
Ch 3: Dungeon points

"Nya? As a vampire I shouldn't need to sleep." Nekra says to herself confused about why she slept. Maybe being near Yuki puts her at peace.

"We need to make this cave more homey." Nekra says

"Master we are inside the dungeon core control room. The cave is outside." Yuki says

"Yuki call me Nekra. And we are inside the core? How do we edit the dungeon Nya?" Nekra asks

Yuki points over to something that looks suspiciously like a computer.

"Oh, that's a bit easier." Nekra says realizing she feels fabric on her body before looking down.

"Yuki? Did you buy us clothes? I love the dress thank you." Nekra says with a smile doing a small spin.

Yuki is watching the smaller girl with silver hair crimson red eyes and black cat ears and tail. Spin around as her dress spreads out and flourishes.

"So, this should be similar to a video game... what's a video game?" Nekra says looking at the interface on the computer before experiencing another headache getting the knowledge of what they are.

"Ah, master there is also the store." Yuki says

"The store? And call me Nekra, Yuki, we are already partners since we are bonded." Nekra says

"P-partners?" Yuki asks blushing.

"Yes of course Yuki nya. Now what's the store?" Nekra asks

"The store has anything you know of for sale." Yuki says

"Nya? so it has everything then?" Nekra says

"What?" Yuki asks

"Ah, how do we buy stuff?" Nekra asks

"Dungeon points." Yuki says

"How do we get dungeon points?" Nekra asks

"There is a few ways. The first one is naturally gathering Magicules through the earth. Or magicules given off by adventures in the dungeon if we kill them in the dungeon we get a lot of DP." Yuki says

"Nyo killing, if we kill they will send higher rank people. And maybe even send up to an army to get rid of us." Nekra says starting to dread her race.

"Right... we are not strong enough for that." Yuki says with a nod.

'Good, I don't want to fight any army yet.'


"Why do we only have 100 dp?" Nekra asks looking at the monitor.

"Ah, I purchased Nekra's clothes!" Yuki says

Nekra quickly pulls up previous purchases.

(Clothes: Armored Invincible self cleaning white dress. 100,000dp)

(Book: How to cook food for vampires. 200dp)

(Book: How to tame a vampire. 400dp)

(Apartment style core upgrade. 14,000)

(Clothes: Rugged female adventures ware. 4000dp)

"Yuki? Did you spend all of our Dp on clothes?" Nekra asks ignoring the books wanting to say Yuki is a Yandere but she doesn't know what a Yandere is.

Yuki tilts her head thinking for a second then shakes her head no.

"What's the apartment style upgrade? It still looks like a cave." Nekra says

"We need to equip it." Yuki says

Suddenly the 100 goes up to 110.

"Nya?" Nekra says she quickly pulls up the view of the cave.

"We get DP from wild monsters?!" Nekra says shocked seeing goblins in the dungeon.

"It appears so." Yuki says

"That's great... lets just put the core under an illusion on the roof of the cave." Nekra says spending the last 100 DP putting the core under an invisibility cloak which can last for 20 years.

"Now what?" Yuki asks

"Uh, we wait.. maybe use the DP to buy some blood and does Yuki need to eat Nya?" Nekra asks

Yuki shakes her head no.

"So what do we do while we wait?" Nekra asks

Suddenly a flash drive falls from the sky.

"Huh? Are they still watching me?" Nekra says looking up before picking up the flash drive and putting it into the dungeon computer.

"Wait? That's what that port is for?" Yuki asks since she knows next to nothing about computers.

'It should be since my knowledge wish was kinda worded to where I got knowledge from every world.' Nekra thinks to herself.

(An: there is knowledge then how to use it. It's also safe to assume her mind has made its own mental blocks to help save it from over working with all of the memories so it could go through it as needed.)

Opening up the files on the dungeons computer there are two folders.



"Oh? We can pass plenty of time like this!" Nekra says happily knowing what those are.

"What are Anime and Games?" Yuki asks looking at the screen.

"I will show you games first let's see what we have." Nekra says opening up the folder to only have 1 game.

(Roller coaster tycoon 2)

"Awe... that's it?" Nekra says somewhat disappointed before realizing she shouldn't complain.

"What's that?" Yuki asks

"Let's give it a try... I've never played it but if it was given to me it was obviously good." Nekra says starting the game.


Meanwhile at an over worked headmasters desk.

"Of course it's good!" Kyra suddenly shouts from her chair scaring Ruby who was trying to sneak up on her.

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