
That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Queen Consort

Novelist42069 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Six


No way. No how. Petite? That's what… He used to say.. Those words he spoke scared me. He knows me? How? I've never seen him in my life! I ran into someone, not thinking. "Oh! Sorry," I said. I looked up. There was a man there. It was Petrard. "Off in a hurry?" He asked. We hadn't had many times alone. "Thinking," I said. "I see. Where is the king?" He asked. "Back there at the garden was the last I'd seen him," I said. "Ah, well. I have business to conduct," he said, bowing. "If you'll excuse me," he said. I looked up. I was at my room's door. What the hell? Did I walk here without thinking? Wait. Why was he in my room? I slammed the door open. The room looked the same as I'd left it. Clothes were still on the bed, gently laid out. I sighed.

I need something to distract myself anyway. I began to put the clothes back away. There is no way he's here. It's just some dirty man. The more I thought, the more I was confused. I laid down on my bed, trying to make sense of things. The wedding is the day after tomorrow. What will I do as queen? I sighed. All these questions began to circle my mind. I probably won't do much as queen anyhow… Just a pretty face. I sighed. What was Petrard doing in my room? Was he trying to find something? If he was, what was it?

I turned over and closed my eyes. I hope tomorrow doesn't come… For the first time, I was actually able to sleep. It was weird, especially because of the worries I had endured that day. When I awoke, there was a bustling outside. The sun was high in the sky. It wasn't snowing anymore. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. How long was I asleep? I walked out of my room. Maids carried plates and food. I forgot I still had to make the cake… I sighed. I headed off to the kitchen. All of the kitchens I came across were busy though. I looked at one of the chefs. She was short and had the same features as the others. SHe had purple eyes though. "Is there any kitchen free from people?" I asked. She smiled. "Not that I know of. At Least not functional ones," she said.

"Not functional?" I asked. "There was an accident, the kitchen was set aflame and it's no longer used anymore," She said. "What happened?" I asked. "His majesty fought with his Queen, everything got heated and she fell, hitting one of the pans that had oil inside. A fire erupted and it was put out, not before the kitchen burned down, but put out," She explained. What? Queen? There was one before me? For some reason, this made something in my chest squirm. "I see, well, I was going to make a cake," I said. She looked at me, confusion on her face. "Cake?" She asked. "Yes," I muttered. Is he also an abuser? She fell into the pan? Please… That's definitely a cover story. How can you just fall, in the middle of an argument, right onto a pan that was cooking? "Well, we're mostly finished here anyways," She said. "We'll help you make it," She said. "Uh.." I thought for a moment. "Okay," I said. She smiled. "Let's get to work," She said.

Making the cake took a lot of ingredients. Lots of eggs, milk, etc. It took tens of hours as well. I wasn't the best decorating person, but I wasn't the worst. By the time we were finished, the cake was taller than me, very thick and decorated beautifully. It took around half a day to even cook most of it. Then, a couple of more hours to decorate it.

This took all day, into the night. I hadn't been paying attention because when we were finished, Atlas was standing on the other side of the counter. I looked at him. He kinda spooked me. "When did you get there?" I asked. He looked confused. "I've been here a couple of hours, we've been speaking back and forth," He said. I thought it was one of the chefs.. "Oh," I replied.

The King

I sighed. He hadn't even realized it was me he was speaking to. "Anyhow, you guys should rest. Tomorrow is a big day," I said. He looked at me and then the cake. The cake was large. It was almost as tall as me if I stood ground level to it. Flowers made out of a pink and white substance decorated it, going up from the left to the top right. At the top stood two small figurines, made from glass, that were in each other's arms. The cake was covered in the same substance, just white. "It looks good," I said. He looked at me, slightly different from normal. He looked a slight bit colder and angry. This difference was barely noticeable.

"Come, let's get you to bed," I said, reaching out my arm. He set the knife he was using down. Around them were utensils and bags turned into diamond shapes. Metal turned and bent into bowls. He walked by me, speeding up when I was near. What is wrong with him? I walked him to his room. It was a long and awkward walk. Once we made it to his room, he stopped in front of his door. He turned to look at me, a slight disgust in his eye. This made me feel upset. Why is he looking at me in such a way? "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You act so nice towards me," He said. "Does that mean that look was a reward?" I joked. His eyes closed slightly. "You and your ex-wife," He began. "Ah.. Someone told you about her?" I asked. "They told me she fell onto a pan that was cooking with oil inside," He said. Then I realized where he was going with this. "I don't understand people like you," He said. "People like me? Would you care to explain?" I could tell my voice was getting harsher. "Narcissists, cocky, abusers," He listed. I became more and more frustrated. "Abuser? I would hurt no one," I said. "Hah." He began. "You pushed your wife into a pot of boiling oil, setting the kitchen on fire!" I said matter of factly.

"I did not push her," I said, my voice became lowered and harsh. "So she just happened to fall while the two of you were arguing?" He asked. "She tripped over her dress when she went to grab a knife," I replied. "A knife? Why was she trying to protect herself?" He asked. "She was going to hurt me," I replied. "Who could ever hurt you?" He asked. That surprised me. It was silent for a while. "She could, you could," I replied. His face twisted. "You don't even know me that well," he said. I was speechless for a while. He opened his door. "I have been nothing but kind to you.. Yet you act as if everything you say or do is a burden to others. You don't trust anyone around you and you isolate yourself." I said.

He stopped. "Well, you wouldn't be so kind if you knew what I had done," he said. "Just like you shouldn't forgive yourself when it comes to the abuse you caused." I couldn't stop myself, without thinking, I grabbed his wrist. I brought him close to me, face to face. "I am getting tired of this attitude you hold. The abuse I gave to my wife? I was not the abuser!" I said. This conversation was humiliating. A look of fear crossed his face, but instantly it was gone. He slapped my hand away. "Prove it then." He said. I froze. Prove it? "Ask anyone in this kingdom! They will say the same!" I tried to convince him, but his judgment was clouded by his untrusting nature. As soon as he heard this story, he was cold to me.

"Why has your attitude changed towards me so drastically? Who told you this story?" I asked. "It's none of your business!" He replied back. "It is my business. If someone is spreading lies, I must know why!" I said. Our voices grew louder and louder. "For all I know you might silence them for telling the truth!" He said. Enraged, I pushed him inside his room and closed the door.


I was scared to be honest. This giant had me cornered now. I was also pissed though. Who does this man think he was? No one should be allowed to do that to another human being. I tried to hide my emotions. He stopped at the door. "She would hurt the children," He said under his breath. This stopped me. "What?" I asked. He walked towards me. "She would insult my parents, lacing their names in poison," He said. I backed away. He was in my face now. "She killed my sister," He said. I fell to the ground. His sister? I could see the depressed look in his eyes. "This argument you have against me, why are you bringing this up? Why won't you take my word without a fight?" he asked. That fight.. It must have been the first night he had courage to fight against her because of his sister. Like the first time I had tried to fight back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have accused you of something without knowing all the facts," I said. He looked away. "I can tell," he began. "I can tell you've been through something similar now. The way you felt like you had to defend my Ex-wife and reject me because of the actions you thought I had committed," he said. What is this man saying now? "Tell me," He said. A feeling of dread dwindled down my spine. "You would hate me," I said. He turned to look at me. "Tell me," he said. The dread I felt earlier turned into anger. I stood up. "It's none of your business," I said. I could see he was offended by that. "You are my business, like every other person in this kingdom," he said. "What are you so frightened about telling me?" He asked. Then all of a sudden, a look of realization crossed his face. "That man, the incubus. What did he do to you?" He asked. I was dumbfounded. "I don't even know him," I said.

"You don't?" He asked. "No! I don't! What? Do you think I'm sleeping around with an incubus?" I asked. "No! I just thought because he said you knew him," He said. I sighed. "I'm not one for having sexual relations either," I said. "Okay," he said. "Back to the subject," He said. "Why are you so frightened to tell me anything?" he asked. "You would hate me," I said. "Shouldn't I decide that instead of you? Plus, I'll love you either way," he said. This made me draw back a bit. His words hit something in my chest, but I didn't know how to feel about it.. "You'll love me anyway huh?" I asked. "I promise," he said. He smiled warmly at me. If I told him, would the kindness I have never had disappear? I looked to the ground. If I don't tell him though, will he leave me anyhow? I could tell he was growing impatient. I didn't know what to do.

He sighed. "I must apologize for my actions, I shouldn't have pushed it," he said. I looked at him, a look of disappointment on his face. He turned away, beginning to leave. "Wait.." I spoke quietly. I reached out slightly. He didn't seem to hear me. Was all the kindness leaving me now? Would he treat me differently? Is he disappointed? I grabbed his shirt. "Wait.." I said. I could feel tears well up in my eyes. He turned, a bit surprised. I kept looking at the ground. "I'll tell you.." I muttered. I began to quiver. He turned all the way around and grabbed my wrist. "When you're ready," He said.

The King

He was shaking like a leaf. That made me feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up… I sat him down, but he wouldn't make eye contact. I sat down next to him. He took a deep breath in. He looked up at the ceiling. Was he trying to hold back tears? I turned him towards me gently. "It's alright," I said. His face was slightly red at the cheeks.


This whole ordeal was embarrassing. How could I even explain it to him? I couldn't meet his eyes. Then something occurred to me. Couldn't he get Gromp to read my mind? "I think it would be easier if you had Gromp read my mind, it also wouldn't be as dramatic," I said. He thought for a moment. "Alright," he said. He stood up and he walked out.

Gromps POV

I was having a stare down with Kayleigh. She's been staring off into space, but she hasn't noticed she's been staring at me. The king walked up to me, urging me over. I turned and walked over. "What's up?" I asked. "I need you to do something for me," he said. "That would be?" I asked. "I need you to read Nova's mind," he said. "Okay," I said. He was shocked. "Really? That easy?" He asked. "I mean, I've just been waiting for you to ask. Probably should bring her with us, that bitch has been trying to get her back," I said. She's getting annoying..

"Sure, but let's not let her in his mind without permission," he said. I shrugged. "Wouldn't do that anyhow. No real reason she should," I responded. "Wanted to make sure," he said. "Hey!" I said. She seemed to jump then look up at us. "I'm sorry, what?" She said.

"Come with us, that fat bitch is still after you," I said. She looked at us and shrugged. "Sure," She said. We began to walk back to Nova's room. "Why so sudden?" I asked. "We had an argument," He replied. "Oh?" I asked. "Yeah, it was kinda built up from both of us," He replied. "Oh, okay," I said. "How much damage?" I asked. The girl began to move slower. "Well, it wasn't as bad as before with her. He actually listened to me so," He replied back. "That's good, but hopefully they won't be constant," I muttered. "Let's hope," He repeated.

When we made it to the brides room, he was sitting on the guard rail. He looked at us, then the girl. "Why did she tag along?" He asked. "Didn't want that fat bitch to take her back," I replied back to him. He nodded. "Sit down here," He said, pointing to a chair next to a desk. The girl went over and sat. He stood up and walked over to the bed. "Is this going to hurt?" I asked. "If your mind doesn't resist our presence," I answered. "Okay…" He muttered.

I laid him back. "Let's get this show on the road. How far back?" I asked the king. He stuttered. "Well, I mean how much is comfortable?" He asked. "I don't care really," Nova replied. "Okay," I replied. "Before we do this though." I turned to the king. "Emotions will hit you like a fireball," I told him. He nodded. I put a finger on Nova's head, then the King's.

I concentrated hard, then black magic began to creep between my fingers and up my arms. They crept onto the king's head and began to dance around it. Then, a gold color seeped out of his closed eyes and the black magic cradled it back towards me. The black misty magic crept over to the arm touching Nova. The gold mist from his majesty was carried to Nova's head and inserted through the eyes. I closed my eyes and sucked my consciousness out. I turned to look at my body, it was completely still. Then, within the darkness, I scurried over to Nova's head. His eyes were closed now so it would be a bit harder to enter through the eyes.

I squeezed myself through his closed eyes, meeting with the king's consciousness in a black room. He followed me through cracks and crevices until sparks flew by us. The brain was in front of us now. We walked along the thin bridges to get close to the brain. We had to squeeze through to get to the center of the brain. Inside the mind was different from the brain. Inside was dark and gloomy, all we had to do was make it to the memory storage. Once we did, memories began to flow around us. I then took my human form so I could make it around easier. "Just concentrate on your physical form and become it," I explained. The king's consciousness was still a moment until he began to form his body.

He was back to his normal self in about 2 minutes. He looked around, fascinated. "It's wonderful," he said. I smiled. "Now, let's go find his consciousness," I said. He nodded. We searched around the place. Then, we found him sitting in front of a window. It displayed a picture. I looked at it. There was a kid and two adults. He looked over at us, a mellow look to him.

"That isn't him, but more of the librarian," I explained. "Right," he said. We walked over to him. "We ask him a certain time frame and he brings us to it," I said. "Like the start of the pain?" He asked. Then, Nova's consciousness started to move. It turned around and began to walk. "Welp, that answers that," I said. We followed after him. We walked for a while. Then, we stopped in front of another window. His face was still mellowed out. He pointed with his hand. We looked. On the picture frame was the same family from earlier, but more of a sadder tone to it.

The mother had pale skin, tall and thin. She was frowning in the photo. Her eyes were bright blue. She wore a furry shirt and blue jeans. She had on black high heeled boots. She had her hand on a child's shoulder. The child was smiling big, but there was a slight frown at the end of his lips. His eyes were the same color as Nova's. His eyes were hopeful and pure. The complete opposite of Nova's. He wore a small brown, leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. He wore blue work jeans and mens boots. He stood more in front of his mother. His father was also tall, buff. He had a black suit on. He wore shiny black shoes as well. Both parents had black hair. Both parents also had a slight look of disgust on their faces. I kneeled down.

Nova still had both eyes. Their color scheme is opposite. One had blue and brown while the other had brown and blue. "This looks promising," I said. I looked over at Nova's consciousness. "We'll start from here and go along with the ages," I said. He nodded slightly and walked away. "How do we see these memories?" The King asked. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Like this," I said, pushing him. He fell into it, now out of sight. I walked inside, feeling the tingling of sadness on my skin.

When I entered, I was in front of a nice house. It was large. It was painted a baby blue with two stories. A nice balcony and staircase to the front door. The King gor up from the floor. "You could have just told me," he shivered. I turned to him, placing two fingers on his chest hard. "These feelings you are feeling now can take over if you're not careful. Don't let them in," I said. I walked away, him looking at me from afar. Soon, he followed me up the steps. "Well, are you ready?" I asked. He nodded. "This was probably the last time he saw his family as pure," I said. "It may be," he said. I opened the door, revealing a white void. The white void had a few pictures hanging as if we were in a room. Nova was sitting in the middle, coloring it seemed.

He had a big smile, unsullied. Then, his mother was in a door frame of white. She leaned against the wall, tears rolling down her face. "We can't let people see him with those eyes," She muttered, her voice was distorted, it was high pitched then very low pitched. Then his father put his hand on her cheek. "I know, but what can we do?" He asked. She gave out a sob. Nova's smile faded slowly. "Mom," he said. They looked over at him. "Am I a monster?" He asked. She ran away, his father looking at him. "Yes, you are a monster, spawn of the devil," he said. His mother's body paused in time. "His eyes are beautiful though.."Atlas said. The three's heads snapped towards us inhumanely. Their eyes began to turn black and their bodies melted.

I put myself in front of the king. Instead of danger, the figures warped into a door. I took the king's arm and pushed him towards it. "Do not turn around for anything you idiot," I said. Clicking noises from behind made me push him faster. I opened the door, turning to look, before shutting the door. A monstrosity was there, saddened that it couldn't catch us now. I closed the door. "Don't ever bring attention to us while we're in his subconscious," I scolded. "Sorry," he muttered. "It's fine. I should have told you," I replied. Then, a childish giggle echoed around us.

A fight? Then finding out about Nova's past?? Oh my...

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