
That Time I Reincarnated As A Bearman

This is a completely rebooted version of the original which was going to be a kingdom building story but I deleted that one

Anime_Guy_0915 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Waking up

I woke up in a forest somewhere with a headache "Ok that's new." I groaned, I heard a river nearby and I also realized I needed a drink badly.

I went to the river, got a drink of water almost naturally, and almost choked on it when I saw my reflection, what stared back at me was a bear man like in those fantasy novels "What the hell!" I was surprised at my new body, I was now only in underwear and I was fat, fat enough to be obese 'What the hell happened to me, I'm hairy and really chubby' I thought as I examined my body.

I now had brown fur with my chest and belly having a lighter shade of brown and my nails were now very sharp claws that seemed to be able to easily rip through flesh and I seemed to be around 5' 10" which was a little taller then what I was in my old life.

After further examination of my body, I noticed a blinking Icon in the corner of my vision and when I focused onto It it expanded into a white screen with words "What is this, some kind of video game character screen?" I questioned as I read it

{ Harrison Jellavich

Sex: Male Age: 18 Race: Bearman Weight: 499 Pounds Expected Lifespan: 200 Years







Racial Skills:

(Stone Skin) (Grizzly Strength) (Honey Healing)

Body Skills:

(Fat Defense) (Increased Appetite)

Skills: (Genetic Change) (Analysis LV1)

Curses and Blessings: (Delicious Growth( Low-grade Curse))

Titles: Cursed One}

"It is, but it says I'm cursed, I wonder if I can read its description." I muttered and after I thought about doing it the skill expanded into another screen.

{Delicious Growth: A curse that can evolve, this curse will make the victim gain height and weight the more they eat, Due to system interference the effects are reduced from permanent to a week in increased growth but will reset if victim consumes 50 pounds of food during the week.}

"Ok, so I'll get taller and chubbier if I eat but thanks to this system it's only for a week." I muttered "So what about Genetic Change?" I questioned as the description for the skill popped up.

{Genetic Change: allows the user to change their body into whatever they eat, though this requires he/she to eat the entire body of five animals of same species for the entire body, otherwise it's a single bodypart.}

'That sounds useful' I thought before my belly begun to growl 'I need something to eat.' I thought as I looked around and lucky for me I found a couple of rabbits sleeping near me and they were big rabbits which only made me hungrier, I begun to sneak up on them and begun to use my claws to impale they're brains, 'That was easier then I thought it would be, is it because I'm not human any more?' I wondered before my hunger reminded me to eat 'How am I going to eats these things' I wondered

*5 minutes later*

"Guess I'll have to eat them raw." I said before I reluctantly begun eating both rabbits and I ate everything except for the hides which included some bones, when I got done I felt really full "*Burp* that hit the spot." I said, suddenly my entire felt tingly and the I felt my feet move against the ground as my body grow bigger and I could feel my body getting heavier

"Is that the curse, I didn't really grow that much." I muttered when messages from the system popped up {2 Large forest Rabbits consumed, Delicious Growth has begun to take affect, user has grown 5 inches, user has gained 30 pounds in weight, Time Limit has begun}{New genetic material acquired, you can now use Forest Rabbit parts.} I slowly got up and I noticed that my underwear felt tighter then before 'Guess the size increase doesn't affect cloths, gotta keep that in mind' I thought.

I then grabbed the rabbit hides as they could be useful and then begun to explore the forest.

*10 minutes later*

I've been walking around for ten minutes and during those minutes I learned the skill {Craftsmanship} by making a bag out of the rabbit hides I had, I was starting feel a little hungry and I begun to use Analysis on every plant to see if any of them were edible and I found a bush with edible berries, they were berries that looked a strawberry but sparkled like gems and according to the Analysis { Ripe Jewel Strawberry (Edible): These Berries are uncommon in forest that get they're name because the shine bright like a diamond and are a delicacy to the people of this world, they are the only Strawberries of they're caliber to be able to grow in all Seasons and the fall season is when they're the sweetest}.

'Neat, a snack for the road' I thought as I picked of as many berries as my newly made pouch would hold and kept a couple in my hand to eat, I ate both berries and they tasted like a perfectly ripe strawberry which surprised me 'They taste like this and this isn't even they're sweetest?!' I thought but then that tingly feeling came back which meant that my curse was about to take effect so I sat down and let it take effect.

This time my body grew faster then before and it gotten more fat then before {User has grew 10 inches, User has gained 99 Pounds} The messages popped up after the tingling stopped but I ignored the messages and examined my body Immediately I noticed how much taller I was, the other thing I noticed was how fat I gotten, my belly got so big that even if I try sucking it in I couldn't see my crotch, "So the more nutritious the food is, the bigger I get when I grow." I muttered.

I now knew the risk of my curse as I could get too big to do anything, but right now I gotten pretty tall, I only grew 5 inches taller when I ate the rabbits but the strawberries were much more nutritious and had more energy so I grew twice that height I could say I was 7' 01" so I had to try and grew as little as possible.

I got up and noticed the remains of my underwear in the spot I sat 'Great, there goes my only piece of clothing.' I thought "Looks like I'll have to make new cloths, guess it's time to hunt again" I muttered.