
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: Hazuki The Llama

The Llama was chasing Boop and Grian till they stopped. Grian forgot how they got there in the first place. Boop said that the Llama appeared after Grian denied his superpowers.

Grian: Wait a second? Why are we running away from him?

Boop: I dunno. You started running and screaming then I just followed because it seemed most normal.

Grian: Wait. When did he start following us?

Boop: Remember he started following us when you woke up and denied my super powers!

Grian: Hey! Why are you following us! Uh? Do you speak llama?

Boop: Uh there no subtitles. But I can try.

Boop: fart fart fart fart

Grian: Huh? What did you say to him?

Boop: Eh. I think I offended his mother.

Grian: Okay. I think he'll stop following us now.

But the Llama didn't and keep following Boop.

Grian: I wonder why he so persist in following us?

Boop: Go away stupid llama! Super mega ultimate!

But it was interrupted by Llama and blast Boop away

Boop: *cries*

Grian: Okay. I got a plan. You're going to run away that way. And I'm going to run this way then we'll meet up over that there. He'll get confused who to follow because he can only follow one of us at a time. Then he'll get lost trying to follow both of us at the same time. ya

Boop: Oh my god that's brilliant!

Grian: Okay. One. Two. Three. Go! Go! Go!

Grian had a plan, which was to run the opposite direction of each other till the Llama got confused.

Once they did this, it didn't work so Boop and Grian started to get annoyed.

Grian: Oh my god. Is this llama. Is he trying to make us his prisoners or something!

Grian: Eh? what? What?

Grian: Wait? What you doing

Grian: Ew that's so gross. Why you have do it in front of me

Grian: Wait why did you swallow a chest? You could have just put it on your back.

Grian: I don't understand you! Why do you assume we understand you! You just go eh.

Grian: Oh my gods he just responses the same way with everything we ask him. He's worse than Charlie and Hazuki.

The Llama tried to speak to them in llama language but they didn't know what he was saying. What he was trying to say was that Zombies were approaching them.

The Zombies explained everything that Boop did to the other Zombies, and wanted some revenge because the Witch would give them a "super mega ultimate mega surprise, that would knock their socks off", although that was just a trick to get them into killing Boop and Grian.

The try to attack the two but The Llama was protecting them. The Llama hurt the Zombies, so the Zombies declared a dance battle.

While they were dancing, Boop stopped the dance battle to make them actually fight, and the Llama defeated the Zombies.

Grian: Oh my god. Why he's so good at fighting and uhm dancing. He's like Steve but a llama. Huh? Steve?

Boop: Oh my god! He's a big meanie like Hazuki! So their personalities are exactly the same. Oh my Gosh! A witch turned Hazuki into a zombie. Uh I mean a llama! That's the only reasonable explanation! Ok. Ok. So this probably what happened. Hazuki was walking along the beach then a Witch turned him into a llama. Then he got really confused and lived as a llama for a little bit then he remember who he was and came back to save us! And let us ride on him now cause he's a super fluffy llama. And that is the perfect thing to ride on and which also maximize enjoyment of the rider.

Because of the Llamas Skill and Behavior, Boop and Grian assumed the llama was Hazuki, so they named him "Hazuki The Llama".

Grian: Wait maybe his name is just also Hazuki.

Boop: No that doesn't make any sense. Also my story/reason is cooler!

Grian: Hazuki? Why are you following us? Shouldn't you be with other llamas? Doing llama stuff?

Boop: No! No! We can't call him Hazuki. Hazuki is a person name and he's a llama now. He should have a silly llama name like. Ah. EHHHHHH*fart.

Grian: But Hazuki. Hazuki is the only name he responses to.

Boop: No! His new name is Ehh *fart.

Hazuki the Llama then used a powerful breath attack and destroyed a nearby planet

Boop: Ok. We'll call him Steve the llama. so it indicates that he's a llama but he also has a person name. Now. Let me ride you!

But Hazuki the Llama dodged Boop

Grian: Oh my god his personality is exactly the same. Oh my god. Hazuki became a llama! This is totally Hazuki! I'm 100% convinced now. Welcome back Steve! Hey Hazuki? What you doing? Oh my god. Hazuki became a llama! And now he's guiding us somewhere. Hazuki. Where are you taking us? What? You want us to go to a swamp?

Boop: Ew! Swamps are gross and yucky. And smell like poop.

Grian: Wait. Hazuki where you are going? You're not making any sense. Wait why do you have a wagon?

Boop: Wait? Why does a llama have a wagon?

Hazuki The Llama then made Boop and Grian pull him in a wagon

Boop: You think Hazuki would be nicer if he was a llama but now he got meaner! And fluffier How is it even impossible for a fluffy creature to be so mean! It doesn't make any sense!

Grian: Hey Steve! You don't expect us to pull you all the way there right? We get to take turns. Right? Right?

Narrator: Will Hazuki the llama make Grian and Boop pull him all the way to the swamp in his trusty wagon? Or will they take turns.

Grian: We better!

Boop: hmm I wonder when he'll let me ride him. I must ride him.

Boop: Eh. Can I ride you while you're in the wagon. And he can pull us together?

Grian: Hey wait! What!