
The 101st Legion (English)

In a world plunged into chaos and darkness, "The 101st Legion" tells the epic struggle of a group of young survivors facing a devastating apocalypse caused by mysterious supernatural forces. Led by Rayber, a determined and brave young man, the group must confront monstrous creatures and the constant threat of the APX-WET disease, which turns humans into relentless zombies. The story begins in the Dominican Republic when Rayber and his friends Rohwder, Henry, and Axel find themselves in the middle of an ordinary school day that quickly transforms into a nightmare. A sudden attack within their school marks the beginning of a series of events that lead them to fight for their survival and seek answers in a world that has lost all sanity. With the city in chaos, the group embarks on a dangerous journey to La Romana and beyond, encountering other survivors, facing betrayals, and forming unexpected alliances. Throughout their odyssey, each member of the 101st Legion develops unique skills and faces their own inner demons, while working together to unravel the mysteries behind the apocalypse and find a safe haven. The narrative is infused with anime influences, with references to series such as "Attack on Titan" and "Fullmetal Alchemist," and is characterized by action-packed scenes, unexpected twists, and deep bonds of friendship. Amid the despair, hope and courage intertwine, leading the protagonists to discover the true strength of their union. "The 101st Legion" is a story of survival, friendship, and the tireless fight against the shadows that threaten to consume the world. As they face increasingly deadly challenges, Rayber and his team must decide whether to succumb to the darkness or ignite the spark of resistance to save humanity.

Rayber_Polanco · Action
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34 Chs

Information, Love and an Apocalypse

The mansion of Legion 101 vibrated with a strange mixture of tension and relief after the rescue operation. Rayber, still in shock from the truth he had discovered, sought a moment to talk with Aurora.

"Aurora, we need to talk."

"I know things are tough, but we're in this together."

"It's not just that... It's something more personal."

Meanwhile, in an empty room, Henry interrogated the rescued scientist, seeking more information about the Shadows and their connection to the underground laboratory.

"We need to know everything you know. What is the purpose of the Shadows?"

"I don't know much. I'm just a pawn in their game. But I know they are evolving and searching for something more."

Back to Rayber and Aurora, the tension mounted. Rayber looked at Aurora with determination.

"Aurora, there's something you need to know. Since I met you, I've felt something more than companionship."

"Rayber, where are you going with this?"

"Aurora, I'm deeply in love with you."

Aurora was silent for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Rayber, in the midst of all this chaos, you decide to declare your love for me? You're a peculiar man."

Rayber: "Well, I thought if we're facing apocalypses together, we might as well do it in style, right?"

They both laughed, releasing some of the accumulated tension. Meanwhile, Henry continued interrogating the scientist.

"We need to know more about the Shadows. Where could we find them?"

"There are rumors of an ancient underground laboratory. It is said to be their headquarters."

Henry took note of the information while Axel, elsewhere in the mansion, seemed lost in thought. Rohwder noticed the melancholy in his expression and decided to address the issue.

"Axel, are you okay?"

"I'm just thinking about all we've lost. Henry and I were the last of our original group. Everyone else is gone."

"I know. But we keep going. We have a mission to fulfill."

"What if we can't stop the Shadows?"

"Then at least we tried. I don't mind dying, but one thing I do know, we can't give up now."

Axel nodded, grateful for Rohwder's frankness. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the mansion, Rayber and Aurora continued their conversation.

"Aurora, after all we've been through, I think it's important to live in the moment."

"You're right, Rayber. But we must also think about the future, about what comes after all this."

As the night progressed, the mansion fell into a tense silence. The group prepared to face the challenge of finding and confronting the Shadows on their own turf. Hope and uncertainty intertwined in their hearts as they prepared for the next phase of their fight for survival.

Henry listened attentively to the scientist's words about a possible enclave hidden underwater, a revelation that triggered a series of thoughts in his mind.

"Underwater? But how could we get there without being detected?"

"There's a cave that connects some parts of the city to the laboratory. One of those accesses is under an old factory, near the dock."

Henry processed the information as the scientist continued explaining the possible dangers and challenges they would face in their search.

Meanwhile, Rayber and Aurora shared a quiet moment amidst the tension surrounding the mansion.

"I can't help but think about what the future holds for us, but I'm grateful to have someone like you by my side."

"And I'm thankful to have someone as brave and strong as you leading us."

The group, with their emotions and strategies intertwined, prepared for the difficult task ahead. The idea of facing the Shadows underwater filled them with uncertainty, but determination and the desire to end the threat drove them forward. The mansion echoed with whispers of conspiracy and hope as they approached the next chapter of their fight against the Shadows.