up in this world, she learns of a curse that has been afflicted on this world with Evangeline at its center. Nadia is the 13th person, it is the 13th loop around from beginning to end. Nadia's goal is to avoid the men that become the 'heroine's knights' and to change the ending she knows as Evangeline's ending. As time goes on more and more strange things begin to occur that hated 'villainess' begun to draw attention to herself from high-ranking figures in this new world she's been sent to. Monsterous creatures appear that desire her death. What was once a video game Nadia played in her free time has become reality, and what she once considered her normal reality has become increasingly twisted. With many worlds in front of her at her fingertips, the greater the secrets that she faces. Will the plan she's come up with change the ending or will the 13th loop end in failure like the others before. But will ending this loop truly be the end or is there more in store for Nadia? ______________________________________________________________ 'I know I have a plan and all but let us have a little fun and see how far I can push this mad man since I've managed to run into him somehow. And if I die I die.' Nadia sighed as she looked at the man in front of her that was practically emitting an air of hostility. She thought of him as a wolf. "I wish to hear your reasonings young duchess of Espinoza. Why are you in the royal garden." "Sigh... can't I just take a nice stroll without being threatened? Or maybe I came to kill you after that thing at the banquet for ruining the atmosphere of the party. You can choose a dear wolf prince." Evangeline replied smiling slightly. "After all you've must have heard what people call me even though you've been on the battlefield most of the time... to protect your youngest brother of the same mother. The mad lover of glamour Evangeline... honestly the dumbest name I've heard I much rather have your socialite name it sounds better than mine." she added with a sigh crossing her arms. The 'wolf prince' pulled his sword and placed the tip of the blade to her throat Evangeline instead of fear smiled her eyes gleaming. This unnerved the 'wolf prince' he never expected a noble lady to act in such a way especially towards him. She was arrogant didn't care if he killed her it all clicked for him at that moment. "Tsk, I'm not going to help a lady commit suicide." "Aw, my ploy was found out how boring. You're clearly not as mad as they say though... what a pity, I had my mind set on dying today." Evangeline turned around. "If you are not going to kill me I have little reason to stick around 'little wolf' maybe next we meet you'll be able to sink your 'fangs' into my neck." She laughed waving her hand. "I was looking forward to seeing the people of the Espinoza dukedom scramble over 'my' dying body. It's fun to watch people suffer especially when they deserve it." She added before stepping further into the garden with a smirk her silver eyes shining slightly as she glanced back over at the 'wolf prince' she left behind confused starring at her. 'He might actually be more useful to me than I initially thought.'

Arsin_Vulpine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


She returned to her store/house with no real issue. The boss left once they entered the store 'fulfilling' the request of his father though she told him it was completely unneeded. Before he left, she requests for him, she requested him to harvest the ore in the location that she learned from the information guild Vemonlight. He had no complaints when she told him he'd be allowed to make a few weapons with some of the ore he gathers. They made a 60 – 40 deal, she owns the land they mine it. She was fairly content with the end results and was going to officially purchase the land the following morning, though there was no real rush as only herself the boss and vemonlight know about this location currently.

After all that as night begun to fall Nadia new her work for the day was not entirely done however rest was important so Nadia and Akiko went to one of the rooms and begun to rest before the sun fully set. That following night Nadia was resting with Akiko who was in full beast form covering her with his tails. But while the two where resting an intruder had arrived and worked on one of the windows eventually forcing it open. The magic barrier that Nadia had set up prior was of course still working as such it woke Nadia up informing her of the 'sudden' intrusion.


'I wanna see their skills in person that's all.'

With that the two pretended to be asleep as the intruder roamed around the house looking through drawers and the like looking for valuables only to find there was no. There was nothing of worth in this house. However, the intruder remembered the necklace they saw Nadia warring while walking through the slums. To make sure they didn't do this for nothing they had to be direct and steal it right from her completely unaware at this moment Nadia was awake and waring it.

They turned towards the room they were avoiding since they knew people were inside it. The reached forward grabbing hold of the doorknob the slowly opened the door trying to make sure the door that clearly was fairly old didn't make a noise and wake their targets. However, when they looked into the room, they could help but flinch back and stumble at the sight of Akiko's large form, but they quickly regained their composer.

They made their way over to Nadia and was reaching up to try and swipe the necklace. However, a blade from seemingly out of nowhere was placed upon their neck. "I wouldn't do that." Nadia purred opening her eyes locking her 2 coloured eyes with the intruder's.

They jumped back surprised as Nadia stood up Akiko flicked their tails. "You did pretty well get here. Almost missed you actually coming into the house. A few more years of training and you might be able to slip past me like one such as you ota to be."

"W-who are you."

"That's not really all THAT important at the moment. But you really shouldn't show when you're afraid like that Ciara Byrd. I saw you scoping me out earlier though I didn't expect for you to come here tonight. It was very fast. I'm a little surprised but no matter I have use for you and your family.

"How do you know who I am? NO ONE should know who I am."

"Mmmm… a trade secret I'm afraid."

"We'll since you've seen me either way, I cannot allow you to see the light of tomorrow.

"So soon? I wanted to try and talk a little while longer."

Nadia paused as she brought her blade us. "No matter I guess no reason to put it off. I must prove myself after all I if wish for them to appear." She paused. "Though I must say it's quite annoying that I must pass such a good chance of death for my little side job that I took up. Not matter even then I wouldn't just roll over and die even if deaths my one true wise. The trill of fighting against is truly invigorating."

"I don't know what you are talking about but if you wish to die, I have no problem bring forth such a wish."

"Hahahaha! I don't think you quite kid." Nadia chuckled. "Death is my ultimate goal. To end this painful existence I'm currently trapped in, the hell that I experienced in my current life. However, I made a promise never to let go easy or freely. But It's a real rush to fight none the less so I will never go down easy either with words or with a fight." Nadia replied was an evil smile as she twirled the blade in her hand.

Ciara Byrd shifted slightly as she pulled out a short sword. Nadia looked at the girl for a moment thinking. 'I defiantly can use this person. But either way I must prove myself and beat her!' She decided as she herself got ready to fight.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm sick doing this and typing hurts.

I'll be taking a little break for a couple of weeks to a month. I'm getting burned out and need to get a number of things prepared for the story's future.

Arsin_Vulpinecreators' thoughts