

It was oh so satisfying to see that node lose power. It seems silly now, but back then I felt powerful. It was a far cry from how grand I am now…

Another day, another instance of no money. I made the wand just like planned, but the power ran out quite quickly. I had made this with the purpose to be recharged, that was what the metal caps were for. It was a giant slap to the face, when the recharging was harder than just using my own power. I felt no strain using the vis inside the wand, because it felt like an extension of my own. The problem seemed to be what my mom taught me, pressure. The vis wanted to get out of the wand instead of in.

Groaning in defeat I got up from my bead. "Why is everything so hard?!? I'm a small child with good schooling. Mom says that should make life easier!"

Maybe this was harder for other people? Mom was a better teacher than the ones in the small building down the way. She even calls it the idiot box. I'd like to see them do all this with just a few crystals. I'm even better than the guy who wrote that book!

It seems like I'm at an impasse, a really annoying impasse. My money was almost extinguished, my wand was empty, and Jerry was cute. That last part doesn't seem to fit the rest. Well, just seeing his happy jiggle could rise my spirits it seemed.

The other thing was to calm myself, looking at my old enemy. Of a mind to heap all my frustrations onto that thing, I made my way to the crater.

"What in the world is this!!!" I shouted like a man, hopefully no one was around to say otherwise.

In the middle of the of that familiar empty space, that I despised oh so much, was a huge swirling vortex. This thing seemed to be spitting vis all over the place. It was ridiculous!

This also came with a silver lining, pressure. I could feel the vis inside this spot trying so desperately to escape, but the vortex was only letting out a bit.

The smile on my face bordered on manic. This was the stuff I needed! If I could tap into that power and channel it into my wand, the possibilities were adequate. I wouldn't have to spend so much money on making a new wand.

"You took my dad. It would only be fair if I took you!" Okay so revenge was also on my mind.

The many tries to get at the vis only hardened my will. Over many errors I had made a technique that worked. Stretching my power, I poked a hole into the wall of energy. It really wasn't all that hard. What was hard however was directing it into my wand. After I poked the hole vis would rush out into the open, and become useless. I had retaliated by making a long tube with my power and making an even tinier hole. The power that made it to my wand, I would double back making the tube stronger and the hole bigger. I felt like a mosquito.

I was also surprised on how much my wand could contain. It seemed like the power in it before was only a drop in the bucket. I really needed a way to measure this stuff.

When my spectacular stick was filled, I bathed in a sense of superiority. My long term animosity was quenched by a feeling of power. "All your vis are belong to me!"

In my excitement grammar was sacrificed, but I was too joyful to care. I finally had a way to make this thing pay, with interest!

Then I cried. I cried for dad, mom, and myself. This wouldn't bring him back, he was gone. I had thought I knew that already, but this had unburied those feelings.

After ten minutes I stood up, turned around, and walked home. No longer did I glare at that ridiculous thing in the crater. It was nothing.

It was a great unburdening of my mind those many years ago. And with that weight gone, I had begun to really think…