
Chapter 18: Confrontation & Mental Greeting!





- Dropship Crash Site | The Ground -

- Arthur Pendragon -

"Hey, what the hell is going on here?!" I shout walking down the ramp.

"We're here now. Everything is gonna be okay so put down your guns." Kane says.

"Lower your guns men." I ordered them.

The Rangers and Bellamy lower their guns but still maintain a firm grip on them.

"Good. Now hand them over-..."

"I'm sorry but yeah no."

"We're from the Ark, you can trust us."

"Just because you're from the Ark does not mean I can trust you." I respond.

"Hand over the guns. You are not in control here anymore." Kane responds sternly.

"Oh, really now?" I asked him with a wicked grin on my face.

Observing the group Kane is in almost causes me to laugh aloud at his ridiculous statement. Including Kane their group consists of 6 people. Kane, Abby, and 4 guards. 3 of the guards only have pistols and the only people with rifles are Kane and one other guard. Compared to my 15 Rangers and Bellamy with rifles as well as Octavia, Lincoln, and me with my magic and skills they don't stand a fucking chance.

Especially because all my Rangers are level 7 and both Bellamy, Lincoln and Octavia are level 9. Kane is level 8. Abby is level 5. The guards are all level 4 besides the one with the rifle who is level 5.


I snap my fingers causing all the Rangers and Bellamy's rifles to rocket back up into firing position. The guardsmen all raise their weapons in reaction.

"Grr..." I heard from my right.

Looking out through the cracks in the wall I spot a pair of familiar violet eyes surrounded by pitch black fur.

'Why look who's back.' I think to myself.

A few days back Shadow had become used to being lazy. He was fed at a certain time and never hunted on his own. He began to grow fat because all he would do was lay outside my tent like a guard dog. Not that I didn't appreciate it or anything, it's just... it was slightly sad to see him go from an energetic pup to a lazy juvenile Dire wolf.

So, I decided that I would rectify that, I took him out hunting and had him hunt down a small rabbit. That somehow energized him again because within the next 3 hours after the first rabbit we had already caught and killed 9 of them. That's when I decided no matter how sad it would be I had to do this. I told him that he needed to hunt on his own without me and I left him out there.

He understood because he didn't come back the next day, but my Ranger hunting teams did report that they had begun to find mangled Rabbit and Doe carcasses.

'Let's hope he remembers me.'

"Shadow, come to me!" I yelled.

The wall crashed down and a shadowy black figure with bright violet eyes could be seen through the dust cloud. The figure stalked over to us, and I observed the guardsmen beginning to shake after they saw the size of the creature.

"W-What, the hell is that!?" One of the guardsmen screeched after Shadow walked out of the dust cloud and stood by my side.

"Oh, this little guy?" I asked him while petting the now 5'6 Direwolf. "This is my pet Dire wolf, Shadow."


Race: Dire Wolf

Sex: Male

Level: 20

HP: 2,090

MP: 1,100

"You still think I'm not in control?" I asked Kane.

"We don't have time for this!" Abby shouted as she pushed past Kane and got in front of me.

"You're Clarke's mother, right?"

"Yes! Where is Clarke? Is she all right?"

"She was when we left but when we came back, we stumbled upon this." I indicate towards the ash and skeletal remains. "We're still trying to piece together what happened, but we have a good idea." She sighs and looks disappointed and saddened by the news.

"What happened?" Kane asked.

"An explanation that is not meant to be said here." I told him. "Umm..." I stutter looking towards Abby.

"Oh, Dr. Abigail Griffin. Nice to meet you..." She introduces herself and holds out her hand for a handshake.

"Arthur Pendragon." I respond shaking her hand. "We have a patient that needs to be looked at inside the dropship."

"Lead the way."


"Marcus, it's fine." she says, looking back towards him before walking past us and into the dropship with two of the guardsmen.


After the guards helped Raven down the ramp Bellamy took over and offered her his shoulder.

"Abby, get ready to move out. We gotta get there before dark." Kane tells Abby as she scratches on the dropship.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked Kane.

"Home." That was all he responded.

As we walk out of the destroyed camp walls, I look over curiously at what Abby wrote.

'Clarke please come home 22 KM South/SW -Mom.'


- A Day Later | Alpha Station | Councilor's Chamber | The Ground -

After we had been issued our quarters, I ordered Raven to go and set up the radio, I also told her to attempt establishing contact with the other stations after being treated.

A day later and now Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, and I all stood in front of Kane and Abby recounting our experience of what happened and any information we have on the grounders and the supernatural.

"These... things... they're real?" Kane asked baffled.

"Yes, and they're extremely dangerous." I tell them.

"If these supernatural creatures exist then... does magic also exist?" Abby asked skeptically.

"Yes, it does." I say forming a small sphere of light into the palm of my hand.

[-20 MP]

"Th-That's real magic!" Abby exclaims while Kane just stares stupefied.

"So, you're telling me even with magic and guns you couldn't beat these..." Kane asked for clarification.

"Werewolves. Werewolves are resistant to normal bullet materials such as copper, lead, or steel. Their only weakness is silver and magic." I answered him.

"If that was the case wouldn't the camp be able to defend themselves due to your magic?" Kane asked confused.

"Normally yes, but I was outside of the camp with half of our forces and ammo at the time. I didn't expect a werewolf pack to perform a full-frontal assault. It's my fault that 47 of our people died. I vow to rectify that mistake though and I plan to do that with the conquering of Mount Weather." I declare causing Kane and Abby to be shocked not only at my declaration but at my name-dropping Mount Weather.

"Mount Weather? What does that have to do with this?" Abby asked confused.

"Mount Weather is inhabited by survivors from the nuclear apocalypse that happened back in 2052. The grounders call them the mountain men, and they're the ones that took our people."

"How do you know this?" Kane questions.

"I know this because there were gas grenade canisters still left on the ground indicating that whoever took them has more advanced tech than the grounders. The grounders use arrows and spears. Axes and swords."

"No guns?"

"No guns. Only the mountain men use guns."

"If we know where they are then let's go get the kids!" Abby spoke up.


"Arthur." I hear Raven enter from behind me.

I turn towards her and nod her for her to continue.

"You know how you told me to set up the radio right?"


"Well, I began to try contacting the other Ark station, but I kept getting interference. I found out why. Mount Weather's jamming us."

"Show us." Kane says standing up.

"I don't take orders from you." Raven says staring at him.

"I'm the chancellor! You-..."

"From what I heard, you weren't elected chancellor, Kane. You only have the job because Jaha is stuck in space." I say forcing him silent.

I turn towards Raven and nod. "Wait till we're done here. I'll meet you outside."

Raven nods and walks out; I turn back around and smile towards them. "Now where were we."


- A Few Hours Later | Alpha Station | The Ground -

Walking out of Alpha station I spot Raven standing in front of a hastily constructed building.

I begin walking over towards her. Shadow, and 2 Rangers fall in line behind me.

"What do you have to show me?" I asked once I made my way over to her.

"Follow me." She says indicating for me to come inside.

"Post up and guard the door. Let only Bellamy, Lincoln, or Octavia in. Understood."

"Yes, sir!" They shout standing on either side of the door. Shadow simply sits himself down on his back legs a few feet in front of the door.

As I walk inside the building, I observe a few shelves that have been set up and have various parts of machinery laid on them. As well as a center table that has unusual parts laying all over it. On the corner of the center table is the radio.

"Ok, I tweaked the resonator and got this." She says while messing with the radio.

After Raven began messing with the radio, a weird humming noise started being emitted from the radio.

"It's on every frequency. Long-range communication is totally screwed. It's also why the range on our walkie's sucks. It's also the same signal Monty heard on the black box of the Exodus ship."

"Could we prevent the signal or stop it?"

"Yeah, if I can get to the tower that broadcasts it... I can make it go boom. Wait." she says as she begins flipping through the different frequencies.

We both begin to hear distorted voices on one of the frequencies.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I don't know. It sounds like they're jamming every frequency but this one. You hear that? This one's clear."

"That doesn't sound clear." I respond dryly.

"It will be once I crack the encryption."

"... And once you do, we should be able to listen in on Mount Weather, right?"


"All right once you crack the encryption write down everything they say, I don't care if it ranges from patrol points to what a certain guard ate that day. We need information. If we blow up the tower, they might get anxious and possibly kill our friends that are trapped inside, we can't let that happen."

"You got it, Arthur." Raven says as she begins to try and decrypt the encryption.

'Good. Now to have a private conversation with Kane.' I think to myself as I walk outside the building and watch as Kane exits Alpha station by himself.

"Kane!" I yelled, running over towards him.

"Yes, Arthur."

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"I know that you want peace with the grounders. Right?"

"Yes, I do."

"What would you give to have peace with them?" I asked, curious to see how far I could take this.

"Everything." He responded immediately.

"Even being chancellor?"

"Huuu... You were right when you said that I only received this position because Jaha isn't with us. Despite that I am still trying to do what's best for our people. Even if I don't have the qualifications to do so..." Kane spoke and mumbled the last part but I still heard him.

Then I realized though maybe I don't have to preach to the masses and get them on my side. What if I just convince Kane to make me chancellor?

"Kane." I spoke sternly causing him to look up from the ground and into my eyes.

"I have already made peace with the grounders. We have our terms set there is just one thing missing." I tell him causing his eyes to widen and mouth agape.

"W-What is it?" Kane asked, shocked.

"I need to be chancellor."

"B-But you're just a kid! How can you lead these people?"

"If you don't remember I led the 100. Granted I did a piss poor job at the end but still I've learned from my mistakes and think I can do better. Besides, should you of all people, really be questioning me about my leadership? You continuously pushed for the culling again and again. You were the one who allowed more than 300 people to die. If you had waited a single day then those 300 wouldn't have died, so tell me Kane how is my leadership compared to yours!" I say in an outburst of anger.

"You're still just a kid!" He reasoned.

"You're right I am but you want to know something Kane. Me and the rest of the so-called kids have done more than you ever have on the ground. All you've done is land, walk through the woods and give orders. Meanwhile I've seen people be flung by the impact of a thrown spear and die. I've been slashed in the back by a sword. I've seen my people die brutally. If I wanted to, I could whip up a motivational speech about how all you've done is brought the Ark down to earth. Not its people, not the people's culture. You've brought the same rules and restrictions you had on the Ark to the earth, and that is not what people want or need. So, Kane I will say again this time a little bit different. Give me that damn chancellor pin. Now." I say while simultaneously equipping my armor and weapons.

"This is for peace, correct." He asked still unsure.

"Not only for peace with the grounders, but for peace and harmony for the people living within these walls." I reasoned.

Kane reaches and unclips the pin off his jacket and hands it over.

"Truth be told, Kane. I like you a hell of a lot more than some of the others, but change is needed around here, and you simply aren't the one that can bring it right now. Besides, I turned 18 a few days ago. Hehe."

"I understand where you're coming from, to a degree. Also, if that was the case you could've just said you were 18."

"Yeah, but where is the fun in that." I say while attaching the chancellor's pin to my chest.

"Welcome to office, Chancellor... Sorry, I didn't hear you when you told Abby your last name."

"Pendragon. Chancellor Arthur Pendragon, or Chancellor Pendragon your choice. You could call me Arthur if you want."

"Arthur it is then. Now, when do we establish peace with the grounders?"

"Technically it's in effect now since I am the chancellor now. But that can wait. First, we need to build up our defenses and gather resources. Kane, I would like to offer you a council position if that's all right with you?"

"What position is it?" He asked curiously.

"How about the defense minister. I knew you ran the guard on the Ark, I couldn't think of a better role for you than that."

"When do I start, chancellor."

"Immediately. I want you to analyze the walls and talk with Sinclair about it. Produce some ideas and come back to me with them."

"Yes, sir. What will you do sir?"

'Well, hopefully this will be like the show, and Clarke will escape with Anya. Hopefully maybe even more. But for now?'

"For now, I will be focusing on designing new armor for the guards."

"New armor for the guards? I don't think they really need it, sir."

"No, offense or anything but the guard's current armor would be ripped to shreds by any of the supernatural monsters out there! No, they need something better, something that will protect them from a werewolf or a vampire. Speaking of something better, how are our supplies fairing and the current population count?"

"Our current population count is 164 people, 24 of those people being guards. Our food supplies are okay for now but are dwindling, but since we'll have peace with the grounders, I can assume we can hunt and farm freely now?"

"Yes, we can."

"Okay, our current ammo count is 8,600 rounds of ammunition in 6.8×51mm common. 600 rounds of 7.62×51mm, and 1,200 rounds of 9mm. Lastly, of our materials, we have quite a few because of the crash. And again, I was waiting until we had peace with the grounders before I sent anyone out to gather lumber or too mine."

"Good. Spread the word that I'm the new chancellor and retire for the night." I say as I begin to walk away.

"Hey, wait where are you going?"

"Kane it's getting dark. This camp isn't going anywhere, and I assume you have already posted guards on nightshift?"

"Yes, sir."

"Tell them not to shoot any grounders, just in case. I'm going to bed Kane it's been a long day. Goodnight Kane."

"Goodnight, sir."


- Mental Space of Arthur Pendragon -




"What the hell is that? Where the hell am I?" I ask aloud as I look around. All around is darkness, the void as far as the eye can see.

Suddenly a giant white light appears blinding me. I shield my eyes with my forearm and wait for the light to disappear. When it does, I lower my forearm and am shocked at what I am laying my eyes upon.

A humongous white and golden western dragon.

"I am the dragon of the Pendragon family, Arthur Pendragon." The Dragon booms.


"You have finally achieved one of the three goals of what makes a Pendragon a Pendragon."

"You can talk?!"

"... Really that's what you're concerned about?" The dragon asked.

"... What, uhm yes, you're right sorry. What are these three goals you are talking about?"

"The three goals or rather requirements for being a Pendragon are first, you must be a true leader. Second, you must wield Excalibur, and three-..."

"Wait, does Excalibur even exist in this world?"

"Are you stupid if you exist so does the sword!" The dragon yells out, causing my body to shake.

"Sorry..." I mumble.

"The final one, and the one that I will be giving you is the dragon's heart."

"And let me guess you want to test me."

"Yes, I do Arthur Pendragon let us see if you are worthy enough to wield my power!"

"Let's go you overgrown lizard!" I shouted while equipping my armor and weapons. [Observe]

[Dragon of Pendragon]

Race: Holy Dragon

Sex: Male

Level: 1,000

HP: 1,000,850

MP: 787,500

'...Holy shit!'


{P.S: Sorry, for the anticlimactic outcome of him just simply becoming chancellor, but all Kane really wanted was peace with the grounders and that's it. Even in the show when he returns, he tells Abby that she can keep the pin and stay chancellor. Indicating that he either doesn't want the job or that she was doing a decent job. Arthur knew this and exploited Kane for his past wrongdoings and bad leadership. Is that fucked up? Kind of. But is Arthur chancellor now? Hell Yeah! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.}

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