
That Time I Reincarnated As A Bearman

This is a completely rebooted version of the original which was going to be a kingdom building story but I deleted that one

Anime_Guy_0915 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

More Travel (1)

I woke up to a very painful headache "Jeez, could've gave me a better warning." I said as I stated upright, I noticed two things about my surroundings, one was that the ceiling seemed a little closer and the other was that Asher was missing and in his place was a sheet of paper and a small bag that would go over my shoulders 'I wonder where he went?' I thought, I then begun to examine my body, my fur was now completely white and It seemed all of the added weight was in fat cause my belly gotten visibly bigger and when I pressed my hands against my face and felt that my cheeks had gotten chubby and had a slightly fatter neck.

I got up from the ground but this time I gotten so heavy that it took effort from me 'I've only been affected by this curse for a day and I already can feel my weight, what's with my luck?' I thought, I then went to grab the paper on the ground and read it.


Due to personal reasons, I can't stay and help you but I have left you some things, if you want to find me then follow the arrow on the tree I marked, it will point you towards a path, there will be another arrow pointing towards my destination, you will find the Capital city, once you arrive look for The school of Magic and you'll find me, if your worried that I won't recognize you don't worry I know your evolving as I'm writing this, I don't really get evolution as I'm human and cannot evolve so when you get there can you please tell me what it's like, when you get to the school look for someone named Olivia, she'll help you find me.

Your Associate, Asher.


'Wow, I didn't know evolution was exclusive to non-humans, guess if I want to meet him again I'll have to go to this capital, I wonder what's in this bag?" I thought out loud as I begun to look through the bags contents, inside was a knife, a water sac, a book, what I assume is a basic fire starter with a strange symbol on it, and a few blueberry's that had the same sparkle as Jewel Strawberries, what caught my attention was the book so I used Analysis on it.

{Water & Ice Magic 101: Basics}

'Water magic Basics, that'll be useful.' I thought, I put the bag around my shoulders and walked out of the cave where I noticed the tree that Asher marked and the arrow pointed left 'Just keep going along that direction until I see a path, I guess I should make some cloths from any animals I hunt' I thought as I made my way.' I thought as I begun my trek.

*6.5 Days later*

I've been heading the same direction for six day thought the distance I've traveled each day is decreasing as my body slowly got bigger and heavier at this point I was easily able to grab the highest branch of the trees and my belly was touching the ground even though I was standing 'Curse this curse, I don't know if I'm close or not, at this point it feels like I'm running 5 consecutive marathons, and this is from walking!' I thought.

I learned a few things during these past few days, the first being that the fire starter was enchanted in a way so that it can easily create fire that was also magical in nature when I learned it could fully cook meat through in a matter of seconds.

Next was what the system upgrade, it was two things that the system could do now, System shop and Skill Dismantle, there were now points I could use which I could attain by leveling up skill, learning skills or dismantling them, or just getting 1 point every hour, I already dismantled my {Increased appetite} skill and nearly dismantled my other body skill until I learned what it could do {Fat Defense: The user can take less damage with their body fat but will lose some of that fat.}, after I learned that I regretted my earlier decision, thank fully I used system shop to buy a whole new stat chart, a body stat chart.

Third was magic specifically of the water and ice variety, it may be basic but I still learned it, I could only make small balls of water and make basic shapes out of ice

Lastly, I learned how to make a backpack out of animal skins, which I then used to put to put any animal skins in and ice to preserve meat

{Curse period will end in 30 minutes, user has consumed 15 pounds of food during the period.}

"Finally, I can move more easily soon!"I cheered, I then decided to check my stats.

{ Harrison Jellavich

Sex: Male Age: 18 Race: Polar Bearman Weight: 1,000 Pounds Expected Lifespan: 230 Years







Body Stats

Musc: 80

Bel.Fat: 200







Intimidating: 100


Racial Skills:

(Ice Skin) (Grizzly Strength) (Honey Healing) (Water Magic Affinity) (Ice Magic Affinity)

Body Skills:

(Fat Defense)

Skills: (Genetic Change) (Analysis LV 2)(Craftsmanship LV 2) (Basic Water Magic) (Basic Ice Magic)


Curses and Blessings: (Delicious Growth( Low-grade Curse))

Titles: Cursed One}

'What should I put these points into?" I pondered as I plopped my fat butt onto the ground.

*25 minutes later*

after some pondering that just turned into a reflection on my life, I decided to divide the points equally between all my stats 'Wait how much would equal be between the stats' I thought as I counted how many stats I have "I have 15 stats and 157 points to give, I'll just put ten into each one and save the 7 for later." I said as I did what I planned, after that I felt strange and a message appeared on the top corner of my vision.

{Curse effect has worn off}

My body then felt lighter and lighter as my body started to shrink and was nearly the same size as it was when I first arrived though just a little bigger and I was now at a height of 6'01" 'Finally I can move more easily again' I thought as I was about to get up but I noticed something "Odd, my belly feels weird, so does my butt, like it's sore or somethin'." I said but then I remembered what I did before remembering what happened right before I shrank, my belly then visibly begin to expand slowly and stopped after a few seconds of this, the rest of my body seemed to have done the same including my muscles "Damn, I didn't think my body stats would change me this much." I said as I patted my bicep.

"Wait, I can make cloths now!"I realized before looking into my backpack and took out all the animal skins in it and started to make some clothes.