
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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The following is a list of the user's skills and their most relevant effects.

Ultimate Skills

-[Codex: Akasha]

*[Infinite Though Acceleration]: Raises thought Processing Speed infinitely.

*[Analytical Appraisal]: Appraise with eyesight alone. All things observed or sensed will be known fully to the user.

*[Paralell Operation]: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of [Infinite Thought Acceleration]. The user can use this ability to separate his consciousness and control multiple avatars simultaneously.

*[Omniscience]: Grants complete comprehension of any and all information the user wishes to know. Even information on alternate realities the past, present, or future.

*[Studious One]: Instant Mastery on all information as well as Eidetic Memory.

*[Aegis EX]: Complete nullification from any damage, abnormal status, sealing, etc unless the user wishes to limit themselves.

*[Calculation Core]: Grants the user 100% accurate intuition and accuracy. Complete precognition. Allows Akasha to wirelessly hack anything, including the systems or laws of the world to change as the user sees fit.

*[Auto-Battle Mode]: By giving over control to Athena, the user can allow it to temporarily control their body. Maximizes combat potential at an increased magicule cost.

*[Codex]: By combining with the Unique Skill [Rule Breaker] and Analyzing the Voice of the World for 100,000,000 years in [Infinite Though Acceleration], Akasha has created a way to absorb and control the World System as well as alter and change its rules at will. She can create her own world-systems inside of the separate worlds created by Rimuru and even impose new World Systems onto worlds that already have World Systems, effectively giving her meta control over any world her master visits.

*[Wish]: After analyzing and purging the two remaining wishes granted to the user by the reincarnation system, the user is able to utilize the Super-Tier Magic {Wish Upon a Star} without an exp cost.


-[Solomon: King od Magic]

*[Primitive Magic]: The source of all magic. Primitive Magic is a magic that reflects the user's will, just by wishing it, it produces the phenomenon the user wants. this characteristic is what makes it the Ultimate Magic.

*[Concept Magic]: Allows the user to interfere with the laws of the world and impress concepts upon it. Can change the state of anything such as turning something that exists into something that doesn't exist. Surpasses all forms of defense and can even be used to destroy the world.


-[Samsara: King of Reincarnation]

*[Soul Bank]: Stores the memories and soul of targets into an infinite soul bank inside another world. As long as the user remains alive, targets are practically immortal since their memories are safely stored. Even in the case of their physical and spiritual body's death, they will not die since their soul is safely contained.

*[Avatar]: Stores the user's Soul in a separate, completely empty world that exists outside of time. By using Soul Corridors, the user can control multiple bodies simultaneously and is completely immune to any and all damage or even destruction of their physical and spiritual bodies.

*[Afterlife]: Grants the ideal afterlife to all Souls Stored in the Soul Bank who do not wish to be revived upon death.

*[Hell]: Creates eternal tormenting prisons for souls the user or Akasha deems truly evil, effectively condemning them to hell. The difference is, that the soul will be forcefully made aware of the misdeeds that caused it to end up in its predicament and will suffer for them while repenting eternally or until Rimuru or Akasha allows the soul to reincarnate or rest eternally.

*[Eternal Slumber]: Allows the souls of those who wish it or who are freed from hell to rest peacefully for all time, being taken out of the Cycle of Reincarnation.

*[I'm a Rob, So What?]: Allows the user to reincarnate any soul who dies into the same world or another world. Souls can even be given gifts (wishes) and allowed to keep their memories in their new lives. By using [Azura Mazda], the user can even create fictional worlds for the soul to reincarnate into.


- [Athena, King of Wisdom] (Obsolete with [Codex: Akahsa])

*[Thought Acceleration]: Raises thought-processing speed by a million times.

*[Analytical Appraisal]: Appraise with eyesight alone. It also contains the effects of "Analysis" from Unique Skill Predator.

*[Paralell Operation]: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of Thought Acceleration.

*[Chant Annulment]: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

*[Grimoire]: The user can actualize their wish for magic below the 7th tier, effectively granting imagination magic to the user, but only up to the 7th tier in strength.

*[Akashic Library of Heaven]: The improved version of [All of Creation]. Grants complete comprehension of any and all information the user wishes to know. Instant Mastery on all information as well as Eidetic Memory.

*[Aegis]: A combination of every tolerance skill and a ranged multilayer barrier. The barrier serves to completely defend the user against any attack below the level of an Ultimate Skill. I can also reflect all spells and magic at or below the 10th tier.

*[Calculation]: Grants the user immense analytical abilities as well as a 100% accurate intuition and accuracy. Includes future attack prediction and 10-second precognition. Allows the user to wirelessly hack into any device.

*[Auto-Battle Mode]: By giving over control to Athena, the user can allow it to temporarily control their body. Maximizes combat potential at an increased magicule cost.

*[Wish]: After analyzing and purging the two remaining wishes granted to the user by the reincarnation system, the user is able to utilize the Super-Tier Magic {Wish Upon a Star} without an exp cost.


-[Hephestus: King of Creation] (Obsolete with [Ahura Mazda: God of Creation])

*[Creation]: Allows the user to create anything they can conceive of out of magicules, including skills, abilities, magic, items, minerals, food, etc. The only limitation is that the user cannot create souls or items that the user does not have a sufficient understanding of. The user is able to create Unique or Ultimate Skills for themselves or others, even if that Unique Skill already exists.

*[Skill Gifting]: Allows the user to gift copies of Skills to another individual. Additionally, allows the user to grant Ultimate Gifts and Unique Gifts to others. These gifts are simply weaker versions of their respective skills that the user has access to.

*[Skill Editing]: Allows the user to edit the effects and abilities of certain skills. Allows the user to remove, copy, or edit skills from willing targets or unwilling unconscious targets.

*[Magicule Breeder Generator]: Allows for the creation and storage of an infinite amount of magicules. Also includes the creation and storage of Stardust Energy.


-[Hestia: King of the Hearth]

*[Martial Lord]: Given the immense number of different skills and abilities the user has experienced, gained, or analyzed over the user's time in Yggdrasil, the user has gained an unequaled understanding of combat and tactics. Allows the user to learn martial arts and other talents from throughout the world instantly upon seeing them.

*[Blessing of the Family]: Subconsciously grants the user a strong sense of family love and passion to protect those under their crest, seeing them as family. Grants the user a sense of total safety and comfort in their presence.

*[Vassalization]: Allows the user to bestow upon willing subjects, their own individual crest. This bestowal process is similar to granting a name to monsters, though it can work on Demi-Humans and Humans as well. Vassals who willingly accept the crest of the user are unable to betray them willingly. The concept of it is unable to even be thought of, similar to how humans are unable to consciously stop their heartbeats.

*[Tribute]: Grants the user access to all of the skills and abilities of the user's vassals.


-[Avalon: King of Utopia]

*[Golden Age]: Grants increased Health, Fertility, Happiness, and general productivity, immunity to mental illnesses and birth defects, minor regeneration of both health and stamina (mental and physical). As well as completely eliminates the desire for self-enrichment via corruption in the user's subjects.

*[Protection from Magic]: Completely protects the user from any spell at or below the tenth tier, rendering all magical attacks useless.

*[Protection from Harm]: Completely protects the user from any physical attack weaker than what they are capable of dishing out. Completely renders all skills below the level of Unique Skills meaningless, as they are completely nullified.


-[Scáthach: King of Heroes]

*[Hero's Egg]: Grants the ability to plant a hero's egg into a human or demihuman.

*[Gestation]: Training by the user can be used to gradually grow the hero's eggs of any potential heroes. Once the potential hero reaches Special A rank, they can 'hatch'.

*[Hatching]: The user can manually hatch the hero's egg of any individual who has one after they reach a certain level of power. Heroes hatched in this way will gain Unique Skills, though never Ultimate Skills.

*[Sensei]: Grants incredible teaching and instructional abilities, especially when used in combat. Those under the user's tutelage will learn subjects much quicker and learn skills at a faster rate.


-[Hecate: King of Magic]

*[Imagination Magic]: Any magic that the user imagines that is at or below the tenth tier can be cast effortlessly and without cost (exception magicules). In this way, even ritual magic can be cast without any ingredients but with the intended result, tough at a higher initial cost than normal.

*[Chant Annulment]: The user no longer needs to chant when casting magic. Doesn't work on super tier magic.

*[Arch Mage]: Grants the user immense knowledge on all fields of magic as well as precognition when it comes to experimenting on the effects of magic spells or magecraft.

*[Mystic Eyes: Magic]: Analysis on sight. It also grants the ability to instantly learn all information regarding magic the user has seen.

*[Library of Heaven]: The ability to comprehend any phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred.


-[Ahura Mazda: God of Creation]

*[Ex Nihilo]: Allows the user the ability to create anything they can conceivably think of from skills, magics, items, souls, living beings, and even whole worlds so long as they have the magical power to do so.

*[Magicule Breeder Generator]: Allows for the creation and storage of an infinite amount of magicules.


-[Vulcan: King of Fire]

*[True Blaze]: All fire-based magic that the user employs not only burns the physical body but the spiritual body as well.

*[Brimstone Forged]: Allows for the creation of fire-based constructs which the user can control with their mind. A single injury, so much as a tap, from these weapons will cause agonizing deaths to the target as their soul is literally burned away.

*[Conflagration]: Grants the user the ability to instantly ignite any target within eyesight.

*[Caloric Flames]: Allows the user to use different types of flames, such as White (holy) Flame, Dark Flame, Greed (Radiation) Flame, Purple (Poison) Flame, etc.

*[Phoenix]: Allows the user to regenerate at the same rate as Ultra-Speed Regeneration with fire, though his flame also heals the spiritual body.


-[Eros: King of Love]

*[Lovers]: Grants increased power to those the user takes as lovers.

*[Gemini Souls]: Creates a Soul Corridor between the user and their lover(s) that allow them to share skills, magicules, and telepathically communicate with one another over any distance.

*[Cupid]: The user can control love. They can force two people to fall madly in love or make two people madly in love immediately lose interest in their partner. In exchange, the love the user feels for their lover is exceptionally passionate and lascivious.

*[Perfect Body]: Grants the user heaven-defying beauty, enough to make entire kingdoms go to war over the opportunity to merely gaze upon their body once more.

*[Mind Domination]: Grants the user complete control over another person's mind so long as it is for the intention of making/changing love. Albedo used this to completely erase all of the memories and alter the personality of Olga Discordia and her servant Chloe so they would love Rimuru and Mare respectively. When used as its Ultimate Skill Form, changes are irreversible, even with rewinding time, but the changes can be reverted if used in its weaker Ultimate Gift form.


-[Hades: King of the Underworld]

*[Shadow Monarch]: Allows the user to create an infinite amount of Shadow Soldiers using the corpses of fallen foes. Shadow Soldiers will be wholly loyal to the user and have all of the skills they had in life. They also gain the [Regeneration EX] and [Shadow Step] Extra Skills. The user can instantly turn any undead into a Shadow Soldier with 100% chance of success.

*[Shadow Control]: the user has complete control over shadows and can even solidify shadows and turn them into weapons. It can be used to skewer a person with their own shadow or create neigh-indestructible weapons or tools.

*[Undead Control]: Allows the user to control all undead they see. These undead have no choice but to follow the commands of the user, even if those commands are contrary to the reason they were created, such as attacking their original master.

*[Tartarus]: The ability of [Infinte Imprisionment] brought to its absolute pinnacle beyond which it cannot progress anymore. Entombs the target(s) under a complex number of spatial and temporal dimensions. Targets caught in Tartarus will be frozen in time and unable to move, speak, use Skills/Magic, or even think. The target(s) are then consumed by [Beelzebuth] and isolated within the stomach of the user where they are unable to escape and will remain for all time. Due to them not dying, they can't even enter the cycle of reincarnation.

*[Death Lines]: The ability to see and interact with Death Lines. Cutting these lines will lead to the irreversible death of whatever the target is. Targets 'killed' in this way cannot be revived and can only cease to exist or enter the cycle of reincarnation. Non-organic targets will be reduced to dust then individual atoms.


Unique Skills

-[Rule Breaker] (Obsolete with [Codex: Akahsa])

*[Ment to be Broken]: Allows the user to ignore the rules placed upon the world and do things that the Voice of the World would normally never allow, such as having multiple copies of skills or having children as an Ultimate Existence without losing skills.

*[Immunte to Punishment]: Flags the individual with an 'immune to punishment' tag in the world system. The user will not be punished for violating the rules of the world, so long as the violations do not pose an immediate danger to the world as a whole.


-[Skill Synthesis] (Obsolete with [Hephestus: King of Creation])

*[Skill Creation]: Allows the user to create new skills and abilities at will. When combined with [Rule Breaker], allows the user to create Unique or Ultimate Skills for themselves or others, even if that Unique Skill already exists.

*[Skill Gifting]: Allows the user to gift copies of Skills to another individual.

*[Skill Editing]: Allows the user to edit the effects and abilities of certain skills. When combined with [Skill Gifting], this allows the user to remove, copy, or edit skills from willing targets.


-[Great Sage EX] (Obsolete with [Athena: King of Wisdom])

*[Thought Acceleration]: Raises thought-processing speed by a hundred thousand times.

*[Analytical Appraisal]: Appraise with eyesight alone. It also contains the effects of "Analysis" from Unique Skill Predator.

*[Paralell Operation]: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of Thought Acceleration.

*[Chant Annulment]: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

*[Akashic Library of Heaven]: The improved version of [All of Creation]. Grants complete comprehension of any and all information the user wishes to know. Instant Mastery on all information as well as Eidetic Memory.

*[Calculation]: Grants the user immense analytical abilities as well as a 100% accurate intuition and accuracy. Includes future attack prediction and 3-second precognition. Allows the user to wirelessly hack into any device.

*[Auto-Battle Mode]: By giving over control to [Great Sage EX], the user can allow it to temporarily control their body. Maximizes combat potential at an increased magicule cost.


-[Magicule Core] (Obsolete with [Hephestus: King of Creation])

*[Generation]: Generates an infinite amount of magicules similar to [Mana Breeder Reactor], though cannot create Stardust Energy. (Effectively granting Infinite Regeneration of Magicules but not Infinite Magicules).

*[Magicule Battery]: Can store an infinite amount of magicules in an infinite and timeless subspace. Magicules can be converted into raw materials of any type including precious metals or magical ore.

*[Internalized Generation]: Due to the internal generation of Magicules, the user is immune to the effects of [Magic Jamming] and other disruption-type skills.



*[Predation EX]: The user projects a large quantity of silver/blue slime from their hands that engulfs the target and absorbs it into the user's body. The color is a reference to the Unique Skill [Predator], which was used as a base for this skill.

*[Stomach EX]: The target can be stored. Items produced via Analysis can also be stored. There is no storage time limit. Additionally, the user can decide if all of the things stored in the user's "stomach" will experience the flow of time.

*[Hunter]: Grants dominion over any species that the user has consumed before.

*[Breakdown]: Items or targets stored in the Stomach that are harmful or unnecessary for analysis will be broken down into Magicules and stored in the Magicule Battery.


-[Evolver] (Obsolete with [Codex: Akahsa])

*[Namer]: Allows the user to name monsters and other named monsters without a permanent loss of magicules but at an increased cost. The user can also overwrite the names of a monster if they wish.

*[Evolution Path]: If there are multiple evolution paths for the evolution of a named monster, the user can choose which path the monster will take. Requires the verbal or implied consent of the target.

*[Power Leveling]: The user can add additional magicules into a being to further the monster's evolution path. For example, making Goblins go directly to Ogres rather than Hob-Goblins.



*[Noble Phantasm]: Grants the user the ability to summon the Noble Phantasm this skill is named after. No limits, recoil, or cost are associated with its usage and its usage is unlimited and unrestrained by everything other than its user's magicule cost.

*[Disintegration]: Due to the holy nature of the weapon, whenever it is used, a large amount of holy energies are converted to completely destroy any intentional target of the attack, similar to the Holy Magic {Disintegration}. Unlike said spell, however, only intended targets will be destroyed, though unintended targets can still be affected via the shock-waves this skill leaves behind.

*[Sword of Promised Victory]: A minor law manipulation ability tied directly to the weapon, Excalibre will impose its legend upon the world and have all attacks delt by the weapon strike their intended targets spiritual and physical body and bypass any defensive skills. In this way, it is possible for the user of this skill to always win any fght, even if they are hopelessly outmatched.



*[Noble Phantasm]: Grants the user the ability to summon the Noble Phantasm this skill is named after. No limits, recoil, or cost are associated with its usage and its usage is unlimited and unrestrained by everything other than its user's magicule cost.

*[Absolute Attack]: No amount of defense, barrier, or armor is able to defend against a strike from this weapon. It is even able to warp space-time to temporarily extend its length and striking area to an infinite distance, making the only way to fight it unscathed is to dodge out of the way of the lance's tip.

*[Shattered Body]: Any attack by the user affects the spiritual body and the physical body of the target, making it possible to shatter the targets spiritual body without killing the physical body. Effectively meaning that it is possible to kill a sufficiently weak opponent without even piercing their vital points.


-[Gáe Bolg]

*[Noble Phantasm]: Grants the user the ability to summon the Noble Phantasm this skill is named after. No limits, recoil, or cost are associated with its usage and its usage is unlimited and unrestrained by everything other than its user's magicule cost.

*[Auto-target]: Grants the user the ability to always strike a target in their intended spot, regardless of where the strike actually lands. Even if a target is struck in the foot, if the aim was to strike the heart, the target's heart will be the thing that sustains damage.

*[Shattered Body]: Any attack by the user affects the spiritual body and the physical body of the target, making it possible to shatter the target's spiritual body without killing the physical body. Effectively meaning that it is possible to kill a sufficiently weak opponent without even piercing their vital points. Additionally, any target that cannot regenerate its spiritual body will die in two hits.



*[Noble Phantasm]: Grants the user the ability to summon the Noble Phantasm this skill is named after. No limits, recoil, or cost are associated with its usage and its usage is unlimited and unrestrained by everything other than its user's magicule cost.

*[Superior Silver]: When wielded in battle against any opponent alongside Excalibre, Clarent has it's power increased to dramatic levels.

*[Rebellion Against the World]: When the sword is unleashed, chaotic and uncontrollable energies spill from the weapon, making it capable of bypassing the resistance of any being unless they possess an Ultimate Skill. When fighting alongside Excalibre, even this restriction is removed.


-[Beautiful Prison]

*[Avalon Imprisonment]: Imprisons the target in a subspace resembling a tower surrounded by a beautiful flower field. This prison is in a separate subspace and doesn't take up any space within the real world.

*[Serene Prison]: Any target trapped within the prison will feel a sense of serenity as they reflect on their life's choices. If they are within the prison long enough, they may willingly change their entire personality to one that the user desires.

*[Punitive Labour]: While a target is imprisoned, the user gains access to any of the spells, skills, memories, and abilities of the target trapped within. Additionally, the users able to summon a weaker copy of the target as a familiar, though it only has 80% of the original target's strength.



*Unkillable: So long as the user has Magicules, no attack or ability is able to kill the user. The user is even immune to the effects of Instant Death and effectively doesn't even have the concept of death on them anymore.

*Timeless: The user does not age nor do they require sustenance to survive, though they can still feel hunger and thirst.



*Synthesis: Transform two differing targets into a single object. Can be used to merge Skills together, evolving them into new skills. More than one Skill can be acquired from the merging depending on the combination used.

*Separation: Release the properties inherent to the target and make it into a separate object. (The original object may disappear if it has no physical form).

*Divide: Automatically reduces the power of any target and uses the power removed to boost the user temporarily. If the target is an individual person, the division is only temporary.


-[Mother's Rossorio]

*Mother's Blessing: Blesses a target's family member with Protection from harm. Any physical or magical attacks below a certain level are nullified.

*Familia: Grants the target family member access to the user's skills in the form of gifts. Unique Skills become Unique Gifts, Extra Skills become Extra Gifts, etc.

*Instinct: Anyone blessed by Mother's Blessing will have their current status known to the user of the skill at all times. In this way, the user can always know when their family is in danger or duress.



*Crusader: When fighting in the name of the person's chosen holy figure, the user gains power. The stronger the faith, the more powerful the user becomes.

*Apostle: Grants the ability to change a target's ideals and dominate the mind of those who do not share the same faith as the user.

*Blessing: Allows the user access to one skill of their chosen target of reverence in the form of a gift. Only one gift can be used at a time and if another is chosen, the first one will be erased.



*Thought Domination: The ability to control the mind of weaker targets.

*Puppeteer: The ability to possess the target and make them speak and act in whichever manner the user wishes.

*Demon's Haki: The ability to force others to neal or even die using the user's aura. Doesn't affect unintended targets or targets stronger than the user.



*Absolute Severence: Completely separates anything cut by the user. No amount of healing or other skills can restore something cut by the user and the only way to repair it would be to reverse time to before the target was cut.

*Soul Reaper: Kills any target hit by the user cleanly. (Dodges, blocks, and minor, unintended wounds will not work)

*Martial God: Grants unequaled skill while wielding a blade. The laws of the world themselves bend and probability warps to allow all intended strikes from the user to land in their intended targets. Only works on targets weaker than the user. Allows the user to learn martial arts and other talents from throughout the world instantly upon seeing them.


Intrinsic Skills

-[Though Communication EX]: It allows the user to communicate with multiple people with the user's mind, negating any need for actual speeches. Unlike the original [Thought Communication], the range is unlimited and can even be used across dimensions.

-[Yggdrassil Player]: Allows the user to interact with and use World Level items.

-[Guild Master]: Grants the user absolute loyalty over all entities with the 'NPC' skill who are from the same guild. Allows the user to add members to the guild as either 'NPC' subordinates or 'Guild Members' who the 'NPC's' will obey. (Obsolete with [Hestia: King of the Hearth])

-[Enlightened]: Grants the ability to read and write in any language the user encounters as well as a native speaker. Increases learning speed and information retention.

-[Explorer]: Grants a real-time mental map to the user with 100% accuracy. The map alerts the user to all intentionally hidden targets and grants increased intuition.

-[Infinite Regeneration]: The highest level of regeneration available. Works even better than [Ultraspeed Regeneration] and can regenerate damage done to the spiritual body in the same way as the physical body.

-[Universal Detect]: The pinnacle of detection abilities, able to pierce through all forms of magic, arts, skills, etc, and detects anything within its 1-km range. The range can be increased by tying it to [Explorer], though with less accuracy and clarity. (It can see that something is hidden on the map, but not what is hidden or why it is hidden)


Celestial Crest: The crest Rimuru created. It grants the following benefits.

*Increased natural luck.

*Increased natural beauty.

*Increased fertility and health.

Attached Skills:

-[Though Communication EX]


-[Sage]: Acts as a mental calculator as well as a library for common knowledge. Grants basic analysis abilities. Does not come with its own intelligence core.

-[Namer]: Allows the user to name monsters and other named monsters without a permanent loss of magicules but at an increased cost. Unlike the unique skill [Evolver], the user cannot overwrite names unless the original name has perished and with the expressed or implied consent of the named.

-[Observation]: A weaker version of the skill [Universal Detect].

-[Blessing of Avalon]: Grants the following effects; Further Increases to Health, Fertility, Happiness, and general productivity. Immunity to mental illness, and birth defects. Minor Regeneration of both health and stamina (mental and physical). Removes the desire to commit corrupt deeds and makes the user, hostile to the very idea of corruption for self-enrichment.