
That Time I Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master. (dead on webnovel)

“Randomly being pulled into a meeting of goddess was the last thing I expected. I don’t remember much from my previous life, I just remember endless darkness. So of course I asked for information on what ever World I was going to. And then I let the Goddess decide. I have no clue how it happened, but I ended up as a dungeon master in the world of ‘that time I reincarnated as a slime.’”

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Ch 56 Dungeon pt 5

Suddenly Rimuru takes off into the sky.

"What teacher can fly?" Alice shouts amazed

"of course." Safi replies.

The dragon then begins to charge a lightning attack towards the wall.

The Soldiers on the wall loose arrows only for them to bounce off of the dragon's scales.

Lightning is blasted before it's suddenly swallowed up by a black storm.

"Woah," Ryota says

"Cool right? That isn't even auntie Rimuru's final form." Safi says with a smile

that gets a giggle from a few of the students.

"Why do you call teacher auntie Rimuru?" Chloe asks

"that's because she is actually momma Nekra's aunt," Safi says


Meanwhile, in a dungeon, a catgirl suddenly sneezes.

"Who's talking about me nya?" Nekra asks as she is working on the 6th floor because the moving labyrinth takes a lot of attention to get right.


The dragon roars in a rage having its attack nullified.

Safi can see Rimuru smile as the dragon seems to squeak in fear as it gets swallowed up by that same black storm which ate its attack.

"Wow, teacher is strong," Alice says

"Of course, but it was just an inferior species," Safi says

"Why do you say that?" Chloe asks

"Because I'm a dragon Rawr," Safi says extremely cutely


"That's bullying Nekra," Yuki says looking at the maze

"Nya? What do you mean?" Nekra asks

" No one is ever gonna get past this," Yuki says

"Yuki what are the walls made of?" Nekra asks

"Your joking," Yuki responds

Nekra smiles

"You want them to punch through the wall!" Yuki shouts

Nekra nods knowing that's gonna get a lot of people.

"So are you gonna work on the 5th floor?" Yuki asks

Nekra nods tired of working with the maze floor.

"Nya, let's buy this," Nekra says suddenly as an abandoned modern-day city becomes the fifth floor. With a roman Senate building in the center. The city appears to have been abandoned for well over 50 years as there is a forest growing in the middle of it the buildings covered in vines and mold. The paint old and faded.

"How many points was that?" Yuki asks

"Nya only 200,000 nya. At least I didn't have to build it." Nekra says as she teleports to the floor. Nekra snaps her fingers as several thousands of Roman legionnaires appear from the ground made of stone. Suddenly one walks forward and takes a knee in front of Nekra.

"Nya, You shall be the floor boss Sparticus," Nekra says with a smile

The soldiers chant before breaking off and start fortifying the Senate building.

Nekra teleports back to the control room.

"That! what did you summon! was that an intelligent golem?" Yuki asks shocked

"I just summoned a Golem with the memories of Sparticus nya." Nekra says shrugging as she starts to set the monsters that will spawn on the floor.

It's going to have roaming Tobi Kadachi's, Kulu Ya Ku's, and Puki Puki's. That doesn't include the legions of Roman soldiers that will fight in squads of up to 12.

The boss fight with Sparticus will also include 10 golem legionaries.

"That... Nekra are you sure anyone can get this deep in the first place?" Yuki asks

"Yuki nya, we have people from the tempest, they will get there eventually, and if not Rimuru will for fun nya." Nekra says

"Did you set the monsters for the 6th floor?" Yuki asks

Nekra shakes her head no before opening the 6th floor on the command console.

"Tigrex, Nyajarala, and Bullfango." Nekra says with a smile

"The boss?" Yuki asks

"Nya, It's a labyrinth so it's got to be a minotaur however since we don't have that," Nekra says as she sets a Behemoth to spawn at the center of the labyrinth.

"This is gonna be hard to beat you know?" Yuki asks

"Wait till you see what I have planned for the next floor nya." Nekra says with an evil smile.

"What's wrong with you? You usually aren't this evil?" Yuki asks as she pets Nekra's ears causing her to purr.

"Nya, its really hot Yuki," Nekra says tiredly

"You.. are you in heat?" Yuki asks realizing Nekra is holding back her instincts and its affecting her weirdly.

"Nyo." Nekra says blushing as Yuki realizes that its an issue which needs to be solved.

Once the dungeon is built there will be a bonus chapter describing what each floor is and I will probably put pictures of the monsters.

Maybe I will also write some people trying to beat it. The Kavel party seems like good guinea pigs.

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