
That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Queen Consort

Novelist42069 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Two

The King

As the dust cleared the room, I looked around. The magic circle I made looked to have been scattered across the room. I sighed, leaning back on my throne, gazing across the room. This large room, decorated only for the best. The curtains flapped in the wind as the windows opened to my kingdom. Pillars standing tall and chandeliers twinkling at their best. "It didn't work then…" I muttered. Guards along the walls seemed to be stressed. "No, it worked," a voice said. It was Gromp. I closed my eyes. "How so? My concubine is not here. The summoning failed," I said. I felt a pat on my shoulder. "Yes, your concubine isn't here, but I did feel a disturbance out there," He said.

"A disturbance?" I asked. "Yes," He replied back. I opened my eyes to see Gromp by the window. He was much shorter than us Titans. His black, short hair seemed to flow in the wind. A barely visible chain hangs from his ear to his nose. He had dark, tan skin that seemed to radiate in the sun. He turned to look at me. His hands behind his back. A scar along his face could be seen now. The scar splits his lip, exposing his teeth on the left side, leading to his eye. He looked very young, like a teenager. He wears a black formal top with golden buttons that popped. These buttons were in the shape of scales. A dark, purple cloak chained to his collar stood still. He wore dark blue pants and black boots. His eyes sharp and gold.

I stood and walked to the window, stepping onto the balcony. "So you say my concubine is out there somewhere," I said. "Not just anywhere, but within the city walls," Gromp said. I smiled. "Then let us find and bring back my concubine," I said. "You say concubine, but what if it's a male?" Gromp asked. "No matter the gender, I will love them with my all. This is the person who has been chosen by the Great Lane. I have no doubts they will be great," I said, walking back to my throne. I could see a small grin on his face. "Alright, let's get this party started shall we, you hopeless romantic?" He asked. "Guards, inform the others that my concubine is in the city walls. I need you to find them and bring them here, make sure to be polite and do NOT bring any harm to them," I commanded. They all raised their hands and put them across their chest. "Sir!" They shouted in unison. They all turned on their heels in unison, and walked out, none out of step.

"What should we do?" Gromp asked. I stood. "We will look for my concubine as well. We'll head out to the city in the morning," I said. Gromp smiled. "Not as if that's unusual for you though," he said. I smiled. We both walked out together. "What if the concubine is.. How should I put it? Difficult?" He asked. "Well, I will bring them back as peacefully as I can," I replied. "Alright, see you in the morning," Gromp said. "See you," I said. We parted.

I lay awake in my room. -I hope my concubine is safe… They could be in trouble…- I let these thoughts run about my mind. I turned over, closing my eyes. -I will save them in the morning…- I drifted off to a light sleep.

I woke up in a slight daze. I looked over at the window. The sun was still waking. I sat up and got dressed. I walked out and Gromp was already waiting for me. "Ready for a search?" He asked. I sighed. "How are you already awake?" I asked. "I'm a morning person," he shrugged. I smiled. "Let's go," I said. The search had begun. We spent hours in each district. We found multiples of people, we gathered them in the palace walls. We continued on, because Gromp had a feeling we hadn't found them yet. I asked around until finally, we came across this tavern. The woman there said that there was a client who came in the night before. Said he woke up in a strange place, not remembering who he was. Gromp found this peculiar. "Could you bring him out?" I asked. "Hmm.. I don't know, he still owes me for a free night," She said. "If he is who I think he is, we will pay you quadruple the amount he owes," I said. She froze for a moment, thinking.

"Alright, but if he doesn't want to go with you and you scare him away, you owe twice the price you said you'd pay," She said. "Understood," I said. "Consaaa!" She shouted. "What ma?" A boy asked, walking out. "Bring the man from last night," She said. "Sure," He shrugged. He walked away. "Heh.. Seems like the nonchalant type," Gromp said. "Yes, he's very sassy though," the woman said. After a while, the boy brought someone in all black to us. He wore a blank mask and a hood. "Hello," I said. He waited a moment. "H-hello," He said. He seemed frail by the sound of his voice, but I could see the muscles through his shirt. "I'm collecting those who are like you," I said. "Would you please come to the castle?" I asked.

"Oh um.." he thought for a moment again. I waited for a response. Suddenly his demeanor changed slightly. "If I don't?" he asked. This struck me as weird. "Well, I will have to bring you with me either way, I am trying to find someone," I said. He took a step back. "Don't worry, this is King Atlas, he isn't one for violence," the woman said. Gromp seemed to be prepared for something. -I'll read his mind if you want me too…-Gromp. Gromp can read minds and speak that way to individuals. -Go ahead..- Before I finished my thought, he was running. "Shit.." I muttered. We chased after him. We chased him all the way into the forest. A ponne jumped out of the bush. We all stopped, and so did the man. "Uh.. That's not a rabbit! It's a Ponne!" Gromp said.

"What?" I asked. The man turned around as if caught off guard. He moved back towards the Ponne. "Hey! That thing can use magic! Don't spook it or else you'll be frozen!" Gromp shouted. The man seemed to disregard the warning. He was behind it now. -I'm surprised the Ponne didn't feel threatened…- Some of the guards began to move forward. The Ponne perked up its ears. The guards continued forward until the Ponne jumped up, and landed, freezing the surroundings as the man booked it. Some of the guards were frozen. Me and Gromp kept after him as we ordered some guards to free the others. I put out my hand and casted a spell. Vines grabbed onto one of the man's ankles. He fell over, hitting the ground. He turned and began to cut free as we were catching up.

Gromp also casted a spell, lightning struck behind him, fire lined behind him as he covered his ears. He seemed dazed, collapsing onto the ground. We caught up and we grabbed him. "He probably won't hear very well for a second," Gromp said. "No kidding," I said. We got him to his feet. He struggled some. We began to walk back, holding him as we walked. He was strong for his height. He was as tall as Gromp. Suddenly a sharp pain on my calf erupted. I let go of him, bending to one knee. Gromp was surprised. The man twisted out of his grasp and took a run for it. Gromp kneeled down. "You need to go after him," I said. "You come first," He said. I looked at my calf. "He hit you pretty hard on a nerve," He said. "Yeah.. I felt that.." I said.

"Well, are we still going with the soft approach? I can always cast a sleeping spell on him," Gromp said. "We'll do that after we see if the others are who I'm looking for," I said. "Alright," Gromp said. We walked back to the soldiers. Some were still frozen in the ice. Me and Gromp helped free them. "The man, what happened to him?" One asked. "He got away, but that's okay. We have the others still to judge," I said. "Right," He replied. We headed back to the Tavern. "Like I promised, I will send the money Via horseback," I said. "Alright," The woman said.

We got back to the castle. A large group of people sat in the middle of the garden. They whispered and communicated. "Hello," I said. The crowd hushed. "Before we begin, I would like to thank you for coming on such short notice," I said. "Please form a line and we will begin the search for my concubine," I said. Every one lined up, the men confused but still listening. Hours went by as we searched through each of their minds. None came from a different world.

"Well that was a waste of time," Gromp said. "Not really," I began. He looked over at me. "How is that?" He asked. "Well, we only have one left," I said. " The man with a mask," Gromp said. "How do you think we will find him? I mean there's a whole world out there," he asked. "It's simple, I put a circle of the lost and found on him before he got away," I said. "You what?" he asked. "When he was on the ground, my plants left a mark on him, they do that incase they are ripped off, part of the spell," I said. "Oh, okay," He said. "Bring me a map," I commanded. One of the guards brought one up. I took it and thanked him as he walked back to his post.

I stood up and walked Gromp to the meeting room. A round table decorated in black flowers and black table cloth sat elegantly in the middle of the room. I sprawled the map out. I put out my finger. A small vine dripped out of my finger. It fell on the map and immediately crawled across it, reaching a known travel route. It sat there, every few minutes it would move. "That, is where he is," I said. "I'm impressed," Gromp said. "I'll lend you this map, bring him back in one piece please," I said. Gromp smiled slyly. "Alright, I like the kid anyway," He said. "Oh? Why is that?" I asked. "First one to kick a king on a nerve, very brave," He said. "You like that he hurt me? My feelings would be crushed if I didn't know you," I said. He laughed. "See ya," He said. He walked out and I sat there for a moment. -What should I do in the meantime? Should I prepare a meal? Get the room ready to read his mind? Jeez… So much to do…- I stood up and began to prepare the castle for his arrival.


I kept my head low. I didn't want to attract much attention. I remained in the crowds. Buildings made of clay surrounded the streets. Stalls opened with people fanning themselves from the heat. It felt dry as a bone and burned the top of my head, but I kept going. My ears were fine now, not ringing any more. It took me a while to make it here, especially in the daze. Then, a large shadow flew overhead. Everyone began to awe in amazement. I kept moving. The shadow then began to follow me. Is it following me? I began to dart, but I was soon grabbed and was flying in the air. I reached towards the ground as if I could grab onto something. I looked to see large, silver talons circling around my waist.

I looked up slowly. A dragon's eyes staring back. The dragon was large, with pure black scales. Silver and gold jewelry around its neck, fingers, and wrists. Pure purple eyes with gold pupils and silver veins in his eyes made eye contact with me. Black smoke emitted from its nostrils with each breath. I could see a scar on its face. It revealed the dragon's teeth and rose all the way to its left eye. It seemed to smile. "L-let me go!" I shouted. I began to struggle. -Now now! You wouldn't want to- Before the voice in my head could finish, I had slipped from its grasp. -Fall..- I heard it say.

I looked down at the ground, onlookers screaming and gasping. I twisted and turned myself around, trying to land even though it was futile. I was too high to survive, but my natural instincts moved my being. The time at the bridge popped into my mind. Its over so soon? I guess I am just too unlucky… Then, the dragon swooped down, catching me. I was on its back now. The wind was knocked out of my lungs as the dragon continued on, clapping being heard from below.

It was hard to breathe at this height. Can't breathe… The dragon lowered its velocity to where I could breathe better. I sat up, not daring to look down. "Where are you taking me!?" I shouted. -To the king of course! You didn't think you could get away that easily right?- I looked up. The clouds were about an inch away. I raised my hand up to touch them, feeling the coldness. Water began to drip down my arm.

"Why are you taking me to him?" I asked. -Because, you are not of this world, and you are also his concubine!- It told me. What kind of fever dream is this? I finally looked down. Trees and roads went by 100 miles an hour it seemed. -Now, are you going to be good? Or do I need to use magic on you?- "I'll be honest since it seems you can read my mind. I'm going to at least try to escape," I said. -Understandable.- I stood up and began to balance my way to its head. I sat down at the base of its neck. Soon, a castle on a very high mountain was coming into view. We landed in its garden. I slid off the dragon's back, beginning to dart, but almost immediately becoming dizzy. I fell to the ground, my body wasn't listening to me. The man I had seen with the king before was there and the dragon was gone. "At Least you tried right?" He asked. My eyes closed and darkness consumed me.

When I woke up, I was in a bed. It was large and comfortable. I hadn't been in a bed like this before. It made me want to go back to sleep. I turned over, pulling the blankets higher. It was warm. "Are you awake?" A voice whispered. "Mmm…" I said. I heard a giggle. I opened my eyes, face to face with me was a child. The kid wore a black tux with black shoes. Purple fingerless gloves covered his hands. He had black hair that was slicked back. His eyes were a bright gold, shimmering with innocence.

"Hi! I'm Gonzol!" He said. I sat up, my head fuzzy. "Hello.." I muttered. "Papa said I needed to bring you to him when you wake up," He said. "Tell your father I said Hell no," I said. "Okay!" He said. He walked out of the room before I realized what I said. I darted out and rushed to him. "Don't say that to your father," I said. "Oh, okay. So that means you'll come?" He asked. I sighed. "Yeah, I'll come," I said. I followed him all the way to a large door. It was made of wood and stone. Gonzol knocked twice.

"Enter," I heard a voice say. The doors opened and Gonzol walked inside. "I brought him papa!" He said. The men from before stood there. "Thank you, go ahead and go back to your mother," he said. I walked forward while Gozol left, closing the large doors behind him. The two looked at me. I was still in my original clothes. "Have a nice nap?" the man said. "It was fine." I replied. "Hmm.. Well you certainly fooled me. You aren't fragile as I thought," The other man said as he sat on the throne. "Hmm…" I replied. "How's your leg?" I asked. The other man seemed to hold in a laugh. "Fine, hit me right on the nerve," He said.

I began to look around. Guards looked forward and stood still. Tall, wide pillars reached the ceiling. The rooms walls were white and decorated by gold tracings. A large, red carpet stretched from me to the throne. I walked a bit more forward, in the middle of two guards. They stood across from each other. "We'll have to make sure you were summoned from another world," The man on the throne said. "How?" I asked. "By going through your memories of course," The other man said. Robin's face flashed in my mind. "Sorry, but that's private," I said. The two looked at each other. "It is not uncommon for us to read each other's minds.. At least not here," The man on the throne said. "Well, I'm not from around here," I said.

"Oh? So you admit to being from another world," The other man asked. "No, I'm just saying I'm not from this kingdom," I replied. "Which one then?" Asked the man on the throne. I paused. "One most don't know, it's called Canada," I said. The two looked at eachother. "Canada?" The man on the throne asked. "Yes! If you look closely on a map, you can find it," I said. "Hmm.. Guard. Bring me a map," The man on the throne said. "If that place does exist, we'll let you go on your way. If not, we'll read through your mind to see who you are," The other man said.

I knew I was only stalling for time, but I am not being sold today. -It was nice to have a chance at a new life, but it's not going to be one worth living.- I looked for a way to make it quick. -If I head to the window, they can stop me… Something in here then?- I looked around. -I could bash my head into a pillar but that wouldn't guarantee death.- A knight walked in, handing the men a map. I looked at the guards. -Death by guard? That could work but they may not hurt me if ordered not to…- I scanned the guard to my left. He had a long knife strapped to his waist. -Guess it'll have to be messy…- "In which vicinity is this canada?" The man on the throne asked.

"North of here," I said. -How should I do it? In movies if you cut your neck you die pretty quickly… A stab to the gut is a bit longer in the movies… Those are movies though… I'll just go with option one… It will be easier than stabbing myself when I don't know where many vital organs are specifically… I could miss them… Hell I could miss my heart, I've seen it happen before…- "To the North you say?" The man on the throne asked. -How deep I would have to stab as well comes into account…- "Ahem.." One of the guards clears their throat. "Oh! Yes, to the North," I said. -Alright, throat it is…- "I can't seem to find where it is," One said as they both were face first in the map. "It's very small, but it's there I promise," I said.

They put the map down. "Well… we can't seem to find it so, if it's real we'll find that knowledge in your head," The man who stood said. -Shit…- He began to walk towards me, for a moment I sat still. I reached for the guard's hilt, grabbing the knife. The guards braced and quickly got between me and the two. The man who was sitting was standing, rushing over. The other man had already made it through the crowd. "Alright! Put the weapon down," One of the guards said.

-Well, I didn't think I'd have to do this twice…- I stabbed my neck, pulling the blade across it. "Shit!" The man who brought me here shouted. Pain pulsated throughout my head and neck. I kept the knife in my hands. Blood began to fill my lungs. It was excruciating. -This feeling… I felt it when I hit the water…- My body seemed to go into shock, shutting down most of my regular body functions. I fell to the floor. My body tried to cough out the blood, but it couldn't. A second later the two men were by my side. "Shit shit shit shit.." The man who brought me here said. "Get Crius here immediately!" The other man said. "Gromp, keep him stable until he gets here," He added. The man from before put pressure on my neck. The pain exploded. I tried to remove his hands, but he was strong. The other man grabbed my wrists and held them down. I tried to struggle, but it was too hard to move anything but my legs.

"Hold him down a second," he said. He began to use my blood to draw a circle around me as the other man held me down. When the circle was done, he went around a second time, drawing symbols this time. He placed his hand on the ground and the floor began to glow. It was glowing black. -That's strange…- My body became tired and focused on coughing out the liquid. The lights were entrancing. The other man let me go and put pressure on my wound. I reached up, the other man came back over. "It should last him a while until Crius gets here," He said. "Why would someone do this though?" The other man asked. "We'll ask him when he wakes," he answered. My eyes began to shut, before they did I saw someone run inside. Who? I couldn't see them very well. My eyes shut, not giving me the decency to even see who it was.

Uh oh... Not commiting self die again..

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