

As Murphy walked away from Sen's—presumably—dead body, when he got to a certain distance away, two large men with black war paint covering their faces dropped down from the trees, and approached Sen.

They were both wearing a mixture of tattered leather, animal hide, and other coarse but natural materials. They were also wearing different "trophies", such as necklaces and bracelets made up of human bone, and even human eyes sewn onto their attire.

"(Check if the boy is alive)," said one of the grounders in Trigedasleng. He was older than the other grounder and was missing one eye, giving him a rougher and more intense look

The younger grounder then nodded his head, grabbing Sen's wrist, and checking his pulse.

"(Barely alive. He's holding onto a thread of life)," the younger grounder said as he looked towards his father.

"(Use those herbs of yours and stop the bleeding)," he said to his son.

"(The Sky person would need a miracle to live even if I did stop the bleeding. He's lucky to even be alive right now with how many times he was stabbed. That boy must've missed every single vital organ)," he explained to his father, trying to make him see what a waste it would be to use the herbs on someone who's already halfway to death.

"(He'll survive. Just treat him so he lives long enough for us to reach the village and get him better treatment,)" he said, confident in the Sky person surviving.

His son then nodded, and started applying medicines to Sen's bloody wounds.

After a while of this, he then looked up to his father, and said, "(It's done.)"

Hearing this, the older grounder then grabbed Sen, slung him over his shoulder, and started walking towards their camp.

"(What will we do with him, father?)" Asked the younger grounder, following after his father.

"(What else? We will treat him, and teach him our ways. You're of my blood, so I'm sure you can see just how much potential this boy has as a warrior)," he explained to his son.

"(But this is a Sky person… shouldn't we inform the Commander?)"

The grounder looked to his son with slight disappointment in his eyes as he explained yet again, "(What a waste that would be. They'll likely torture him until he can no longer hold on, and then they'll simply kill him. Besides, I have no allegiance to that child, especially after what she did to your mother.)" As he spoke, his tone gradually got angrier remembering how his wife was executed despite his years of allegiance to the Commander.

Seeing how his father wouldn't back down, the younger grounder then kept quiet in understanding, though he was still worried.


After walking for less than an hour, the two grounders then reached their village.

They both knew they'd have to keep out of sight from the view of the others residing in the village unless they wanted to be killed by the Commander for harboring a Sky person, so they bordered around the edge of their small wooden fences surrounding the village, and since their home was along the outer edge, they eventually reached the back of it, and entered through the back door.

The older grounder was slightly tired from carrying Sen, so as soon as they reached the bed in the corner of his home, he tossed Sen over his shoulder as he landed on his back.

"(And now we just keep him alive,") he said as he waited for his son to finish getting the rest of his healing supplies from his room.


Meanwhile, back to the drop ship….

Octavia was sitting in the drop ship, trying not to cry as she distracted herself with thoughts about her past, trying not to think about Sen.

Around an hour ago, while the group was searching for Finn, they all heard Murphy scream, and as they rushed towards the direction where his screaming came from, they found him huddled up and hiding inside of a hollow tree, mumbling about how the grounders killed Sen and took his body.

Because of the unexpected situation, they all rushed back to the camp, giving up on finding Finn in fear, with everyone even more scared after seeing how Sen disappeared.

Thinking about the situation, Octavia's first tear raced down her face, and more were to come, as she started sobbing uncontrollably while she buried her face in her knees that were up to her chest.

While Octavia was on the second level of the drop ship sobbing her eyes out, Bellamy and Clarke were on the ground level, questioning the "traumatized" Murphy.

"So what the hell happened?"

To Bellamy's question, Murphy answered, "Th-They came out from behind the trees… they ran af-after us, and Sen held them back."

Both Bellamy and Clarke noticed the insane lack of detail in Murphy's story, but they summed it up to him having issues with his memory because of how traumatic it was. After all, to them, they believed Murphy had no reason to kill Sen.

They then questioned him more to understand the situation better, but after a while, they both left Murphy alone, having no reason to believe he lied to them.

Meanwhile, as they left the drop ship, Octavia was upstairs thinking to herself, eventually coming to a conclusion that she'd continue to believe.

"Until I see his body, I refuse to believe he's dead."


(Sorry for the short chapter. I literally have no motivation right now, but I'll still try to keep writing. School is fucking ruining me at the moment, and my girlfriend is just making shit worse with the shit she decides to do.)

Next chapter