
Time Flys but You Never Know When the Day Will Come

''My name is Leon and that over there is Dame". ''John the girl that saved me before ''. Leone that's Mike, Shiron and that's Mave. Mike: ''let me show you to your room''. ''Shiron: no let us show you to your room''. Shiron: ''and this is your room''.  Narrator: He went to sleep in his room. The FFTW stands for FIGHT  FOR THE WORLD. Run by a guy called Paul. John'' AAAAAHHHHHHH! Is it morning alreayd. he got out of bed and got ready and went out to have breakfast. After breakfast he has his first mission. With his team. he and  his team fight.  until  finally they finish the mission they got back to FFTW. Ever since that day  is has been his mission to protect  the  world from Monsters.