
Round 2

there was an age limit and a cultivation limit for those who could enter the inheritance ground. at most, those under 100 years of age could enter, and those with a cultivation below the martial King realm could enter. but before anyone could enter, the empire would closely scan a person, ensuring they were not an enemy. 

I was of course able to enter, but before I or anyone else, a small tournament was held to take those with 10,000 people, 10,000 of the most capable people. but there was a unique token that allowed a person to bypass the need for such a tournament, which the crown prince managed to get for me, Nalan Yanran, Luo Yun, and Shi Long.

Even So, we went to watch and we were surprised to see Xiao Yan. It was shocking, it had only been about 11 months, and within that time he went from level 4 Houtian to level 1 Xiantian. thats 11 levels, in such a short amount of time in an era where the resources were not as rich as the empire. by now, Nalan Yanran had told me that he was a diamond-rank talent, but I couldn't care less.

As the match began, Xiao Yan shocked the crowd even more. His body was at level 4 Xiantian, and his soul was at level 10 Houtian. all added together for Xiao Yan to show a power rivaling those at level 5 Xiao Yun, and using his flames his power boost allowed him to fight those at level 9 Xiantian. he made his way into the top 5,000 where he stopped caring and stopped fighting.

With my sharp senses, I knew that If Xiao Yan wanted, he could have fought for the top 10. How could Xiao Yan pull something like that off? It seemed like the technique Xiao Yan used allowed him to fuse flames into his body, but he could fuse it on a deeper level. with my senses, I could sense that in the past, he had forcefully fused it not into his body, but into his very blood, boosting his strength by a huge amount, at the cost of him burning himself alive.

yes, the fastest person to reach the Martial Emperor realm was only 99 years old, but he rushed through every realm. In the end, he barely had the strength of a Martial Lord. For the average person, there would be about 200 years from his empire. those for those true talents, they were able to reach the Martial Lord realm within 100 years, 

the main reason Xiao Yan's body was so strong was for this main reason, he cultivated his body more than anything else to use this technique...

"In the inheritance ground, use this to locate Nalan Yanran," Shi Yong said calmly while standing before Xiao Yan, and giving him a compass that pointed towards Nalan Yanran, this was created by Ling Han, for the sole goal of making sure they could find each other if they were separated within the inheritance ground, of course, Shi Yong could care less about find Nalan Yanran

"A thing about Nalan Yanran, her strength is about to step into Miartal Lord realm. Ling Han has not given much attention in these few months due to him paying more attention to his growth, even so in his free time he helped her." She said calmly 

"I see... why don't we go sit down and talk about this matter over a meal, it has been almost a year since we last met... and you look as beautiful as ever." Xiao Yan said with a smile while looking at the average face before her, 

"Kill her and I will personally take you out," she said calmly before turning around and walking off, but upon doing so a deep frown covered her face. she was sure that Xiao Yan could see her true face, but if someone like him could do so, then should Ling Han?

"Who was that?" A beautiful red-haired woman, with hair, danced in the air like the flames asked. Xiao Yan smiled slightly seeing the beauty, Cai Lin. She was found within a unique space where he found the heavenly flame, she was the last surviving people of the snake race. the Blazing-headed Hydra tribe. unlike the normal Hydra which used deadly poison, they used deadly flames.

the Heavenly Flame within Xiao Yan was called the Golden Snake Heavenly Flames, there were countless numbers of flames, and this flame was ranked in the top 1,000. What was a heavenly flame you ask? it was a flame that was the offspring of the strongest flame, the origin. all flames before the heavenly flame shall bow, just having a heavenly flame shall make all other flames submit, no matter the powers.

"I told you about her you woke up, Shi Long." He said with a smile, to which Cai Lin nodded. She was in a deep keep for thousands of years until Xiao Yan appeared waking her up. her father who had sealed her away had made a trial for the person who would find her and free her, Xiao Yan passed the trial so she was following him, and they would work together to get revenge on those who slaughtered her tribe.

"I will be getting revenge on Nalan Yanran, I might need your help." He said to which she nodded calmly, She looked deeply at Xiao Yan for a moment but said nothing. She knew Xiao Yan was in love with her, but Nalan Yanran's existence made it hard for him to truly love anyone. this would soon form a demon heart if he didn't deal with it, sighing she walked towards Xiao Yan, and with a flash she disappeared, entering a unique treasure that held its world...

time passed, and soon the day to enter the inheritance ground arrived. all 10,000 gathered before a large portal, all looking at the portal that was opening. after a moment, we all entered once the portal stopped growing.

stepping in, everyone found themselves losing all sense of space... all but Ling Han who quickly took control, and for that split moment before he was randomly teleported away, he used it to map out his whole dimensions, before he was teleported away, arriving in a forest.

'this whole thing is a continent.' I thought while looking at the sky, a Martial Saint was a powerhouse, their levels split into early, Mid, High, and Peak. at the early martial Saint, a person could have the power to destroy smaller Countries

At Marital Saint, a person can destroy those bigger Countries, while those at High Martial Saint could have the power to shake Continents, and a peak Martial Saint had the power to shake the biggest of Continents

this dimension was once the inner world that belonged to a peak Martial Saint, which was impressive. the air was rich with energy, which sped up my body and mind's adaption to my law. there was something unique about the Qi in the air, it reached a level of quality that the outside world couldn't match.

"well... before go get that enlightenment tree," I said and with a step, I disappeared appearing under a tree which I went on to sit under, and comprehend the law of space. sitting under the tree of enlightenment helped clear my mind, and helped a person put 100% of one's mental power into comprehending anything I wished to comprehend. that was not all as the tree helps with, one could better sense the law of the universe sitting under this tree, allowing one to sense the universe,

The Barrier to Level 5 of the law of space shattered just a few hours into sitting under this tree. Spatial Genesis was the name for the 5th level. at this level, one could create a stable dimension that would not be destroyed without them. but that was not all a person could do almost anything with space, just limited to their power and level of understanding of the law of space.

the space within this dimension had a different time flow to the outside world, we would be in here for 3 years, but in the outside world, only 1 month would pass. It is this time difference that allowed this dimension to recover after every 10 years people enter.

So, days passed, and far away, Shi Long who was heading towards Ling Han found her path blocked by a few people, who were looking at the treasure in her hands. It was a flower that gave off a unique smell to enhance a person's cultivation, cultivating near this flower would greatly enhance a person's cultivation speed up to the Marital Lord realm,

"Hand over that flower... you're quite the average, but you have a nice body. so how about you remove a few clothing for us." the leader of the group of men said with a cold smile while walking towards her, they could all sense, that Shi Long was only at level 5 Xiantian, such a weakling barely entered this place.

Shi Long ignored them and simply smelled the flower in her hands, she thought for some time, before sighing, walking past them, and going on with her day. slowly the group began to age, in seconds they turned into old man, with their flesh hugging their bones, and their eyes and hair losing all color. 

"W-what did you do to us..." The leader said weakly while slowly turning to look at Shi Long, in their eyes, she had suddenly moved at high speed, walking past them. but that was simply because she sped up her own time to become faster.

Shi Long disdained to look back, even as their body turned to dust under the power of time, disappearing with the wind. 

'Why is my power of time nothing compared to his power of space...' She thought with a dark face. a few times she and Ling Han sparred, and every time she was able to breakthrough Ling Han's wall of infinity using the power of space, her physique allowed her to steal time, so the wall of infinity had no time to grow was left useless, allowing her to hit Ling Han... at least thats what should have happened.

Ling Han simply had to remove his blindfold for his power of space to overwhelm her power of time. even without the blindfold removed, she could break through the wall of infinity, how was she to face Blue and Red, those were areas of effect techniques, forcing her to such the time from around her, creating a nearly unbreakable barrier. but Ling Han could shatter through it,

Ling Han had power in the Martial Saint realm, meanwhile, she had power only at level 5 Martial Lord. She was enraged, they both had unique physiques, his eyes and she had her physique which gave her power of time

Space and time, yet why? Why was Ling Han so overpowered? Sure her strength was greatly limited due to her being in this universe, but at most in her universe, she would have power at the level 10 Martial Lord.

She let out a deep sigh, she didn't even look up as many people came trying to get in her way, be it beasts or humans, and she refused to give them a second thought. she all turned to dust. in her eyes, there was only one person worth paying attention to, and that was Ling Han. Xiao Yan was capable, she was planning on killing him soon... did you forget? She was the enemy of this universe, why on earth would she support the enemy side? she would return to her universe and get revenge on those who dared to attack her clan.

She had friends and family waiting in that other universe, plus her other family members were spread out, she needed to find them. but that was for the future, right now she just needed to ensure that Ling Han could go save Nalan Yanran when she was about to be killed by Xiao Yan.

she soon arrived at the tree, only to find that the space there was off. Ling Han without knowing had created a wall of infinity that made it impossible for others to near the tree. it surrounded the whole arena within a range of 1 mile, something she was not sure Ling Han could do... no, she was sure he didn't know he could do it.

Stepping forward, she used the power of space to break through the wall of infinitely, and calmly headed towards LIng Han. everyone was shocked seeing this, not understanding just how she did it. they rushed to the spot she entered through, but the wall of infinity had already recovered,

She ignored them, and soon reached the tree to find Ling Han just sitting there. she didn't dare to near seeing the weird things happening around her, space was twitching and acting in all types of weird ways, if she was not careful, she would but cut in half by a wing blade.

She thought for a moment, before sitting down. if it's like this, then Ling Han would not be able to sense Nalan Yanran's trouble...

"it's time..." Xiao Yan said calmly, after 3 days he was told to have to kill Nalan Yanran, unlike Shi Long, Nalan Yanran would not be able to reach Ling Han so easily.

"Are you sure about this? can you trust that woman?" Xiao Yan's master asked calmly, making Xiao Yan who was looking at Nalan Yanran who was not too far away sigh softly.

"She wants to kill him because she is half dragon, she would most likely want to kill me to cover things up and ensure no one else knows of such a thing... but would she dare to kill me knowing if I die, everyone would know of her little secret?" He asked with a smirk, to which his master went quiet.

"What if Ling Han, the guy isn't simple? given the amount of time that passed, his strength is sure to have reached the Martial Saint realm. You should go and try and take control of this space if you wish to have the upper hand over him." His master said calmly, to which Xiao Yan nodded before taking a step forward and shooting forward.

up head, Nalan Yanran who had just killed a beast suddenly sensed something heading her way. she quickly turned around, only to see a heavy sword. She quickly reached out, her palm catching the heavy sword with ease, but she quickly let go as her flesh was burnt due to the heat of the sword. She quickly jumped back, looking at Xiao Yan with a cold look, before smirking.

"Jealous?" She asked with a mocking smile, to which Xiao Yan's face turned cold. tightening his hold on the heavy sword, he let out a deep breath as flashed back to that day the engagement was broken off and happened

It was at the Xiao Clan meeting, already the whole clan saw her as nothing more than trash. it was when Nalan Yanran suddenly appeared, causing all of the elders within the clan to brighten up, trying to please her with her words. No one other than the younger generation dared to bully him, those elders all tried to act nice in front of him, not daring to enrage her.

Nalan Yanran entered the meeting room, the kind and gentle woman everyone knew gone, she just coldly looked at everyone, as if they were all trash which had wasted her time. she walked towards Xiao Yan, who had gotten up to greet her with a gentle smile

Without saying a word, she just took out the paper that spoke of their engagement and destroyed it. watching those papers fall, it felt like his soul, his heart, and body were all ripped apart at the same moment.

"I have come to cancel the engagement, I will not marry trash. a man without a future, worth, or anything of the matter. the fact you haven't killed yourself... do you not feel shame?" She asked calmly, before shaking her head and just up and walking away, leaving Xiao Yan standing there frozen. No one said anything for some time, as they all looked at Xiao Yan who was crying. after a moment, he couldn't just stand there and ran after Nalan Yanran, wishing for answers,

"Answers? I was only ever with you because I thought you were talented... but look at you, a cripple, a waste of air, a person whose life has no meaning but to burden others. these years I was here with you... A huge waste of my time I shall regret for years to come, honestly, I should just kill you... but what's the point? you're not even worthy of that." She said with disdain before disappearing with a movement technique,

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