
the 100× cultivation system

currently going through a rework

highdimensionalelN · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Deep inside the four elemental mountain a floating castle sits (as in floats comfortably) in the middle, between the edge of fire, water, air, and earth this is the castle of the musakin clan, on the highest Room the musakin patriarch (Eragn musakin inuma) daughter is cultivating while pondering her current situation

This is Oro Musakin inuma she's 19 years old, she's currently at the false Core liquidation realm, that may seem weak but false Core liquidation realm cultivators are considered powerhouses, thousands of lower sect masters are False core, you can even be a elder in a medium sect so she's basically a (insert scout saying "big deal") a translucent screen floats in front of her face

[ 100 X system ]

[ Name: Oro Musakin inuma ]

[ Talent: emperor ]

[ affinity: fire, earth, air, water, light, dark ]

A notification appears saying

"host you have five gift left's, come on open them"

Oro opens her eyes, a beautiful shade of purple and blue

"I have already open five and I already have more?, is this a 100 X system or a gift it's host gift for even breathing system?"

She says sighing

Oro taps the notification

"congratulations you have gotten, cultivation manual-Six elements return to one! (supreme grade) Spiritual sword-Immortal Core! (Immortal grade) Spiritual clothing-Dragon imprint onomik! (supreme grade) pills-dragon essence pill! (Immortal grade) Technique manual-Dragon Spear! (Immortal)"

Only one of these items intrigued her, the "bleep!" Is a onomik?, she tapped the storage and pulled out the onomik, appearing in her hands

"isn't this a kimono? System can different dimension make the same clothing?"

Oro say asking the system

"Yes in your world you would call this a kimono but in this world it's called a onomik"

The system respond

Oro hears the door creak open, turning she see's her dad and the patriarch Eragn musakin inuma, a very big man 6 foot and 9 inches tall wearing supreme grade armour

"How's my love little girl doing~"

Eragn says hugging Oro tightly

"I haven't seen you in a while~ my little princess~"

Eragn says letting go of Oro with a Smiling face

"How's your cultivation"

Eragn says, while looking around the room

"Isn't this room a bit small?, I didn't even realise there was a room this small in the castle"

(Small, Oro's room is 50 meters big, long, and tall and yet Eragn says it's small, maybe it's because the castle is 90 million meters tall 60 million meters wide and long?)

"I'm fine and a False Core liquidation realm"

Eragn eyes light up, looking at Oro with a giant smile "my lovely daughter is already a false Core liquidation cultivator~!"

Eragn says ecstatic and filled with joy, I mean the average of getting to false Core liquidation is 100 years old and his daughter is already false Core liquidation at 19, calling Oro a genius no a generational prodigy is a big understatement

Any father would be proud and he especially as the patriarch of the largest clan in "filler name"

"My lovely daughter, I'm gonna send you to the Azure nine cloud sect"

(The Azure nine cloud sect is the largest and most prestigious sect in "filler name" with it's sect master being the patriarch of the azuran clan, fourth strongest clan)

testing a new writing style, feel free to comment on anything that's ether wrong or misspelled and comment what you think and what to happen

— high dimensional reader

highdimensionalelNcreators' thoughts