
Thawed Heart

The Great Dragon of The Inferno is one of the strongest Creature in Hell next to the Creator of Hell is the fearsome beings you don't want to Offend but why is he become a little girl and has a fishing rod? Fish pond Owner: Hey You! it's Illegal to fish here!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always don't Expect much! this is my 2nd fanfic so yeah... majority of the characters that will appear isn't made by me [It's a Hololive Fanfic] Started date: Feb 18, 2022

ILikeYuri · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 9

Alpha sees the sleeping girl on her side

Alpha: it reminds me of how Omega cope with her loneliness

Alpha: She keeps telling herself that she only needs herself and keep denying that she is lonely

Alpha: meanwhile this girl, completely shuts herself and tried to continue even it torments her

Alpha: A dragon from hell... she suffered from it

Alpha watches how the clouds flyby and decides to take asleep


The plane landed safely

Alpha wakes up Heil

Alpha: Heil let's go...

Heil opens her eyes but it's unfocused

Heil: okay...

They go down from the aeroplane and take their luggage with them

Alpha: where is she?

Alpha is looking for the sign

In the far right corner, there is a sign of Welcome back Alpha

It's a violet haired woman standing there

Alpha: there she is...

Alpha grabs Heil's hand and walk towards the person

the person sees Alpha and takes her to sign down

A-chan: I'm glad you are back Alpha

Alpha: I'm happy to be back at one piece A-chan

they hug each other

A-chan: I'm glad... I'm glad you are alive

Alpha: I'm alive aren't I? so don't be sad

Heil: *snores*

Heil is sleeping while standing still

A-chan: Let's go

Alpha: Yes...

they leave together forgetting Heil sleeping there

Alpha: wait where is Heil?!

A-chan: Ahh... I forgot!

The car comes back and Alpha gets Heil and her luggage to the car

and the car once again moves towards the destination


the car stopped in a Tall building that has a Logo of a blue triangle, that has a Letters' Hololive...

A-chan: I'll carry your luggage and Heil while you carry Heil to her designated room

Alpha: Okay

on their way, many people greeted alpha and A-chan and many people are curious about Heil

A-chan: Here it is

A-chan Opens the door revealing a room that is coloured Pastel blue and Pastel Pink

Alpha: ehh they finished renovating the room?

A-chan: of course, A godlike her agreeing to join Hololive is like a fever dream

Alpha: She is a god?!

A-chan: Yes A former god to be precise... Enma said that to us

Alpha: that means there are 3 gods in hololive right now, Yagoo, Omega, and Her

A-chan: *chuckles* Yes... it's pretty amazing if you think about it

Alpha put Heil on the bed and cover her with sheets

A-chan: Let's go and report to Yagoo

Alpha: okay

the two of them leave Heil's room and take the elevator to the top floor

*Elevator chimes*

The two of them greeted a wide office that has beautiful plants and a desk on the far front of it sitting there is a Man that has an affable expression that has a background of the whole city

Yagoo: Alpha! I'm glad you came back on one piece

Alpha: Thank you, Boss

Alpha gives A-chan the USB stick

Yagoo: you've done great work I thank you for that

Alpha: I don't deserve that praise, I just do what I'm supposed to do

Yagoo: you do so don't undersell yourself

Alpha: thanks...

Yagoo: also A-chan I permit your relationship with her so don't be stiff

A-chan: !!!, how do you-

Yagoo: it's very obvious so don't be afraid

Yagoo: so how's Heil?

Alpha: She is currently sleeping

Yagoo: I see, then tomorrow tell her to come here for the interview

Alpha: Yes?

Yagoo: don't be surprised it's a facade, she is already officially joined hololive she just wants to enter without Nepotism

Yagoo: and also I want to know her better

Alpha: I understand

Yagoo: A-chan and Alpha what is your first impression of Heil?

A-chan: she looks like an ordinary child to me

Yagoo: I could see that based on the pictures of Enma

Yagoo: how about you Alpha?

Alpha: She is lonely

the man is intrigued by what Alpha will say

Yagoo: how so?

Alpha: She yearns for bonds yet is afraid of it, she is very clingy but will push that person away cause she is afraid of getting hurt

Alpha: She doesn't have something to call home to, she is like a person that keeps walking forward and even on the verge of death she keeps walking and walking in the endless path of the road that leads nowhere

Yagoo: so you relate to her...

Alpha: Yes, despite I'm just a part of Omega I know what sadness that lies on her heart that's why I can't help but feel sympathy for her

Yagoo: I see... I understand what I should do, so you guys can now retire for today

Alpha|A-chan: Yes

the two of them steps on the elevator leaving the man with a deep contemplation

Yagoo: Loneliness...

Yagoo: Isn't that my goal to become a shelter for those who are lost, to be the roof of those who need a home, and to be the one that will provide hope to those who've lost it

Yagoo: That's why I'll make sure everyone under my wing can be happy as much as possible

The man looks at the distant stars


In a blue room, the person in the bed stirs awake

Heil: an unfamiliar ceiling

the sunlight is peeking on the window curtains

Heil: it feels so high class this room is

*Knock* *knock*

the door opens revealing Alpha has a tray of food

Alpha: Good morning Heil

Heil: Good morning Alpha

Alpha: Here is your meal

Heil: Thank you...

It consists of meat and fish dishes

Heil eats them

Heil: it's delicious

Alpha: Honestly why are you not showing emotions?

Heil: Because of my innate ability, it cancels my emotions and desires but that doesn't mean I can't feel them

Alpha: I'm sorry for asking

Heil: not at all, I can remove that restriction but it will take a toll on my body so I don't

Alpha: so how is your sleep?

Heil: the best thing I could ever have

Alpha: it's good, you should take a bath after a small rest because you need to take an interview

Heil: okay

so Heil continues to eat in peace while Alpha is talking to her


▪︎My guilty pleasure is 'Shoujo Summoning'▪︎

▪︎My favourite novel is 'Fake Saint of the Year'▪︎