
The History of the World - 3

When Yang Ce woke up, the sun was shining through the cracks of the curtains and illuminating the room.

"There's a window here?" He asked himself.

He had not noticed it last night as he was too deep in thought and tired.

Yang Ce pulled open the curtains and looked outside of the palace for the first time. To say that the view was incredible was an understatement.

His window was hundreds of feet above the ground. Outside were countless rows of buildings and an occasional park. Far off in the distance were huge walls that surrounded the city. Not far from the window, a giant statue of a blond man covered in robes of light stood valiantly. The statue stood above every building in the city, making the people below seem like ants.

Yang Ce simply stared out of the window in awe for what felt like a few minutes. Suddenly, a large gust of wind blew over the city walls in the distance. The clouds darkened, and a giant beast covered in lightning landed on the city walls. Its arrival caused the entire city to shake. It looked exactly like a western dragon from mythology on earth. 

The dragon leaped up and flapped its wings, heading towards the palace that Yang Ce and the other heroes were residing in.

Surprisingly, no commotion took place. Yang Ce could not help but wonder if the appearance of dragons was a common occurrence in this world.

After waiting and seeing no other movement taking place, Yang Ce stopped looking outside and left his room. 

In the common area, 5 of the other 13 heroes were sitting with books in their hands. Wei Yin, the hero of transformation, was sitting on a beanbag chair in a corner.

The other 4 were in the center area, discussing something.

"I wonder if this book truly contains the history of this world?" The hero of strength, Shu Wen asked.

"It is likely glorified to a certain extent, but we have little understanding of this world. Everything here could be completely true." The hero of life, Daisy commented.

Sai Ni, the hero of sound, and Yao Lin, the hero of the sword, continued to silently read.

"What's all this?" Yang Ce asked.

"According to the servant that brought them, books on the history of the world." Daisy said.

Yang Ce nodded and walked over to the small table in the center, grabbing one of the 8 remaining books stacked on it.

He silently sat down and began to read. 

The book was short and could be summed up briefly.

In the beginning, humans had no guide. They were no better than common animals with slightly more intelligence.

That was until the god of light, Ying Xiong, first appeared. For 1000 years, he guided humans to create the society they know today, and gave them the ability to gain power.

After the 1000 years, he disappeared, never to be seen again. The counting of years started the moment that the god of light appeared, and it was currently the year 2,433.

Demons appeared in the year 2,383.

Despite disappearing, the god of light left behind the last resort manual, which led to the summoning of the 13 heroes.

That was the most basic background of the world.

In the current world, there were three human kingdoms, all governed by the empire. The 13 heroes were summoned in the sword kingdom. 

The other two kingdoms were the lightning kingdom and the buddhist kingdom. All together, they made the human empire.

Reading about the lightning kingdom made Yang Ce think of the lightning dragon he had seen earlier.

He shared the information with the other heroes, prompting noises of surprise. Even Wei Yin looked over.

"Dragons, huh. Hell yeah." Kui said. He had left his room while Yang Ce was reading.

"I was wondering what that shaking was." Daisy said in enlightenment.

After around an hour, all of the 13 heroes were in the common area, excluding Cid, the shadow hero.

After 30 minutes, a few of the heroes, not including Yang Ce, decided to check up on Cid.

The group consisted of Daisy, the hero of life, Kui, the trick hero, and Cecilia, the summoning hero.

They entered Cid's room while everyone else, excluding Wei Yin who was still in the corner, watched.


After a moment, a yelp was heard. Cid soon came out of the room with a slightly red face.

It was around 30 minutes later that a servant entered the room and addressed the 13 heroes.

"Your majesty requests that the heroes come to the dining room for breakfast." The female servant said with a bow.

Nobody refused as everyone was quite hungry. They talkatively walked down the hallway, excluding the ever silent Wei Yin.

Soon, they arrived at an open arch that led to a grand dining room. Ahead was a long table filled with various foods. At the end were two men sitting side by side.

Close to them were the 2 women and the man that had been standing next to the king yesterday, as well as another unknown woman.

"Heroes! Welcome. Please take any seat you please." The king said.

The man beside him quieted down and studied the heroes. His gaze stopped on Zeus for an extra moment before continuing to the rest.

The 13 heroes, without thinking too much, sat down and ate. Yang Ce could not help but feel that the food was even better than on earth, which seemed weird for a clearly medieval society.

"I don't believe any of you heroes have been introduced to my family and our guests." The king said after a few minutes.

"This is my son, the crown prince, Gui Lan." The king said as he pointed to the male that had been standing next to him yesterday. The prince had blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled and waved at the heroes.

"This is my wife, Gui Yun, and my daughter, princess Gui Le." The king said as he gestured at two of the three women. The queen had blond hair, while the princess's hair was dark brown.

"Beside me is the king of the lightning kingdom, Lightning Xu." The king said.

"That is his daughter, Lightning Mui." The king stated as he pointed at the remaining woman. Both the lightning king and the lightning princess had blue hair.

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