
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Demonic Siege

As I walked through the streets with Blue Roses and Shizue behind me, I made sure to take a look around me. The streets in the noble district were just as empty as one would believe. Although large numbers of private guards usually lined the streets, keeping away any riffraff from the various mansions the nobles of Re-Estize owned, not one of them was to be seen here now. The few guards who weren't cowering from the incoming demons were busy looting various valuables artifacts, chests of gold and jews, and other lavish objects.

I looked at them all in disgust. The nobles who had, for so long, squabbled among themselves for ways to better oppress their citizens and purposefully slowing progress in their kingdom to squeeze out every last drop of wealth and amass even a single additional piece of treasure to their considerable collections, had quickly abandoning their homes and fleeing from the capital at the first sign of danger. Several dozen 'Great' noble houses were among the first to flee and even the first prince had 'disappeared' from the castle and the city.

I had to physically drag away Lakyus from starting a fight with the noblemen about abandoning their city and their pride to save their own skin in blatant disregard for their previous vows and commitments at the adventurer gathering in the palace.

I shook my head in disgust and sent a few Shadow Soldiers to free the considerable number of slaves that were left behind and collect anything of value that could be used later. I also sent a few to track the fleeing nobles and capture them for my plans in the future. After a brief walk, we reached the muster point for the adventurers in front of the burning walls of flame. At this point, all of the adventurers were mustered and nervously waiting for the order to launch an attack against the horde of demons on the other side.

"Fellow adventurers! Hear Me!" I yelled which drew their attention.

I jumped onto an overturned wagon and drew all the attention to myself. They looked up at me in surprise, as I made sure to be at just the right angle for my Adamantite Plate to shine in the darkness. The multicolored flame in the background illuminating my visage to give them all a sense of awe.

"Tonight, a host of powerful and dangerous daemons have nested themselves inside this fair city! In less than an hour, we will be embarking into the greatest battlefield in the history of this kingdom. Humanity hasn't seen a demonic incursion such as this since the age of the Evil Deities and hasn't fought a battle like this since the end of the Era of the 13 Heroes.

And just like those heroes from ages past, so too is it our turn to face the fire. Let no one here question our place in human history. That we are here right now is no coincidence nor accident, it is our fate. This battle is our birthright and our legacy! As adventurers at heart we were born to fight these demons, and you, my fellow adventurers, were born for this very day! Today, the forces of Hell will hear our roar, and they will fear us!

I ask you now, my comrades. My friends. Follow me into this inferno, this den of evil, and show every being of darkness and dread, every monster and menace on the other side of this wall of fire, the terror of humanity! Let them tell stories of our valor and bravery for generations to come and generations more... of we brave few who threw themselves into the howling dark and returned, as the Heroes of Re-Estize!"

(God I suck at writing speeches. See if you can find out where I plagiarized a lot of the speech from.)

The adventurers all cheered and I turned from them and jumped through the flames, followed by hundreds of adventurer teams who all rushed into the breach I created. In front of us stood a few dozen low-leveled daemons. I charged up a beam of holy light and fired it at the daemons and instantly destroyed their physical forms, sending them back to the Demon World.

I heard cheering from behind me as Blue Roses, Shizue, and I ran towards the center of the city where Jaldaboth awaited.


(3rd POV)

While Momon led the other adventurers into battle against the Demon hoards, Climb, Brain, and a few other of the King's loyal knights fought their way through the noble district and into the more populated servants sub-district, where the hundreds of servants and guards who worked for the nobles and were now abandoned by them, lived.

The knights all made their way from house to house and collected hundreds of survivors who were relieved to be saved by the brave knights. Climb in particular, had a huge following of new fan-girls who he personally rescued as their 'knight in literally shining armor' due to his Mythril plate which fully displayed the crest of the Golden Princess.

As the last few hundred people were being rounded up in the square to be led out all at once, one of the knights who was on lookout screamed and was instantly thrown across the square where he crashed into a wall and slid down.

Everyone looked on in shock as a tall, thin, and sinister-looking demon with pale skin, long elf-like ears, and black facepaint that ran from his eyes to his lower jaw in a zigzag pattern. Most worrying of all though was that this daemon had no arms or legs but seemed to merge into shadows at the ground.

"Crap! That's a Greater Daemon!" Brain yelled out as he stepped in front of the crowd of terrified people.

One of the mages cast a barrier spell that protected the civilians and Brain and Climb was left out in front to deal with the threat. The Greater daemon smiled and flew towards the duo, a thick shadowy arm reached out towards Climb but was cut off by a flash of light by Brain's katana.

"Hey, now. Don't do that, I already missed my chance to fight against another strong guy today, let's fight, you and I." Brain said as he returned his blade to its sheath.

The daemon looked at the man and seemed to sigh before casting {Dark Bullet}. Firing several shots of dark magicules towards Brain.

He opened his field and time seemed to slow. Brain withdrew his katana and slashed several of the bullets, redirecting them away from himself and the crowd behind him.

This display brought hope to the crowd who had, moments earlier, been so frightened and in shock at the greater daemon's appearance, that they were frozen in fear. The daemon charged at Brain, his arm now regenerated and full of spikes, ready to impale the would-be hero.

"Martial Art, <Wind of the Great Forest>" Brain called out as he bisected the daemon. He returned his blade to his sheath, satisfied with his work before...

"Brain-san!" Climb called out as a spike lodged itself into Brain's center, right where a kidney would normally be.

Brain looked over at the Daemon, still cut in two, but smirking. While Brain had successfully taken down its top half, its bottom half had sprouted two more arms where his waist would normally be and one of those arms had stabbed the mercenary.

"Damn. I was careless..." Brain said as he felt a numbness overcome him and he saw a bright, neon green liquid dripping from the spike.

"Foolish one, I am a Daemon from the Black Lineage. My form is unknowable to you. Did you really believe that I would fall after a single attack?" He said as his top half floated back towards his lower half and merged back together.

"<Fourfold Slash of Light>!" Climb yelled as he slashed the daemon once again, but this time, he took out a vial of holy water and silver and poured it over his weapon.

"The next attack will finish you, demon!" Climb said with determination in his eyes.

"Then I will simply have to kill you before that, the daemon said as he fired off more {dark Bullets} at Climb, who couldn't react to them and was immediately thrown back a few feet.

Climb rolled a bit before righting himself and charged headfirst and recklessly towards the daemon who looked amused. The daemon then placed his hands on the ground and summoned a wave of pitch-black spikes towards Climb who dashed to his left, barely avoiding being impaled by the attack and closed the distance.

2 meters.

Climb raised his weapon just above his head. The daemon transformed his right upper arm into a humungous and hulked-out monstrosity of muscle, flesh, and spikes.

1 meter.

Climb jumped, somehow clearing the certainly fatal blow that the daemon punched with. Climb had jumped nearly three meters into the air and seemed to glow for a split second before bringing down his weapon and cleaving the daemon in two halves before fire erupted from both, burning the daemons' body into nothingness.

"<Blazing Heavy Slash>" He yelled.

It was a martial art he had picked up from Shizue's brief training with him and one he had been training with religiously these last few weeks.

After a moment, cheers erupted from the crowd and the mage removed the carrier and went to Brain to cure his poison. Brain was smiling to himself while thinking that Climb had grown, while the various people began to surround the holy knight who slew the demon and began to cheer, completely forgetting their situation.

In an alleyway a few meters away, Rory Mercury simply sighed, watching the whole scene play out. The daemon who Climb had just 'slew' appeared beside her.

"Was that necessary? What kind of boosts did you give him?" The daemon said, massaging his forehead.

"Of course it was, Rimuru-sama wanted him to appear heroic to speed up his plans and you nearly killed him, so you deserved it," Rory said uninterested in the winning of the hellspawn.

"I wouldn't have killed him, just severely injured him. Master wanted it to be realistic after all."

Rory simply looked at the daemon with half-closed eyes and sighed.

"Well I think using {Boost: Agility}, {Boost: Jump}, {Boost: Instinct}, and {Enchant Weapon: Holy} along with some illusion magic to make sure noon noticed the buffs is enough for my role in this. Change your appearance and continue killing all the nobles who haven't fled the capital yet. Your job isn't done" Rory commanded before merging into the shadows of the dark alleyway.

The daemon sighed. "I should have known getting payment as good as what master gave me was too good to be true. These guys are slave drivers. Whose the demon again?" he said as he merged into the shadows and disappeared.


(Momon POV)


I am sent flying through the air as another one of Ordog's hits lands cleanly on in my gut. I stand up after a moment, appearing fatigued and bloodied, but my opponent is in no better shape than I am.

"Curse you, Momon! Since when did you become so adept with fire magic?" He yells. Third-degree burns cover his body and one of his arms is missing, cauterized shut with black flame.

"Heh! If you had joined Rimuru-sama you would have become more powerful too." I weakly reply before opening my sack and chugging a full potion.

My wounds are instantly healed and my stamina has returned. I take up another stance and begin to slowly approach the demon in front of me.

"Lord Momon, look out!" A worried Evileye yells as I jump to the side and dodge a pillar of brimstone launched from Jaldabaoth.

He clicks his tongue before ducking under a sweeping strike from Lakyus' Kilineiram. He sharpens his claws again and sweeps across her midsection, tearing out a large chunk of flesh and leaving a near-fatal wound that is cursed with some type of magic, as the wound continues to elongate over time.

Lakyus clicks her tongue before chanting {Anti-curse}, {Greater Close Wounds}, and {Lesser Regeneration} in the span of one second. In another second she is cured but is unable to pursue Jaldabaoth as he has taken to the sky.

"You are quite the annoying pests!" He yells while charging a magic bomb attack.

"Let's see if those people you're guarding will survive this!" He screams as he holds his hands up like he's about to throw a Spirit Bomb at the crowd being protected by Tia, Tina, and Gagaran.

Those three are not suited to fighting against these opponents since they don't have the physical power to fight on par with Ordog nor do they have the ability to regenerate from wounds that Jaldabaoth will give them. Tia and Tina were nearly killed in an earlier clash when their wounds wouldn't heal even with the use of potions, leaving only Lakyus and Shizue to fight the amphibian demon and leaving the rest of Blue Roses to protect the captured civilians who were about to have their souls consumed by the demonic duo.

"Take this!" Jaldabaoth screamed as he threw his arms forward, only for a large floating orb of blue magic runes to surround him.


"{Crystal Prison}!" Evileye yells as a thick wall of crystal surrounds Jaldabaoth and his Magic attack.


A massive explosion goes off right in the daemon's face and a pillar of smoke erupts from the epicenter. pieces of magic crystal fall out of it like pieces of a shattered egg. A smoldering figure is seen floating in the center before he swipes his arm and reveals a slightly singed amphibian demon looking down on everyone in a rage.

"I'LL KILL YOU ALL YOU BITCHES!" He screams and charges towards Evileye at breakneck speeds.

"Not if I have anything to say about it! {Overcharge}! [Radiant Nova]!" Shizue says.

She was charging' her attack for a minute now and had finally finished, relating the full fury of er white-hot holy flames onto the unsuspecting creature.

"NO!" He yells just as the fire strikes him.


Another loud explosion rocks the street in which they were fighting in. Several buildings, already damaged by the daemons from before, are instantly knocked to the ground as a wave of heat and wind thunders across the entire district and everyone nearby is nearly knocked off their feet.

Shizue places her sword into the ground and falls to her knees, using her weapon as a support and panting heavily. The white fire is still burning and smoldering, producing no smoke as it slowly dies down.

Suddenly, a clicking of the tongue is heard from the fire. Jaldabaoth emerges from the flame missing an arm and an eye while also being severely burned. A look of pure hatred is evident on his face.

"You bitches just had to ruin my plans! YOU STUPID LITTLE HUMANS!!! YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME AND YET YOU STILL DEFY ME!?!" He yells.

I gotta hand it to Demiurge, he really is playing up the role of an arrogant prick who is being pushed into a corner. Shizue too. She has enough magicules to wipe out this entire city and yet she is pretending to be heavily fatigued at using some mild attacks. Sure, before her Ture Hero awakening, she probably would have used up most of her magicules in that attack, but after her evolution and soaking up the trace amounts of my aura these past few weeks, her magicule count should be about the same as Charibydris' was.

"Jald! We need to get out of here! We weren't ready enough for them to be so strong!" Ordog yells after disengaging from me in melee.

Jaldabaoth looks over at Ordog before a wickedly evil smirk appears on his face. Everyone gets a bad feeling from this and Evileye even places a {Crystal Wall} in front of the civilians and other adventurers.

A strange black miasma leaks from Jaldabaoth as everyone hears the voice of the world calling out.

[Notice! Individual Jaldaboath is attempting to acquire Unique Skill [Primate Murder]...]


I internally roll my eyes at Akasha.

Ordog begins to cry out in pain and twist and turn into a writhing mass of bloody body parts as bones break and reorganize themselves. All of the blood in Ordog's body begins to pour out from him before flowing upwards and encasing him in a cacoon of dark crimson.

"Hehehehe! I'll kill you all! Blech-" He begins to giggle to himself but is interrupted by barfing out a load of blood from his mouth.

He turns towards me and then smiles a sadistic and sickening smile before using {Teleportation} to leave the area. As he leaves, his sickening voice is heard echoing around the area dramatically.

"Hear my call, Behemoth! Destroy my enemies and raise this city to the ground. Collect me souls for my metamorphosis! Leave no one alive!"

I look at the obvious illusion magic being used to mask Diablo's escape. I had him abandon his body and return to the Demon World to recruit the Black Numbers for me while secretly using various magics to turn the body that remained into a gargantuan creature resembling the Behemoth Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.

After a moment, the bloody cacoon shatters and releases the abomination. It stands 10 meters tall and is close to 15 meters wide. Its large singular horn is letting off bolts of mixed white and purple lightning. One of the lighting series hits a building and it is instantly crushed, sucked into a singularity, and obliterated.

'I think I made him too strong...' I thought as I looked at the creature's [Gravity Lightning] Extra Skill. 'Oh well, it's more believable that Momon would 'die' to this thing I guess.'

I charged towards the creature as it let out a primal roar and began to condense Gravity Lightning into a sphere just above its horn.

"Momon-san!" Evileye yelled out to me, but it was too late, I had jumped towards the beast, building up a glow of red-hot magicules.

"{Prominence Burn}!" I yelled as a wave of flame burst forth from my body and raced towards the creature.

The fire crashed into it, canceling the gravity bomb and causing it to shriek out in pain. I landed over to the side of the creature and slashed at one of its legs. It once again grunted and turned all of its attention towards me.

Seeing this as my opportunity, I yell out to the others. "Take them away from here! I'll lead the monster away from the civilians." I say as I run away from the monster that rampages after me. It walks straight through buildings and flattens entire city blocks on its quest to get me.

It also begins to fire off mini gravity bombs from its mouth like it is some kind of Naruto tailed beast, wreaking havoc on the cityscape and destroying countless buildings.

I sense that there is no one in this direction and none looking at me currently so I stop running and begin to casually walk while absorbing all the monsters attacks with [Beelzebuth].

"This has gotten out of hand. Pretending to be weak is so tiresome..." I say out loud as I send a magic missile that slams into the creature and forces it to its knees briefly.

Under normal circumstances, I could one-shot this thing. It's not actually that strong, it just appears to be strong since it's big and destructive, but even Gobuta could defeat it if he was prepared. I sigh as I look towards Rory who is casually walking my way.

"Is it done?" I ask

"Yes, Lord Rimuru. The lad Climb has been shown to be a hero and all of the especially valuable items in the district and all of the supplies of the Eight Fingers, including their leadership, have been subjugated and collected."

"Excellent. I've got a few of my Shadow Soldiers tucked away in the noble's shadows and ready to initiate the purge of the capital at any time. All that's left is for Momon to 'die' a heroic death." I say as I swat away the Behemoth who tried to step on me.

"very well, Lord Rimuru. What should I do about that daemon?"

"Leave it for now. He will return to the Demon World in due time and Diablo is already there to recruit the other Primordials and a few dozen or hundred daemons to serve me." I say.

"As you wish, Lord Rimuru. Ah! Sebas also wanted to know if you would be back in time for breakfast? It's almost daybreak now, so..."

"Yeah, I'll be there. Better go, I sense everyone coming." I say as she disappears into the darkness.

"Have fun, fufufu" being the last thing she ways to me.

I look behind me at the Behemoth who looks like it's tired and is panting heavily. I take slight pity on the thing, so I instantly kill its pseudo-soul and begin controlling the creature remotely with magic. I give one last sigh before dropping to the ground and rolling in the dirt to appear more fatigued and beaten up.

I stand up 'weakly' just in time for me to see Gazef, Shizue, Blue Roses, and even King Rampossa the Third and his personal guard all arrive to see the results of our fight. Everyone is out of breath and weak while trying their best to remain strong. Well, Shizue and I are fine and just acting, but no one will be able to tell without Acting Skill Level 100.

"St-Stay Back! Raise all the defenses you can!" I warn them, seemingly desperate.

I look at them and throw a scroll towards Shizue who catches it. "Shizue Izawa! It has been an honor!" I say as I activate a massive magic circle that encompasses the entire block with myself and the beast at the center.

"9th Tier Magic {Apocalypse Abyss}" I yell as numerous elemental tornado's spin up, surrounding the creature and myself before quickly spinning towards the center, resulting in a brief and grand flash of light before a gargantuan explosion rips apart the landscape and creates a 50-meter deep crater in the center of the Noble district.

The entire district is raised to the ground by this explosive force and many people are thrown back. Evileye had created a large {Crystal Wall} with the last of her magicules which negated most of the damage and saved everyone nearby from being too injured, as they only suffered minor bruises from being suddenly knocked over.

When the dust settled, only the white-hot bones of the beast remained where a powerful adventurer and a prosperous and beautiful city district once stood.


A/N: Sorry for only uploading once last week, life's crazy. Anyways, I wanted to get your guy's feedback on the organizations/names/titles for the MC's subordinates. I didn't want to just use Colored Numbers again and since I'm adding a lot of new characters soon, I'll have to update the Subordinates Aux chapter.

Help! I'm unoriginal and need inspiration. If you're gonna give a suggestion, give the name of the sub-group and the title, like the title is Stars and a group of Stars is a Constellation or something like that.

A/N2: Also, I'm deleting my One Piece fanfic. I've written out the first five chapters already but I keep going over them over and over again and I don't feel like they are really any good. I also don't think I'll be doing any more fanfics in the future with large/ massive harems, since I feel like I can't do their characters justice and they feel flat.

Rory, for example, is very flat in this chapter but I don't have the time nor the ability to write her more faithful to her original counterpart, so...

Wowzers! A really long chapter this time. Exactly 400 words with the author's note at the end.

I wanted to get this one out today so that tomorrow I can do the Worker's attack on Tempest before we move into more political stuff.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts