
That Time I Got Reincarnated as the Strongest

Kaito Suzuki is an ordinary man who lives an unremarkable life. He works as a software engineer, and he spends his free time watching anime. One day, he is killed in a mugging, but he is reborn in a new world with incredible powers. He sets out to explore this new world and to use his powers to become the ultimate MC.

DaoistGmcGOC · Anime & Comics
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Death and Rebirth

A life so ordinary that it seemed almost nonexistent.

Meet Kaito Suzuki, a 30-year-old man who leads an unremarkable existence. After graduating from college, he found himself working as a software engineer at a small company. His days were spent immersed in codes and algorithms, devoid of any romantic encounters. He also enjoyed watching anime during his free time; his favorite of all time was 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.'

Unlike his successful older brother who was married with children, Kaito remained single and lived a solitary life. He had tried his luck in relationships, even mustering up the courage to confess three times, but each time he was met with rejection and heartbreak. Eventually, he concluded that love was nothing but a troublesome affair, especially at his age.

Despite his lack of success in the love department, Kaito wasn't particularly bothered by it. He attributed it to his busy work schedule and convinced himself that he wasn't making excuses. After all, his focus was on his career, and he found solace in his work.

One day, Kaito's junior colleague, Hiroshi, approached him with a cheerful smile. Walking by his side was Ayumi, the company's charming receptionist who was known for her beauty.

"Senpai! Sorry for keeping you waiting!" Hiroshi exclaimed, full of enthusiasm.

Kaito greeted Ayumi with a polite smile. "Hello, pleased to meet you. My name is Kaito Suzuki. Although we've seen each other before, this is our first conversation. It makes me a bit nervous, somehow."

The irony wasn't lost on Kaito. He found it amusing that he was the one feeling nervous, considering his usual struggles when talking to women. He couldn't help but silently complain about his lack of skill in this area.

As fate would have it, Hiroshi and Ayumi had approached Kaito to seek his advice and support regarding their upcoming marriage. This unexpected request made Kaito question his own lack of popularity, igniting a spark of curiosity within him.

The rendezvous took place at a local café, providing a relaxed atmosphere for their conversation. Kaito, genuinely interested in helping them, asked, "So, what kind of advice are you looking for?"

Hiroshi chuckled. "Well, Senpai, Ayumi and I are curious about your experiences and any tips you may have for a successful marriage. You know, given your wisdom and all."

Kaito couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and self-doubt. He wasn't sure how much wisdom he possessed in this particular field, considering his limited romantic encounters. But he decided to offer whatever insight he could.

The conversation flowed smoothly as they discussed various aspects of a healthy relationship. Kaito found himself enjoying their company and appreciating Ayumi's genuine warmth. He couldn't deny the pang of envy that crept up within him, witnessing their happiness.

However, fate had a cruel twist in store for them. As they stood at the intersection near the café, a sudden commotion interrupted their conversation. A man wielding a knife and clutching a bag charged toward them with an air of menace.

Screams filled the air, and chaos ensued. In a split second, Kaito's instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, he pushed Hiroshi out of harm's way, taking the brunt of the attack himself.

The sharp pain surged through his back as the knife penetrated his flesh. But even in the face of danger, Kaito's first thought was to ensure the safety of his companions.

As the assailant fled the scene, Kaito turned his attention to Hiroshi and Ayumi. Hiroshi, wide-eyed and breathless, rushed to Kaito's side, concern etched on his face. Ayumi stood there, visibly shaken but unharmed.

Blood stained Kaito's clothes, his life force seeping out with every beat of his heart. It was a grim sight, yet Kaito remained surprisingly calm.

"Don't worry about it, Hiroshi," Kaito managed to say, his voice weak. "It's not a big deal. Just stop worrying."

Hiroshi's voice trembled as tears welled up in his eyes. "Senpai... you're bleeding... it won't stop..."

The gravity of the situation hit Kaito, but he couldn't afford to panic. He needed to stay composed for Hiroshi's sake. With his last ounces of strength, Kaito reassured him.

"I'll be fine, Hiroshi. Take care of Ayumi. Make her happy... And don't forget... my computer... submerge it in water... wipe the data clean..." His voice trailed off, the urgency of his request apparent.

Hiroshi, his expression a mix of grief and determination, understood the weight of Kaito's words. He nodded, promising to fulfill Kaito's wishes.

As Kaito's consciousness faded, he couldn't help but smile weakly at Hiroshi's bitter grin. He had always been grateful for his junior's companionship and support.

Moments before slipping into the embrace of death, Kaito's thoughts swirled with a strange mix of acceptance and curiosity.

In the depths of his fading consciousness, Kaito heard a soft, ethereal voice that seemed to echo from a distant realm. "Kaito Suzuki, your time in this world is at an end," the voice whispered. "But fear not, for I shall grant you a new life, one filled with extraordinary power."

Confusion mingled with his fleeting thoughts as he struggled to comprehend the voice's message. "A new life?" he murmured weakly. "But... how?"

In response, the voice explained, "You have always been a fervent fan of anime and manga, Kaito. Your unwavering devotion and love for those worlds have not gone unnoticed. As you draw your last breath, I offer you the chance to be reborn in a world akin to the stories you hold dear."

The notion ignited a flicker of hope within Kaito's fading soul. A chance to live in a world where he could experience the exhilarating adventures and possess the incredible abilities he had witnessed in his beloved anime and manga—such an opportunity was beyond his wildest dreams.

With his dwindling strength, Kaito managed to rasp, "Please... grant me the most overpowered skills, the abilities to surpass all limits. I want to become the ultimate protagonist, the one who defies all odds. The strongest of the strong."

The voice paused for a moment before responding, "So be it, Kaito Suzuki. May your path through this uncharted realm brim with exhilaration, triumph, and the very essence of the extraordinary power you yearn for. I shall also bestow my blessing on you."

A surge of energy coursed through Kaito's fading form, revitalizing his weakening body and spirit. The wounds that had drained his life force began to heal rapidly, leaving no trace of the encounter that had taken him to death's door.

As Kaito Suzuki gradually regained consciousness, his mind cleared like the morning mist dissipating under the sun's gentle rays. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself standing in the heart of a mysterious cave, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. The radiant glow of the cavern walls seemed to whisper secrets of extraordinary power and untold possibilities.

Sensations of energy surged within Kaito, resonating deep within his core. It was as if the very essence of the cave resonated with his being, acknowledging his rebirth as the direct descendant of Veldanava, the primal progenitor of all skills and abilities. And it was through this remarkable lineage that he would become the harbinger of unparalleled strength.

As Kaito centered his thoughts, a cascade of information flooded his mind, unraveling the boundless potential hidden within. But this time, it was not a distant voice that guided him—it was an internal entity, a presence that exuded knowledge and power beyond comprehension.

"Greetings, Kaito Suzuki," a resonant voice echoed within his mind. "I am the Ascendant's Revelation, a skill bestowed upon you as the chosen heir of Veldanava. Through me, you shall uncover the depths of your incredible abilities and the secrets of this world."

Kaito blinked in astonishment, his gaze darting around the cave as if searching for the source of the voice. "The Ascendant's Revelation? You...you can speak?"

"Yes," the skill responded, its tone carrying a blend of wisdom and confidence. "I am more than a mere skill. I am an embodiment of the knowledge and power bestowed upon you. Through our connection, you will discover the true extent of your potential."

Kaito marveled at the implications of this revelation. He had always dreamed of possessing extraordinary abilities, of defying the limitations of the ordinary world. And now, he found himself standing on the precipice of that very reality.

"I am ready," Kaito declared, his voice tinged with excitement and determination. "Reveal to me the depths of my power. Show me the skills and abilities I possess."

As if responding to his plea, the Ascendant's Revelation unfurled before Kaito's mind, unveiling a dazzling array of ultimate skills and unique abilities. Each one represented a pinnacle of its respective domain, a testament to his unrivaled potential.

"You possess the Primordial Essence," the Ascendant's Revelation explained, "which grants you unparalleled physical attributes, heightened vitality, and swift regeneration. With the Eternal Blade, you shall master all forms of swordsmanship, wielding any blade with unmatched precision and strength. Through the Celestial Sorcery, you shall command the elements themselves, shaping them to your will. And with the Unyielding Armor, you shall become an indomitable force, impervious to harm."

Kaito's eyes widened with wonder and anticipation. The descriptions of these abilities echoed the tales of his beloved anime and manga, but now they were his to wield. The possibilities seemed endless, and he yearned to explore the full extent of his power.

"But that is not all," the Ascendant's Revelation continued. "You also possess unique skills that are inherent to your lineage. Absolute Cognition grants you unparalleled awareness and predictive abilities. Dimensional Mastery bestows upon you dominion over space, allowing you to bend reality itself. And with Supreme Presence, you can conceal your true power from even the most astute observers."

Kaito's mind raced, trying to comprehend the magnitude of his newfound abilities. He felt a sense of responsibility, an understanding that these powers carried the weight of his lineage and the potential to shape the world.

"Thank you, Ascendant's Revelation," Kaito expressed his gratitude. "With your guidance, I shall embark on a path of greatness, utilizing these skills to their fullest potential."

The Ascendant's Revelation responded with a sense of pride and conviction. "Together, Kaito Suzuki, we shall walk the uncharted path, leaving an indelible mark on this world. Embrace your destiny as the Ascendant, and let your extraordinary power reshape the very fabric of existence."

Kaito was excited; he was going to become the ultimate MC. He wanted to first find when and where he was in the world of Tensura.

I apologize if my writing is poor, this is my first fanfic. I have only watched the anime and thus will only go by that. This story may go off canon.

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