
How it all began

Disclaimer- I, NarutoOtsutsuki7109 do not own Naruto. Any OCs in this story are of my own creation.


'So, I have the same name as I had in my last life huh. My brother's name is Shisui, well I guess things could be worse.'

It was then that their words registered in my head, "Wait a second, did he say UCHIHA!! THERE'S NO WAY!! THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!!"

The woman smiled looked at him, "I'm sure you will do great things someday, Arata Uchiha…"

Arata wanted to scream and curse God but all that came out was, "WAAAHHHHHHH"




As I lay in my crib, being the epitome of an innocent newborn, I tried my damn hardest not to freak out and go insane. And considering my current predicament, that's exactly what was going to happen.

I had been reborn as an Uchiha. Uchiha Shisui is my older brother and he had found out about the identity of his parents.

His father was Kenta Uchiha, a shinobi who worked in the ANBU Black Ops while his mother was Mikasa Uchiha. She was the younger daughter of the former clan head. She was also a jounin and was famous for her speed.

So that's probably where Shisui got his speed from. Both of his parents had unlocked their sharingan at a young age and Shisui himself, while only 5 years old, had already unlocked his 1-tomoe sharingan.

Simply unlocking the sharingan automatically placed me at chunin level. However, in my personal opinion, chunin's were nothing but glorified cannon fodder.

Not to mention, it didn't really matter if your perception of time was slow but your body simply can't react that fast. If I wanted to survive in this world, I had to step it up a notch or two.

Of course, I couldn't do that right now because I was, you know, a two-month-old baby. Of course, I could try and get a feel of my chakra.

The moment I got that idea, I threw it out of the window. It wasn't worth risking my life over.

After all, If I accidently did something I wasn't supposed to do, things would not be good.

Not to mention I was really sleepy all the time. Maybe I should just fall asleep. One second thought, I might as well get some food. I hadn't eaten for a while.

My family wasn't in the room so I would have to improvise. Ah, who am I kidding, I'll just get this over with.

With that, I prepared myself to do something I would never do in my past life. At least, not on my own accord.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my toothless mouth and promptly wailed "WAAAHHHHHHHH".

Within seconds, I found myself being lifted off the crib and I looked up into my father's charcoal eyes. I simply opened my mouth and tried to ask him for food.

Keyword being 'Tried' because I'm pretty damn sure he didn't understand jack-shit.

Of course, the look on his face said it all. So, to get it through his thick head, I started crying like nobody's business


A few minutes of panicking, Dad decided to try and calm me down by rocking me, "Hey now Ara-kun calm down, Papa's right here, Papa's right here."

I had to admit, he looked like he was giving it his all to be a good dad. So, like any good son, I decided to scare him even further, "WAAAAAAHHHHH"

I cried like that for 5 minutes straight and then stopped cuz it didn't look the poor man could handle any more of my crying. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the fridge.

If he was surprised by a baby rolling his eyes, he didn't show it.

A look of realization crossed his face as he facepalmed. Or, at least as well as he could have while he had me in his arms. So, he opened the fridge and gave me some of the formula. I took one look at it and gave him an are-you-serious look.

Once again, If Dad was surprised with a 2-month-old baby giving him that kind of look, he didn't show it. He probably accepted that his son was the weirdest 2-month-old he would ever come across. So, dad said nothing but took the formula bottle in his hand, and smiled at me.

For some reason, I didn't like that smile, "Oh, look! Little Ara-kun is hungry! I guess it's time to feed you a bit of formula!" and just like that, he took the bottle and stuffed it in my face.

My specific thoughts during that situation, "SON OF A BITH!!!! ARE YOU INSANE!! STUFFING A BOTTLE IN A TWO-MONTH-OLD!!! SCREW YOU!!!!"

With those thoughts, Arata had a great idea, which included, "WAAAAAAHHHHHHH"

It was a cry louder than any other, within seconds, he was snatched out of Dad's hands and in the hands of a slightly shorter, but much more terrifying woman.

Instantly, Dad froze.

"Kenta-kuuun" the woman spoke in an overly sweet voice, "what do you think you're doing" the woman questioned.

"Ahh! Mikasa-chan! Well, you see…"

That's right, the woman in question is my one and only mother, Uchiha Mikasa.

Using the power that every mother seemed to have, she spoke, "I don't want to hear it. All you need to know is that you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next month."

Dad looked as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.

With a quivering voice, he spoke , "Dear, please forgive me. I'm sorry! I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

"Absolutely not!" she shouted, "What were you thinking!!! If my baby boy had been hurt, I would have killed you!!"

"I'M SORRY!!!" He spoke. Comical tears falling from his eyes. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!"

"Hmph, not a chance" mom instantly denied.

By now, father was on his knees and was begging Mom to reconsider her choice. After all, it was the ultimate punishment to make one's husband sleep on the couch. He looked up with tears cascading like a waterfall.

The scene was so hilarious that I couldn't help it. I busted out laughing as my parents looked at me in surprise. Then suddenly the door opened to reveal Shisui, a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman looking at us in amusement.

"Ah! It's you two!" exclaimed my father while pointing at the two others.

The man's eyebrow twitched while the woman giggled. Shisui facepalmed while Mom's eyebrow twitched. A moment later dad was on the floor with a large bump on his head while mom loomed over him angrily.

Mom glared at dad and apologized to the guests, "I'm very sorry you had to see that. I promise he'll be on his best behavior from now on." She said embarrassed.

The woman spoke, "It's quite alright imouto , I know how Kenta-san can get. That's just how he is. Wouldn't you agree Fugaku-kun." The woman spoke kindly.


The women and Shisui sweat dropped at that. With a jolt I recognized the name. Fugaku Uchiha, the head of the Uchiha clan and the father of Sasuke and Itachi. So, the woman must be Mikoto Uchiha. Nothing interesting was revealed about her in the anime or the manga.

However, I knew not to rely too much on my knowledge. After all, it was never revealed that Kagami Uchiha had two daughters. Fugaku also had the mangekyo sharingan and his abilities were never revealed, even though he was the head of the Uchiha police force. So, I suspect him to be elite jounin or low Kage level.

It was then that I noticed the little bundle sleeping peacefully in Mikoto's arms.

{Huh} I thought {Looks like this is a family gathering.}

"So" mother spoke, "what brings you here, Fugaku-san, Nii-sama?"

This time, it was Fugaku who spoke, "We came here to visit our new family members. We also brought along a few gifts with us." He said with a stoic face and a neutral voice.

Mikoto nodded, "We also brought Itachi along with us. Who knows, maybe they can become friends."

The adults nodded and it was dad who spoke next, "Well, why don't we continue this conversation in the living room"

Fugaku nodded as they made their way towards the living room.

Fugaku and dad seemed to be deeply immersed in some conversation while mom and Mikoto were gossiping. Shisui was doing his best to keep the two of us entertained.

I thought of the future, the Kyuubi's rampage, the Uchiha massacre, the invasion, Akatsuki, The 4th great shinobi war and Kaguya.

I thought of the most heartbreaking moments of the anime, the sacrifice of Minato and Kushina. Naruto's shitty childhood, the death of Jiraiya, Neji and other tragic things.

As I thought about it, I thought of my sibling, Shisui, who would be forced into committing suicide because of Danzo. Saving him wouldn't be that hard. Not if I became strong enough.

Thinking of Shisui brought back old memories, memories of Aika. She was such a precious child. I wondered how she was doing.

I hoped she was well.

I hoped she was out there, realizing her dream.

I wished she was happy

I… I wanted to see her again…. at least to properly say goodbye …

I blinked as I felt the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. Wow, that was honestly surprising.

The truth was, I never cried. I didn't cry the day my parents divorced. I didn't cry when the kids bullied me for the absence of my father. I didn't cry when my mother…no…that woman… kept insulting me and cursed me for my existence.

I didn't cry when I fought with her and left the house, to never return again. I didn't cry when I realized I was homeless, and had nowhere to go. I didn't cry when the man I trusted most…that man…betrayed me and killed me…

Heh… guess I'm not some sort of freak after all

At that moment, I came to a decision. No matter what, I'd become strong. Not just for my own sake, but for the sake of everyone who is important to me.

If I have to fight Pein, Madara, Obito and Kaguya to do that… so be it…

I'll protect my precious people till the day I die… that's the promise of a lifetime.

Damn, Naruto would be proud.

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