
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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Planned Chaos and a Trip to Dwargon

(Two Days Prior)

While one of my bodies was busy going towards E-Rantel, another body was busy sitting in my throne room. Shiroe was giving me his report on Estonia and I noticed that Albedo had yet to return. She was paying a visit to the Dark Elf Queen Olga Discordia who about to be betrayed by her monster subordinates.

Apparently, Volt had a Unique Skill called [Dominator] that allowed him to control monsters weaker than himself and that's how he was going to capture Olga. I also learned that the person Krebskulm was sealed inside of was none other than Rem Galleu.

I thought that having two Rem's would be kinda fun, so I noted to Akasha to summon a clone of mine when he and Shera L Greenwood go to the Starfall Tower where they would have canonically summoned Diablo. I also created [Magic Reflection] and added it to my already broken defense.

Almost as if waiting for the report to end, an Arch-Daemon appeared in the throne room right after. He wasn't able to so much as get a word out before he jumped in the air and twirled out of the way of [Gáe Bolg] which Scáthach immediately threw. The Arch-Daemon then opened his wings and flew towards the ground as a {Holy Ray} spell sailed above him. Shuna wasn't that good at Holy Magic yet, but she was already better than most head priests.

The Arch-Daemon then rolled under a swipe from Mordred but was blasted backward by a limited release of [Excalibre] that Artoria used. He regained his balance while slightly steaming from his body due to the holy energy affecting his demonic physique. He stood up and was about to say something again when he was wrapped in blackthorns by Elias.

"Who are you and how did you get past the defenses?" Shiroe asked. He was using magic on the daemon to force him to speak truthfully.

"I am simply here to receive orders from my master. There is no need for us to fight." The daemon said, much to the shock of all present.

"It's fine, Shiroe. Elias, Souei. Let him go. I was the one who summoned him after all." I said.

Souei emerged from the daemon's shadow and stepped to the side as Elias reluctantly released him. Now that he was free from his restraints, the primordial of black walked up to me and bowed while I sat upon the throne.

"It is an honor to meet you again, my lord. I offer my sincerest thanks for allowing me to serve you going forward."

"No problem, but you kinda had trouble there with my subordinates attacking you. Are you alright?"

"I am humbled by your grace and ashamed to have worried you! I will be fine. This body you have provided for me has the [Infinite Regeneration] intrinsic skill, so I will heal in time."

"Oh yeah, I did give it some incredible skills hu? Well then, as the Primordial of Black, are you willing to serve me in my desired conquest of this world, even if you may fight against your other primordials?"

"If it would please you, then I humbly accept. I shall serve you as your lowest and most humble servant!"

"Well I already have a number of servants, so you don't need to rank that low. Speaking of which, I need to reorganize everyone. As good a name as the 'Trinity Seven Stars' is, its structure won't survive all of the new additions. I've got two demon lords as subordinates now after all, plus a primordial daemon..." I ponder out loud to everyone.

Shiroe is shocked and Benimaru and the others are as well. The daemon is beaming now, thinking he will have a rank similar to the other stars or seats. Benimaru is also hopeful as I have yet to award him from his dual with Carrion.

"Alright, that's something for another time. You there, arch-daemon."


"Your new name is now Diablo. It was one of the names I originally was going to name myself before I finalized my name as Rimuru. It's still a great name though."

(A/N: If it was me in the MC's place, I would 100% name myself Diablo, since its such a good name for a Demon Lord, but I didn't want to confuse the readers.)

"Diablo..." The daemon says as he begins to glow as a massive amount of magicules leaves my battery and infuses themselves into Diablo.

He is surrounded by black mist for a moment before he returns to normal, though his clothing has changed slightly. Unlike the original where he wore butler clothing, now he is wearing robes that loosely resemble a kimono without the sash.

"Diablo, from this day forth, this shall be my name. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and I swear to devote myself to you from this day forth, my lord."

"I'm not so sure about making pacts with demons, but if its Rimuru-sama..." Da Vinci says from my left. I notice Artoria and Mordred also nod with sweat drops from behind.

"Diablo. I have your first mission now. It shall be difficult, but I shall send Demiurge with you to help out."

"I await your orders!"

"Go to the Abelion Hills to the south of Re-Estize and west of the Theocrasy. Demiurge has finished his conquest of the Forest of Tob and eliminated the Demon Snake of the west and the Giant of the East. He has already gathered all of the monsters there with the exception of the lizardmen under his rule.

You both shall work together to repeat the process in the Abelion hills, though you both shall do it under false names and identities. Demiurge shall be called Jaldabaoth and you shall be called Ordog. You two will openly state your desire to become demon lords in the absence of Frey and Carrion and you may be exceptionally brutal in your conquest.

When your ake-over is complete, you shall lead a siege against the Holy Kingdom of Roble. I can then swoop in to save the day and claim both the Abelion hills and the Holy Roble Kingdom as my personal territories."

Shiroe and Da Vinci both widen their eyes at this. I can even see Frey looking at me curiously.

"I already provided Diablo with the [Shapeshift] skill when I named him, and Demiurge has it as an intrinsic skill, so make sure your both never caught in your real forms. Use summoned daemons as your commanders, preferably from your own color line or Guy Crimson's."

"Ah! Such a glorious first task! I shall put my heart and soul into it, my lord!" Diablo says, acting out a play to himself.

Everyone gains a little sweat-drop on their heads and I turn towards Cocytus. "Cocytus. You are to lead an assault against the Lizardmen tribes as the commander of my army. I already know Shiroe, Esdeath, and Benimaru are capable commanders for offensive operations, but I want you to be among them. You are forbidden to fight yourself."

"I. Shall. Complete. This. Great. Task. You. Have. Given. Me. Lord. Rimuru!" Cocytus says as he exhales steam from his mouth. I still haven't figured out why he hasn't become more humanoid like the others yet. Even Entoma has become more human.

[I can change the World System slightly to make him look better if you'd like.]

'No it's fine for now, I was just curious.'

[It's because his species wasn't created by Veldanava-kun so the World System doesn't have any reference for evolution]

'I see...'

"Finally... since this has turned into a briefing somehow, Artoria. You are to go to the Dragon Kingdom and meet the Queen. I've heard from Shiroe that her country is in dire straights. A few major cities have already fallen to the Fallen Horde. They are searching for Krebskulm's physical body before they unseal her spiritual body from the girl Rem. You will go there and offer our support. If they refuse, we will simply conquer them along with the other city-states in the region when we make our way by them, but if they accept, they will get a deal similar to what Gazel Dwargo got. Temporary Autonomy and resources."

"It shall be done, my lord," Artoria said, smoking Diablo by making a similar pose to him. Everyone burst out laughing while Diablo stood there with twitching lips.




The next day, I was ridding Ranga along with Shuna and Shion towards Dwargon. It was time to officially announce their surrender and incorporation into Tempest. While not popular with his people, everyone who heard of my feat of subjugating two demon lords quickly shut their mouths and didn't hesitate to summit after learning of the rather generous deal.

It was a nice trip and I arrived to a lot of fan-fair as the people were trying to ingratiate themselves with me. The traders from the already occupied territories such as Eurizania and Fulbrosia had already made it here a few weeks ago and had spoken extremely highly of my counties prosperity and all of the super-advanced technology I 'invented'.

One of the most surprisingly useful things I had created was 'computation stones' with [Azura Mazda] which allowed me to create computers by using them for CPUs and RAM, I used luxite for circuitry and etherite to power them. All in all, I created computers with Terabytes of RAM, Hundreds of Petabytes of upload/download speeds, tens of Petahertz processing power, and Zettabytes of Storage, allowing even the cheapest computers to be better than the entire computational power of my planet earth.

'I could finally run Minecraft with shaders at above 60 fps with mods!' I thought to myself. It was really weird that because of magic, I could break through all physical computational limitations and easily make these supercomputers as easily as I made cookies with [Azura Mazda].

Also, due to the effects of my crest, which gave everyone the extra skill [Sage] and [Enlightened], schools were practically worthless since everyone knows all the common knowledge instinctually as though they were top students at prestigious high schools. Of course, I still had kids go to school, but they mostly learned everyday magic, self defense arts, and most importantly, electives.

I wanted school to be mostly filled with electives and clubs, so younger people could spend hours of their time with their friends doing things they liked rather than learning math that they will never use or understanding the symbolism of why the king wore red robes in one scene and green robes in another during literature class.

'It also gets rid of conspiracy theorists' I thought to myself.

The incredible quality of life and guaranteed high-level education of every citizen, both nobles and presents alike had, made the citizens almost forget that they were welcoming a Demon Lord into their city and welcome me with open arms.

I gave my speech to the crowd about how I genuinely wished for everyone's happiness and prosperity and all that jazz before having rinks with Gazel.

I told him about Arena City and Carrion being the Grand Champion and he boasted about giving it a visit in the future. "I'll show that kitten how a real Champion fights!" He said, drunk off his ass.

I visited the Paradise of the Night and gave the shop's proprietress some of the alcohol from the province of Eurizania to sell and it was a major hit. 'Beastmen's Brandy' and 'Wild Wine' were extremely popular and Apito's 'Honeybee Mead' also got quite a number of fans.

Needless to say, the trip was very productive all around. The biggest problem, however, was on the way back. I was riding Ranga a few kilometers outside of the Gates of Dwargon with Shion and Shuna on my back when suddenly all of my senses shrunk considerably and this body lost connection to my other clones.

Ranga also stopped and began growing and Shion and Shuna dismounted. I looked around, from side to side, and noticed that even though I was following the main road from Tempest to Dwargon, there weren't any traders around.

[Master. the one who stole my waifu's name is here. She seems to have brought friends too.]

'Oh, I see...' I thought while I jumped off Ranga and looked at the figures emerging from the treeline.

'You're a fan of Naruto then hu Akasha?' I thought as I watched Hinata Sakaguchi draw her blade and stand in front of me. Behind her were several Templars who each surpassed the level of A+ but weren't quite into the realm of Special A.

"Shall I say it's nice to meet you even though we shall soon be saying goodbye?"

You weren't expecting cliff-kun were you? Well it's not like their fight is going to be especially troublesome or anything for our MC, though what about Shion and Shuna? What about the other Templars?

Nah they'll be a piece of cake. See yall next time!

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts