
That Time I Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master. (dead on webnovel)

“Randomly being pulled into a meeting of goddess was the last thing I expected. I don’t remember much from my previous life, I just remember endless darkness. So of course I asked for information on what ever World I was going to. And then I let the Goddess decide. I have no clue how it happened, but I ended up as a dungeon master in the world of ‘that time I reincarnated as a slime.’”

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Ch 28: Nekra the singer.

"So were to next?" Yuki asks

"I don't know exactly nya." Nekra days when suddenly they hear a woman shout cute.

Nekra's head snaps up to see an elf directly in front of them running towards them.

"Hi nya?" Nekra says confused.

"Can you sing?" The elf asks Nekra nods suddenly all three of themselves find themselves being dragged towards a bar called "butterflies of the night".


"How did we end up here nya?" Nekra asks as all three of them are getting a make over from the elf's.

"I don't know but I like this dress." Yuki says

"There are bows on my tails nya" Nekra says

"So what do you want me to do?" Nekra asks

"Well can you sing up on our stage?" An elf asks

"I guess nya." Nekra says

"Mommas I can play an instrument." Safi says

"Which one?" Yuki asks

"a guitar." Safi says

"What is that?" Yuki asks

"Okay, nya here." Nekra says pulling one out of seemingly nowhere however she used a crafting skill to turn a log into one in her space magic.


"You know what song to play right nya?" Nekra asks

Safi nods.

She starts strumming the guitar.

[Welcome to the Universe (unplugged)- by Mega Nrg Man]

"This one for you Yuki nya.....

I can see the laser line

between between your black white eyes tonight you get me to your dreams come on

rock this night for real.

Moving on and sing this crazy song.

I feel that she'll blow my mind, by my side.

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the universe. Welcome to dream welcome to my world baby you light my fire.

Welcome, welcome, Welcome to the universe. Welcome to dream welcome to my world, welcome to the Universe.

Got the power of my soul, this is my heart beat for your love, you get me to the game above

to the dance for love.

Movin on and singing this crazy song.

I feel that she'll blow my mind by my side.

Welcome welcome welcome to the Universe. Welcome to dreams welcome to my world baby you light my fire.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the universe.

Welcome to dream, welcome to my world, welcome to the universe.

The guitar solo kicks in.

The song ends and all of the elves in the establishment start clapping.

Suddenly the door opens and 4 dwarfs and a slime walk in.

(A/N: that sounds like the start of a joke I know.)

"Oh, Kaijin! How nice to see you!" An elf says


"Oh, how cute!" An elf shouts running up to Rimuru.

"Hey! I had my eye on it first!" Another elf says

Nekra just nods at Safi as she begins to play another song using her dragon body's speaker to cheat a bit.

[that time I got reincarnated as a slime opening]

"Something bigger than a tale of fiction that no body knows.

I will write another page that doesn't have a name." Nekra sings as she starts dancing to the music coming from Safi.

" I looked above to see tomorrow shining with hope

Don't know what it's called - I'm stuck in my dull routine.

That future taunts me with a life that I never have known.

Try to touch it, but it's just outta my reach.

Carving out the shapes that makes the wishes in our hearts.

Stronger now, shout it loud, shout it proud- fly high!

Turning over to a side of fiction that no one know

I'll keep following this instinct till I've sprouted the skills to stay alive!

If the things that I'm feeling are real at all proving I was really alive all along

Yeah again, and again, till I'm done

I'm gonna name you all!

To the East, to the west, way I'll high

Stand up to the period! Onward!"

Nekra starts dancing again before the songs continues.


Several songs later


"Yuki nya water please nya." Nekra says realizing her tick seems to be worse from holding it back while singing.


Rimuru's point of view.

'This place is amazing all the elves they even have a cat girl singing.'

(Sage: warning subject is dangerous.)

'Her really? She looks like a cute cat girl

What could she possibly be?' Rimuru thinks just before he is pulled out of his thoughts.

"Mister slime are you ready?" The dark skinned elf says

'Eh yeah! Oh wait she meant fortune telling.'

"So what kind of reading can you do?" Rimuru asks

"Well... what would you like?" She asks

"How about the person he's destined to be with?" The elf with rimuru in her lap asks.

"Oh, that's a good idea!" The dark skinned elf says

"Alright here I go!" She says moving her hands over Rimuru like the slime is a crystal ball.

"Oh I can't see anything." The dark skinned elf says and everyone else giggles

"Alright for real this time." She says moving her hands over the crystal ball.

'Could there actually be a person I'm destined to be with maybe it's actually a slime I'm destined to be with.'

"Oh I see something." The elf says

Suddenly there is the outline of a dragon before it changes to a woman person with black hair.

'She sorta looked Japanese.' Rimuru thinks

"That was one pretty girl." Kaijin says

'So what was that about the cat girl?' Rimuru asks Great Sage when suddenly alcohol is poured on him.

"Oi! What was that for!" Rimuru says not having heard any of the original conversation about magical sword delivery because he was distracted.

Kaijin is suddenly up and punching Vesta.

"Nya? When did you two become enemies?" The mysterious cat girl asks


Nekra after taking her sip of water just takes a break sitting in an empty booth in Yuki's lap.

"I kinda wanna try that crystal ball thing nya. But it's useless nya." Nekra says

"Why is that?" Yuki asks

"Because Yuki is my destined one nya." Nekra says kissing her.

Meanwhile up in stage Safi is still playing music.

"Oh it's Vesta nya." Nekra says seeing the man enter bar.

"Kaijin did you finish the delivery?" Vesta asks in an overly obnoxious way

"Yes I did do you wanna see the invoice?" Kaijin asks

"Nya? I swore those two were friends ten years ago nya." Nekra says snuggling up against Yuki

Nekra watches as Vesta pours alcohol on Rimuru.

"I should go say something." Nekra whispers getting up.

"Nya? When did you two become enemies?" Nekra asks appearing a foot away from where Vesta landed.

"It's you?" Vesta asks

"I nya, I haven't seen you in 10 years and that's the first thing you say nya?" Nekra asks

Suddenly guards storm in and attempt to arrest everyone but Vesta makes a signal to stop when they go for Nekra, Yuki, and the Elves. What about Safi you may asks her passive charm mixed with her dragon intimidation keeps most of the guards away from her though they don't know why.