
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: The Blue-Robed Villager

Somewhere in the NPC kingdom blue-robed villager was about to be banished when he declared his return and described it to be everyone's destruction "When i return.. I shall destroy you and everything you loved shall turn to dust". The two gate guardians started to think his crazy and decided to throw him off the cliff "omg this dude is crazy" "throw him off hill?" "totally", where he was left desperate while lying on the ground. The figure from the previous chapter began to engage the zombies that attempted to kill the NPC. He easily outmatched two of them with the use of his legendary sword "just pretend you're dead and he'll leave you alone" "Easy for you to say". As they were left stumbled at the ground, zombie leader noticed that one of them went missing and realized he didn't join the fight "Hey where's the other guy?".

The stubborn zombie hid behind a corner together with a pig that asked the reason for not engaging in combat "I'm bored lets play cards" "i forgot to bring them" "wait..shouldn't you be fighting" . The mysterious player began to sprint towards the two zombies to finish them off "He's coming! HELP ME!". One zombie pretends to be dead "I can't... I'm dead" while the other one had his arm cut off by the player's sword. Witnessing all that happened, Boop and Grian began to panic in fear.

The mysterious player used his special attack and attacked the zombies "Special attack..". As he began to move towards the pink shirt zombie "What the heck is happening!?", he tried to run away but was took down eventually. The other zombie was confused after witnessing this and decided to stay until he shared the same fate. The stubborn zombie finally decided to join the fight but was immediately knocked away by the player using two scythe. After the battle was finally over, the player introduced himself to be Hazuki and wish to seek destruction against Azieb "Who.. who are you? "My name is Hazuki.. and i've come here to destroy Azieb". One of the NPC's, Boop, asks Hazuki who Azieb was, when a group of Demon mages appears into the area, with the witch among them "oh! how unfortunate.. Hey! why did you teleport me backwards? "I thought it'd be funny". The witch turns and tells that he is here to kill villagers "As i was saying, oh how unfortunate. Looks like it is the end for you!", which was a big mistake in front of Hazuki.

Hazuki assumes the witch is cooperating with Azieb, But before he can do anything, Boop says he got everything planned, and proposes a dance battle "Dont worry! We got this.. DANCE BATTLE!". The witch accepts the challenge "You don't need to scream it at my face!" "I'm Sorry..", and has the demon mages do the dance "Minion's show them who's boss!".

The two teams dance for a while, until the witch assumes the entire dance battle was good "Okay i'll admit that was pretty good..". He allows Azieb and the others 5 minutes to escape "I'll give you 5 minutes to get away", but Boop asks for more time "6 MINUTES!" "You're not suppose to go up!" "10 MINUTES!". Somewhere in the NPC kingdom. The NPC King gathers a group of wise men for a matter of great importance, the NPC king told them that his reason for matter is about the blue-robed villager that he banished. The king decided not to pay attention to what the banished villager has said but was later worried that the movie that he watched might happen exactly to his kingdom. So he decided to hire an assassin to kill the blue-robed villager before he can get revenge. The top hat villager agreed with the King's decision. Meanwhile, two villager fighters started arguing about their hats until it resulted in a battle. They started fighting to see who will become the King's assassin until both of them knocked out each other.

The king witnessed this but informed them of hiring an assassin in advance. He introduced his assassin as Sir Iron Nose and ordered him to enter. As he enters, the top hat villagers began to question and make assumptions about him, but his horse noticed it and shouted at them for being rude. The NPC King orders him the assassination task. Sir Iron Nose agreed, as his purpose is to serve and honor him.

As the King was talking, his jester interrupted and asked him "knock-knock" jokes. The King threatens him to be sent to the death chamber if his joke is bad. The jester began to panic in fear after he hears it. After he didn't respond, The King ordered just what he said. The jester begged for mercy right before the King's Advisor appeared. The Advisor recommends not to send him in the chamber as he would create more of the same problems. The King ignored his advice and ordered him to be sent to the chamber as well. A villager viking appeared in front of the throne, describing the same events he has seen before. The Villager King orders the villager to send himself in the death chamber, he happily agreed and went so.

Sir Iron Nose and his horse witnessed it all and decided to leave before they were sent to the chamber as well.