
The 100 [Viking]

Author: DoSomething
Ongoing · 139.5K Views
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What is The 100 [Viking]

Read ‘The 100 [Viking]’ Online for Free, written by the author DoSomething, This book is a TV Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Viking warrior Erik is reborn in the "100," a post-apocalyptic society. Erik must overcome several challenges with delin...


Viking warrior Erik is reborn in the "100," a post-apocalyptic society. Erik must overcome several challenges with delinquents, including threatening foes. Erik must use his past experiences and knowledge to navigate this strange environment and protect both himself and others in order to survive. Erik soon encounters obstacles that could destroy all of his efforts, but fate seems to have other ideas for him. Will he be able to overcome these challenges and discover a new meaning in life, or will his past resurface and bring about his demise? --- I don't own anything except my Oc and MC

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江遇楚:我这辈子都不会玩王者荣耀这个游戏。 某一天,安卓十一区的召唤师们突然发现了榜一的位置变了,本来游戏排行变动理所当然,但是对十一区的人来说,要想上十一区的榜前十难于上青天,不仅仅是因为有最强职业选手刑天的大小号,还有各类主播在十一区称霸,路人王们再厉害,但是也抵不过职业选手和主播们日夜不停的摘星快。 十一区换了榜一,连其他区的人都沸腾了。 究竟是谁?不仅将刑天踩在脚下,还吊打各路主播成为王者荣耀冉冉升起的新星战神? 不少人到十一区围观,纷纷猜想又是哪家大神的小号,猜来猜去,什么答案也没得到,倒是榜一那个令人瞩目的位置,那个人的id格外刺眼。 排行榜第一名:遇楚 而此时,江遇楚正在客厅打着游戏,手中的英雄人物是李白,她一边打一边骂骂咧咧,似乎是在责怪队友,但仔细看时,发现她连麦克风都没打开。 感情你就是自己过过嘴瘾? 赢了! 江遇楚拿着手机笑了起来,平时一副无精打采的颓废样子一扫而光,甜甜的笑容像是春风。 真难啊,新赛季终于又上荣耀了。 “楚楚,过来把碗洗了。”江妈妈在厨房里面喊道。 放下手机,她没理会无数的私信和添加信息,也没理会那个人人敬仰的刑天大神的邀请,走向厨房。 “哎,来了。”

楼荷 · General
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67 Chs


The long darkness seemed to have lasted for a moment and millions of years. Tang Shi had died in the hands of his half-brother and Lu Chuan, who had told repeatedly that he loved him. When Yan Xu saved Tang Shi with his own life, Tang Shi was betrayed by his team members when he finally escaped. One of the two team members was his brother and the other was his love. The two tied him to a tree, cut off his wrist artery, and let blood drip out. Before the aliens came, they took his heart out alive with a dagger. Before Tang Shi stopped breathing, his beloved brother told him everything and hid himself somewhere in distance to watch the aliens eating his flesh. Lu Chuan had never fallen in love with Tang Shi. When they were both in college, Lu Chuan pursued Tang Shi and pleased him every day trying to prove that how much he loved Tang Shi. It turned out that his ultimate goal was to obtain the ancestral treasure from Tang Shi's mother's family. The person assigned the mission to Lu Chuan was Tang Qi, Tang Shi’s brother! The pain of gouging his heart out was so overwhelming that it was already carved in his bone and soul. He would never forget it no matter how long time it was! He hated them so much! He regretted it very much! If it could happen again, he would never make the same choice! No matter how Lu Chuan knelt in front of him and begged him, he would never have agreed to date him! …… The breeze outside the window slowly blew into the room. The curtains were blown up in the air and the air was fresh. There was no smell of blood and rotting stench. Even though there was pollution and exhaust everywhere, it was much better than the breath of death at the end of the world. The seemly everlasting pain slowly faded away. Once his consciousness returned to his body, Tang Shi took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the familiar ceiling. Tang Shi turned over and stood up. He quickly grabbed the only weapon in his hand, the table lamp on the bedside table. It was a European style lamp and the lamp cover was metal, which was the only thing you could call it a weapon he could possibly grabbed. It is a habit developed by a man who have experienced the end of the world, never putting himself in a situation without any weapon in hands. Tang Shi vigilantly scanned the whole room. What he saw was decoration style that he was quite familiar with. He was fully aware that he was dead because his heart was taken away, and his flesh was eaten by aliens, leaving a pile of bones. But now he was alive again. What was going on? Rebirth? Or was the cruelty and pain he experienced just a nightmare? From what he saw in the room, Tang Shi chose the former. When he saw the calendar on the table, his tense nerves relaxed. Tang Shi put down the lamp and quickly walked to the table. He picked up the desk calendar and quickly flipped through it. Today was August 16th, 2016. He really was reborn and he was reborn prior to the beginning of the end of the world three years ago. No one who had experienced the end of the world would care less about their lives. Since Tang Shi had such a chance to live through it again, he would grab the chance. This time, he must be extra careful to choose whom he should trust. He would never become a cannon fodder anymore! Tang Shi tried his best to remember the past. On this very day three years ago, he had the most intense fight with Tang Minghai. It was true that he was gay, but he was not into any man or went out with any random man. Under Tang Qi's encouragement, he decided to accept Lu Chuan's pursuit and completely fall out with his family. Even though he was only 22 years old, he was still a man with a brave and dignified self. He swore impulsively that he would never ask Tang Minghai for a penny. Thankfully, he had graduated from university and could support himself with his salary. Therefore, he moved out of the house ever since.

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Hello! This story was written by me, and I'm curious whether you like it so far. I'm taking my time to carefully edit each chapter, but if you find any errors, please let me know so I can fix them. Please feel free to respond with any questions or comments, and I'll do my best to respond. Just to be clear, there will only be one female character, and there won't be a harem since I feel that will take away from the story I'm trying to create. Currently, I'm considering romantically pairing Clarke with the main character, but if you have a different preference, please let me know why, and I'll take it into consideration. Please Note》 leave a reasonable review


nice novel really enjoying it so far there aren't many 100 fanfics and most get dropped


Love it so far hopefully he/she dose not drop






I love how this book is set up and the character. I like the way you put the character in the setting and how different actions in the story are with him there. I hope you get better and overcome your medical procedure.


Very cool premise, and a universe thats not often explored, can't wait to keep reading




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