
That Time I Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master. (dead on webnovel)

“Randomly being pulled into a meeting of goddess was the last thing I expected. I don’t remember much from my previous life, I just remember endless darkness. So of course I asked for information on what ever World I was going to. And then I let the Goddess decide. I have no clue how it happened, but I ended up as a dungeon master in the world of ‘that time I reincarnated as a slime.’”

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Ch 24: Upgrading Safi

"Mom? Cane we upgrade me now!?" Safi asks jumping on her parents bed early in the morning.

"Nyaaan" Nekra says as she tries to stretch awake but is Yuki's hug pillow.

"Sure." Nekra says as she slips out of Yuki's arms with the dexterity of a cat.

"Yay!" Safi says

"Shh! Do you wanna wake up auntie Milim and Momma Yuki?" Nekra asks

Safi shakes her head no.

"Let's go then." Nekra says grabbing Safi's hand which is surprisingly warm as they teleport out to her main body.

"So what do you wanna do first?" Nekra asks

"Magic muscle is good but under a lot of pressure it will snap." Safi says

"Nya!? It's not supposed to it's made from dragon hide." Nekra says

"How about Strand Crystal tissue?" Safi asks

"We're are going to make room for that?" Nekra asks

Safi pulls open the panel.

"Ah, if we replace the hydraulics with narrower pistons made with a sturdier metal then we should have room nya." Nekra says

Safi nods.

"How about Adamantium?" Safi asks

"I was thinking Orichalcum nya." Nekra says

"Then we can have magic going through it, genius!" Safi says as Nekra begins to remove the massive hydraulic pistons.

Suddenly fluid starts to get shot out of the hoses.

"Nya! I forgot to drain the system first." Nekra says as she dodged the fountain of pressurized fluid that was shot at her.


Yuki wakes up in bed to feel herself cuddling something soft but it doesn't have Nekra's body heat.

"Hmm? Where did Nekra go?" Yuki asks opening up her eyes to see herself hugging a body pillow of Nekra wearing her white dress with that normal charming smile.

Yuki turns it around to see the other side. Which is the exact same but rather than Nekra smiling it's her blushing.

"Cute!!" Yuki shouts as she starts to get a nose bleed.


"Why do I feel uncomfortable..." Nekra says as she is bolting in a new piston.

"I don't know?" Safi says as she is working on the computer components.

"Are you sure this will work mom?" Safi asks

"Of course nya. It's a magical quantum computer it uses magic for cooling nya." Nekra says

"Why am I installing the inferior computer next to it then?" Safi asks

"Because there are formations which can remove magicules from the air." Nekra says as she pulls out a hammer and hits the stick piston into place while Safi is unaware.

"Then what about the perpetual magic engines?" Safi asks

"Nya? That can be solved by having a Arc reactor installed somewhere for an emergency back up." Nekra says as she accidentally punctures a hose with her claws.

"Oops nya." Nekra says as she quickly replaces the hose to the piston.

"Hey mom what is this thing?" Safi asks

"That's a force field generator nya." Nekra says looking up from the leg access panel.

"Where should I install this?" Safi asks

"Around the core is a safe bet nya. Although we may layer your titanium body with a stronger metal at the solid places you can never risk your core nya?" Nekra says

"But aren't I constantly backing up to the dungeon computer?" Safi asks

"You are nya, but only while you are in the dungeon Nya." Nekra says closing the panel before opening the over head one to do the upper legs.


"Hey Yuki? Where is nekra?" Milim asks as she opens the bedroom door seeing Yuki making out with a pillow.

"Uhhh, I don't know probably with our daughter." Yuki says hiding the Nekra body pillow behind her.

"Can't you see her with that anime watching device?" Milim asks

"Ah great idea I will be right out!" Yuki says as she quickly stuff she Nekra body pillow under the bed before heading out after Milim.

Out at the computer.

"So she's working on Safi's body with Safi." Yuki says while Milim's battle aura seems to be spreading while Yuki doesn't even notice it.

"Hey hey? Can I fight that dragon?" Milim asks pointing at the screen.



Meanwhile working on installing the motherboard Safi suddenly shutters.

"Mom I feel like I'm in danger!" Safi shouts

"It's probably nothing dear nya." Nekra says as she finishes up the third of the four legs before she has to do the tail and wings.