
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 8: The Players vs NPCs

The group of scouts escort the white-robed villager through the forest and enter villager territory. The scouts planned to find a supply tower several miles away, and resupply there. The lead scout assures the white-robed villager that the area has been scanned constantly, so it is safe to assume no player is around.

The lead scout orders the group to split into three squads, in order to defend more ground from different hostile mobs. After summarizing the fireworks system to the white-robed villager, the scouts scatter.

The first squad moves through a path, but as they move, players are watching them. One of the scouts decides to stay behind, leaving only two scouts to go ahead. As the two moves on, they hear jukebox music. A scout decides to shoot a firework for assistance, but before he can, however, a player emerges and shoots multiple arrows at the scouts. One of the scouts survives the shots, but is then attacked by another player. The player disarms the scout, forcing the scout to flee. The scout attempts to escape chase from the player, and throws an teleportation pearl far away. However, the first player shoots the pearl, causing the scout to fall midair. He survives the fall, but is stunned by an arrow, allowing the player giving chase to throw an axe and finish the scout. However, the players realize the third scout is missing.

The third scout flees, and looks for the rest of the scouts, hoping to warn them. The scout is able to dodge the players' arrows, and the players could not stop the scout. A player is able to use a leaping potion and jumps, allowing him to attack the scout from above.

The second squad continues to move, and talks about black fireworks and the lead scout. As they speak, one of the scouts, Joe, sees a TNT in a car moving towards them. The scouts manage to escape the explosion, but their rides did not survive. The scouts attempt to shoot fireworks, but the fireworks are shot before they can reach the skies. Joe realizes they are facing very skilled players, and order the other scouts to fire a black firework as soon as they find the opportunity. They fight back, and was able to injure a player. However, the lead player attacks and takes out the scouts, leaving only Joe alive. Joe attempts to escape, but is wounded. Joe could not do anything, and is killed.

The last squad moves through the forest. The lead scout comments the area was unusually quiet. The white-robed villager also comments that the player with the glowing eyes gave him a strange feeling. The other scout tells him there seemed to be nothing wrong, then asks why the villager's friend had been cooperating with players. The villager speaks that his friend had merely did what he had to do in order to survive. While moving, the villager's ride steps on a button, and triggers cannons to emerge. The cannons shoot, and blows the squad.

The lead scout wakes up to find himself tied up, and players gathering items. The leader comes and speaks to the lead scout. He explains he has captured the surviving few of the scouts, and has gathered a number of weapons and items. The lead scout calls them bandits, and the leader explains his clan is called the Resistance, as a hope for the players, and plans to completely annihilate the villagers. The lead scout tells that when the NPC King finds out of this, the player will pay a thousand times over, and the leader tells he is planning to add the king to his personal trading system.

"You Bandits... You bandits won't get away with this!"

"Heh... Bandits? No.. We are the resistances.. We are the hope of the players! We won't rest until we erase you villager pests from the face of this earth.. That's a promise"

As they speak, the white-robed villager hears from a distance, and attempts to warn the others, but is captured by a mysterious player.