
Inclement Weather

Shadow's POV

The laughter and chatter filled the room as I sit with Clarke on her bed. "Not bad..." I whispered. "Maybe they'll hang it on the wall here one day" I smile, joking with her. "Miller! Look who finally got released!" Jasper called out, making me lift my head. "Hey!" I sighed as I jumped off the bunk with Clarke. I pulled him into a hug before he nodded to Clarke. I'm glad you're okay" I say. "Only took, what? Three surgeries?" Miller asked. "I hear you two are fitting right in" He nudged me. I glared at Maya before I hear Clarke sigh. "Twice a day. Don't forget" Maya asked as she handed Miller a pill bottle. "Here" she handed a duffel bag to him. "Thanks" Miller smiled. I watch Jasper walk away with Maya. Suddenly an alarm blared through the air. Maya had tried to take off. I got in her way "What's going on?" I asked her. "That signal means a surface patrol is back and someone needs medical attention. I have to go to quarantine" she explained to me before taking off. I turn and tried following her out. "Hey what are you doing?" Jasper asked as he grabbed my arm. "Maybe they found survivors?" I suggested. "I'm coming" Clarke jumped off the bed. "I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just go wandering around" he stated. I didn't care, Clarke and I walked out and Jasper followed us as we raced towards the quarantine unit. "What are we dealing with?" Maya asked. "They were attacked. One dead. He's in room two. The other took off his gloves and mask to treat him" the guy explained to Maya. "He's still in Decon but he'll need treatment" he added. "Who attacked him?" Clarke asked as we approached them both. "What are they doing here?" The man asked. I looked over my shoulder and swipe the man's badge behind me, taking off to the door. "Hey! Stop it's not safe!" He shouted as Clarke and Jasper followed. "It is for us," I say to him, scanning the badge, and Clarke and Jasper followed me inside as the door opened. I rushed down the hall with Clarke. "Hey! Slow down!" Jasper called out. "You two need to stop pushing so hard. These people are—" Jasper stopped as we enter the room to see the dead body. Clarke leaned forward and looked at the wound. "They're lying to us! That's a bullet wound" Clarke informed us. "Grounders don't use guns" I pointed out. "Unless the Grounders got the guns from us" Jasper tried to make an excuse. "I don't think so" I scoffed. "Our people are out there" Clarke added. Suddenly someone came through the door, causing us to turn around. "Get them out of here!" The woman ordered as they brought a man in with severe radiation burns. My eyes go wide and my stomach turned.

We entered the dining hall and walked up to Dante Wallace. "We need to talk," Clarke says. He smiled "Sure. Let's talk over breakfast?" He suggested. "Who shot the soldier?" I blurted out, causing his people to look at us. He guided us away from the people. "The patrol that was looking for your people was attacked by Grounders" he lied to us. "We've fought Grounder. They don't use guns" Clarke says. "I never mentioned guns. Sergeant Shaw was shot by an arrow" he lied. "That's not true, I've been using arrows since I was three, that's not an arrow wound" I hissed at him. "We saw the wound," I say to him. He sighed "Sometimes we feel so strongly about our people we see things that aren't there" he accused. "We'd like to see the body," I say. "Of course..." he nodded before setting his plate down. "Come with me," he says to us both.

We followed Dante into the white room and I stand next to Clarke as the doctor came in with the body. "Sorry to keep you waiting. We had to finish decontamination" she explained. "Thank you, Dr. Tsing," Dante says. "The man with the burns. How is he?" Clarke asked. "He's improving" Dr. Tsing answered. "We'd like to speak with him" I informed her. She turned her head to Dante. "Sir, only patients are allowed in medical" Dr. Tsing pointed out. "We can arrange that," Dante says. I nodded and the doctor takes off the blanket. I knit my brows together to see the metal piece on his chest. "What is this?" Clarke questioned. "It's a dialysis shunt, we all have them in case of exposure" Dr. Tsing explained. "Would you like to see the exit wound?" She asked. "Sergeant Langston was forced to push the arrow out in the field" she explained. I looked over the exit wound and knit my brows together. "We've got the arrow right here" Dr. Tsing turned around and grabbed an arrowhead and brings it over and extended it to Clarke and me. The arrow looked nothing like the wound.

We returned to the room and Jasper approached us. "What did president Wallace says?" Jasper asked. "He showed us shaws body" Clarke answered. "It looked like an arrow wound" she informed him. "Well maybe because it is an arrow wound?" He suggested. "Or that's what they want us to think" Clarke stated. "What? They could have doctored it" she says as Jasper sighed. "Clarke, you sound like a crazy person" He whispered. "Why do either of you want to screw this up for us?" Jasper asked. I glared at him hard "We don't know what this place is" Clarke whispered. "This is...Safe" Jasper answered. "This is food, a real bed and clothes, and my personal favorite not getting speared by Grounders" Jasper reminded us. "How long are you think they'll let us stay here if you both keep this up?" Jasper asked. Clarke stood to her feet, tilting her head to the side. "Did someone threaten you?" She asked. He scoffed "No, No. it's common sense" he answered. "Look we're guests here. Not prisoners" Jasper informed us. "What would you do with guests who keep calling you a lair and generally acting like an ungrateful ass?" Jasper questioned. "Kick their ungrateful asses out" Miller responded. "Right now. The biggest threat to us is you two..." Jasper whispered. That hurt...it stung. Jasper turned and walked away from us. I turned to Clarke "That wasn't an arrow wound" I whispered to her. "What?" She asked me. "The arrow was too big to be a part of that wound" I explained to her. "She must've doctored it up and picked up a radon arrow somewhere" I explained. "Are you sure?" Clarke asked me. "Clarke, I've felt with arrows my entire life, I've made them, even...IF it is even an arrow wound they got the wrong weapon" I explained to her.

Everyone is having fun in the dining hall. "What are we doing here Clarke?" I whispered as we sit alone. "We should be trying to find a way out," I say. She ignored me as she kept looking down at the map in her lap. She then crumbles it up. "We're done looking for a way out" she threw the paper in the trash can next to her. "Langston! Where you going man, it's movie night" I hear someone call out, causing me to turn my head. My eyes go wide when I see the guard from just yesterday who had horrible burns is almost healed. "I gotta pass. Doc says I got one more treatment" he informed his friend. "Clarke..." I whispered to her. "I see him," she says to me. We both got up, followed him to a hall, and watched him in a room. We rushed back to the room and I thought for a moment before looking around to see we're alone. "What are you looking for?" Clarke asked as I looked down at the sharp object. I break off the piece of the bed. "Only patients are allowed in medical...So, let's become patients" I said. I took a deep breath before running it along with the stitches on my arm. "Ahh!" I screamed as it fell to the floor and blood rushed out of the wound. "Clarke you gotta hurry..." I breathe heavily. She nodded and I begin to feel lightheaded. Clarke dragged her arm across the corner of the bed, opening her arm as well. I giggled, everything spinning before my body collapsed to the ground and everything goes out.

My eyes slowly opened "Hey...wake up Shadow" I hear Clarke say. I shut up and see I'm in the medical room. "Plan worked?" I asked her. "Come on..." she whispered. I climbed out of the bed and we walked over to Langston. "Hey...wake up" I whispered to him. It looked to be out cold. I followed his IV and looked up to see it coming from the wall. "Clarke..." I called out to her as I walked over to the door to another room. I push on it but nothing happens. "What now?" Clarke asked. I looked around to see the vent on the ground. "Come on...help" I say, Clarke, helping me get the door to the vent off. I climbed through, pushing the vent off on the other side as Clarke closed the other one. I got up "Shh, or are you trying to alert them," Clarke says as my eyes go wide when see people hanging from the ceiling upside down. "Clarke..." I grabbed her arm and she gasped. We both walked closer to see that their Grounders. I turned around "Oh my god..." my breath hitched in my throat to see caged packed with Grounders. We walked down the aisle and they reached out to us. "Shadow..." Clarke grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her and I see Anya. "Anya?" Clarke gasped.