
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: House or Fortress

It starts with Boop annoying Grian and Hazuki The Llama by singing a Boop song. Hazuki spits at Boop which makes him cry. Boop spots a couple of Zombies spying on him and runs.

Sometime later, he gets bored of walking to the swamp and asks Hazuki if they could go to an amusement park. Hazuki doesn't let them go so Boop and Grian leave him but once they saw a Zombie shoot them they regretted it.

Boop: Hey. Wait. Why do we have to go to a swamp. Swamps are boring and smelly. And no fun. We should go to this new amusement park. It's called Pig Land. Pigs are so good at building stuff now a days. They made all these super cool rides. Like the Merry-Go-Around And The pig coaster

Grian: What! Really? I didn't you could do all of that in Minecraft. That's sound super fun! We should totally stop by there.

Hazuki Denies.

Grian: Ah come on Hazuki. The swamp can wait. We should go to the amusement park.

Hazuki Denies Again

Grian: Come on Hazuki! Don't you want to go on the Merry-Go-Around?

Hazuki Denies Again

Grian: Come on Hazuki. You didn't even tell us why we have to go Swamp. Why can't we stop by the amusement park for a little bit.

Hazuki Denies Again

Grian: Just a little bit. Hazuki.

Hazuki Denies Again

Grian: Hazuki!!!!

Hazuki Denies Again

Boop: Hmm. I don't know if we can actually get in or not. I heard they discriminate.

Grian: But we should still try! If we don't try then we'll never know! And We'll never get to go to the amusement park! The amusement park!

Boop: Hey! Wait! Why is he the boss!

Grian: Ya! why he get be the boss! Why aren't we the boss.

Boop: Ya! We can better boss. A boss who goes to the amusement park.

Grian: Ya! Let's just go to the amusement park. We don't need listen to him! He can be boring. And we can go to the amusement park.

Grian: Huh?

An Arrow was then shot in ground almost hitting Grian

Grian: Wait Hazuki. We were joking. We can totally go to the swamp and do whatever you want! Steve wait!

Boop: we're joking. Do you want us to pull you in the wagon again? I'm good at it.

Later, they arrived at a destination to sleep for the night. While they were building the hous- I mean fortress, they get interrupted by Pink Leather Zombie.

Grian: Huh? You want to stop here? But it's so dark.

Boop: We can make a camp fire and sing camp fire songs. Steve not going to let us do anything fun ever again!

Grian: We need to build a house. Uh I mean a fortress. Because fortresses are cooler. Way better than houses. And it's safe.

Boop: Ok! Then we can play family! After we finish building the house.

Grian: No! We're building a fortress! Not a house! Houses are for noobs. While that's what my brother told me.

Grian: Hazuki do you want to help us?

Hazuki Denies and build a noob house.

Grian: No! We need a proper house! Uh I mean fortress. We need hurry! Or they'll turn you into a llama!

Boop: I always wanted to be a llama! Then I'll fluffy.

Grian: Uh. I mean. They'll turn you into a cow!

Boop: I don't want to be a cow! Cow make milk. I don't like milk!

Boop: I only drink orange juice.

Pink Leather Zombie convinces them to be on their team but the zombies from before come. They send unit 2D and then we spot a glimpse of Azieb.