
That Time I Reincarnated As A Bearman

This is a completely rebooted version of the original which was going to be a kingdom building story but I deleted that one

Anime_Guy_0915 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The School of Magic(2)

*Harrisons POV*

"All Right, let's start by introducing ourselves, my name is Asher and I'll be your teacher in Battle Magic, now your next." Asher said before pointing towards the black-haired girl who stood up from her "My name is Senko Kamakichi." She said before sitting down, the blonde-haired girl then stood up from her seat "Sonia Everglade, nice to meet you." She said before sitting back down, "My name is Alexander Hart." The red-haired boy said without getting up from his chair, the three then looked at me, probably expecting me to have a cool fantasy name since I'm not human "I'm Harrison Jellavich, it's an honor learning with you." I said.

*10 minutes later*

It was a basic first day class introduction and I learned something about the school and magic, the school is divided between 4 buildings minus the dorms all in a square shaped campus with 2 floors and each floor having 60 classrooms except for the southern building which is just one big room, the one we're in is for Battle Magic, a style of magic to use in combat situations, the Western building is focused on healing magic, which is almost exactly what I thought it would be but the different types of magic varies in effectiveness from least effective Wind, Fire, Water, Dark, Ice, to the more effective types of Plant and Light, the southern building focuses on the more physical stuff like hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, the eastern building teaches students how to enchant weapons and items as well as Alchemy.

"All right class, now I'm gonna do a little test, I'll have you touch this book, now Harrison already knows basic levels of water and ice magic already so he'll show me and you what he knows." Asher said as he grabs a big book from his desk, Senko raised her hand "Yes Senko?" Asher called out "What happens when we touch the book?" Senko asked "The book will react to your natural magical energy, if it sets aflame its reacting to fire magic, if it's wet it's water, if it's glowing it's light, if plants sprout from it the it's plant magic." Asher said "Sonia why don't you come up and touch it." He said.

when Sonia touched it, a beautiful rose begun to sprout from the book, next was Senko and the book then begun to glow brightly, when Alex touched it the air turned cold which meant ice "Alright, Harrison, why don't you show us what you can do." Asher requested, I held my hand and decided to do a shape I closed my eyes and imagined a object, the rose I saw Sonia make kept popping into my head so I went with it, I then felt a coldness move from my heart to my hands which then exited my finger tips, I then felt something fall into my hands, I opened my eyes to se a blue rose that was connected to blue vines that came from my hands, I looked at Asher and he looked at it wide eyed but everyone else looked at it In awe 'I wonder why Asher's so shocked' I thought, I then used analysis on the ice rose.

{Arctic Rose: This rose is very rare to find in the wild but was common in Polar Panda Bearman Villages thanks to their ability to use Arctic Plant Magic, it is also a symbol of love}

Now I was also shocked, I just used Arctic Plant Magic and so casually, I then heard Asher's book fall to the floor "How did you do that?" Asher asked "What's wrong Sir?" Senko asked, Asher then suddenly ran out of the room "Where's he going?" Alex asked "Does it have something to do with the rose Harrison made?" Sonia asked "Maybe." I Said.

a few seconds later he came back with a book in his hands and then he begun to rapidly go through it while also taking glances at me before stopping at a page "Harrison do you know what you are exactly?" He asked, I decided to lie "No not really." I said, Asher then closed the book "I thought you knew cause I don't." He said as he scratched his head "Then why would you ask him, and what's so special about the magic he just used, it's just a ice sculpture." Alex said "It's not a ice sculpture, it's an Arctic Rose, something that's supposed to be rare." Asher corrected.

"Harrison, I want you to come to the Eastern Building before school tomorrow, there's someone I want you to meet."Asher said before the school bell begun to ring "All right that's the time we have, tomorrow we will have longer class periods, your next destination is the eastern building in room 27." Asher said as we exited the classroom.

When we got down stairs we followed the students to out the back of the building when we when through the doors we saw a path that splits in front of two two-floored buildings"Those are probably the dorm buildings." Senko guessed.

*Eastern building, Room 27*

This time our teacher was a female teacher who looked more like a scientist with her brown ponytail and her lab coat and her desk having a strange looking alchemy set "Alright class I am Doctor Yulin und today I vill show you my most basic enchanted tool, but first why don't ve introduce ourselves." She said in a German accent.

After our introductions she reached into one of her interior pockets and pulled out a magnifying glass it looked mostly normal except it's lens were stained green and the handle had a symbol of an eye "This is my special glass, it can look into a persons magical aura, Give it a shot!" Yulin said before offering it to Senko, I was lost in thought until I was handed the glass and when I looked through it I examined my own aura, it was golden and had this otherworldly feel to it and when I looked at everyone else my heart sank, everyone else's aura except for Yulin's was the exact same as mine.

when I gave the magnifying glass back only one thought kept repeating through my head 'Shittheyknowtheyknowtheyknowtheyknow' I thought in a cold sweat.