
That time I got reincarnated as my in-game character

I was playing my favorite game that I just completed some hours but unfortunately I accidentally touched an uncovered wire and died.

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34 Chs

Ch 9 : Mercenary guild

(Karthik was shocked from inside and his condition was like that his heart stopped pumping and his body get cold. Then suddenly after seeing him one of those hunters got up and hit him but before he hit Karthik, Melissa blocked his punch and then twisted that hunter's wrist. And because of pain that hunter screamed out loudly and then Melissa cuts off that hunter's hand with her sharp sword)

She said "How dare you to try to attack my master, I am leaving you alive because master don't want to kill humans."

Karthik then pull Melissa behind and then purchased a medical kit from virtual store and started treating that hunter's wound. He said "Well, sorry my girl have bad temper. So, don't try to provoke her again. And by the way where is the counter of guild's manager."

That guy said "There, she is there."

Karthik the said "thanks" and moved ahead with Melissa and while going Melissa kicked that hunter once more.

(They both reach the counter where a beautiful girl with an idol female body is sitting doing her work lazily.)

Wow, she is beautiful, It was so good if I can kiss her once.

Melissa hit Karthik with her high heels and whispered "Don't even think of it. I want to be the first one with you."

What a ferocious aura she have. Whatever, I don't care. After I am already on my hobby to collect all beauties.

"Hey young man, how can I help you?" That lady at counter asked Karthik after putting the papar in her hands down on table.

Karthik said "I am new here and I have hunted down some monsters and I want to sell their skin and other items."

That lady got excited all of a sudden and asked "Really, you have hunted monsters, Oh wow, handsome why you took so long to come. Come on show me what you have got"

(The excitment of manager attracted the attention of all hunters towards them once again and after listing her words all hunters started looking at Karthik without any expressions.)

(Karthik then open the inventory screens and took out the items that he collected from those bone daggers and other monsters. After seeing that stuff the silence spread all over everyone's face and their eyes are wife open in shock and glasses of beer fall upon table from their hands.)

"They are all of high quality, The best out of best quality items that the previous lord came with. Wow, I neeve expected that I'll see such rare items in my this life. Looks like our guild is going to shine again." The manager girl checked those items happily and professionally and then she came back to Karthik.

She then said "Really, how you got this a lot of rare treasures. Are you a mercenary from other guild or a hunter or a bounty hunter from imperial state."

Karthik then replied "I am a Shadow assassin of level 6."

Just after hearing this that manager girl covered Karthik's mounth and whispered nervously "Hey handsome, don't expose your identity as a Shadow assassin, They will kill you if they found it. Just tell them that you are a bounty hunter."

Karthik then said "Sorry, I was just kidding, I am just a level 6 bounty hunter. And I killed these beasts yesterday."

After it that manager girl turn towards other hunters and said "Everyone, the guild is now closed for today, come on get out of here."

(After hearing this those hunters left but in between those hunters, a hunter in long Black hoodie looks strange to Karthik. But then he left)

(After it the manager girl goes and closed the door and then came near Karthik)

"Can I see your ID?" That girl asked happily but before that Melissa said " Why you are behaving like this, are you upto something dangerous to harm master."

That girl then said "Just relax, I am not a powerful like anyone else. How can I hurt the guy who hunted many powerful monsters. I am just doing my job"

(Karthik then took off his mask and showed his ID to that girl. But just after seeing him once that girl gets lost in dreams and started blushing while not showing any movements. A cold breeze of air blows her hairs and increased her heartbeat. She then control herself and took Id from Karthik's hand and also touches his hand while taking ID.)

"Wow, he is so handsome, very handsome, too much handsome. I want to kiss him badly" She whispered in her heart and look at his ID.

"Your name is Romeo, your age is 20, You are a demi-god! Wow, that great, And your profession is Shadow Assassin and secondary class is bounty hunter. Your level is 6. You have nice ID. It's my first time I am seeing a Demi-god in this isolated town." She then said while looking at him with love full eyes.

"Well, let's get back to work. I have a lot of works to do" Karthik said and then that girl turn behind and goes to her place and took out a Currency card of colour supreme golden.

That girl extended that card towards Karthik and said "The item you brought here is above the value of five thousand gold coins and this card worth five thousand and five hundred gold coins."

Melissa then asked "Why are you giving five hundred extra?"

As reply that girl said "Because it's a reward decided by guild master. And Lord Romeo, if you don't mind I want to invite you in our mercenary guild on the behalf of guild master. You will get some exclusive privilege because you are a specially invited hunter. So, would you like to join us?"

Karthik then took the card and said "No, thanks. I have no plans to join a guild. And by the way I can feel that your heartbeat is increasing, are you nervous or excited?"

That girl got embarassed and said while wiping her sweat "No it's nothing, just the temperature here increased a lot when you arrived."

Karthik then took the money and said "Well, one more thing. I want a place to live. Do you have any place?"

On it that girl again became happy and said "Yes ofcourse, We have a home for sell, if you want to buy it then you can buy it. It is one of the best houses that we only sell to our guild officials. But for you I can make an exception."

Karthik and then said "That's great, I want to buy it come and show me"

Karthik touched that girl's cheek and it made her blush more and then Karthik said again "If I like that house then I can think about joining your guild. And but by the way, I know you are guild master here. You are a A rank bounty hunter. And most importantly, after seeing me the desires that you are holding back and suppressing all this now got Awakened."

Now that girl look at him strangely and said "How you know that. And you are wrong. I am not having those er*tic thoughts after seeing you. I am just nervous because you are too much handsome."