
That time I got reincarnated as my in-game character

I was playing my favorite game that I just completed some hours but unfortunately I accidentally touched an uncovered wire and died.

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34 Chs

Ch 16 : What a loyal dog

That knight then tried to slap Karthik but Karthik caught his hand and slapped him back and said angrily "You got angry because I talk bad about your daughter and just like it I am still angry because you dared to talk so many bad things for my wife. You are lucky because I am not like person who I was in past otherwise you can't even imagine what punishment I give to my enemies."

That knight then said "You want my daughter, just take it. She was just seventeen and still virgin. She was also beautiful and cute. You want her to be your s*x slave then okay. I am ready. But let me go first"

After listening this Karthik started slapping him continuously in anger again and again until he started begging again.

"Why are you slapping me now. I already agreed for what you asked" He asked and caught Karthik's foot and started begging.

Karthik was full of anger, he kicked back that knight and said "Are you not ashamed to be a father? how can you sell your daughter to save yourself, You are not allowed to live. Before I kill you, give answers of my questions. Who is Lisa? and what's your problem with me. Why you want to arrest me."

That Knight secretly took out his dagger from back and attack over Karthik but on time Karthik caught his hand and twisted it causing unbearable pain to that knight.

"You are really so eager to die, and I'll give you a painless death if you answer my questions otherwise I'll make your life living hell." Karthik said with a fierce look and after it that Knight uses a hidden skill 'Self destruction' and said with a scary laughter "You a lowly Shadow assassin, dared to humiliate a royal knight. And now you want to take out information from me. Never, I have taken oath to the god that I'll never betray my king, Even if I have to sacrifice even my own family."

(Karthik then clenched and gave a fatal punch to that knight and smashed that knight's head.)

"What a loyal dog he was, even ready to sacrifice everything just to serve his king. I never expected that human can be this loyal to their leaders. Whatever I don't care, he dare to say something bad to my girl. he deserves to die" Karthik got up and then collected all items from those knights with the help of his Game system.

Melissa was still in her serpent form and after it she again came into girl form and said "You even smashed his skull."

Karthik moved ahead and she started following him, Karthik said "Do you know something about that girl name Lisa?"

Melissa then thinks sometime and said "Lisa? let me think.. ummm... Yes, I know little bit"

"Then why are you waiting for? Tell me." It's first time when someone dared to kidnape me. This guy sometime ago calling himself royal knight. Something is really going on." Karthik lighten up cigrette and pressed it between lips and trys to smoke but suddenly coughed because of it's smoke and threw it away.

(cough) "What the hell, How can people smoke this bad thing easily, it almost choked my throat. Such disgusting thing, I'll never try to smoke again" Karthik said angrily and after seeing it Melissa started laughing.

"What the hell you are trying to do, you have grown so big but still can't smoke. What a cute baby" Melissa started teasing Karthik but Karthik took it seriously and then he removed his mask and goes closer to Melissa.

He started stroking Melissa's cheeks with his hand and started flirting with her "You likes to tease me then why not you let me tease you. And it will be exciting in forest. come on remove your leggings."

(Melissa started blushing and got nervous because Karthik was too close to her. She bites her lips in nervousness and turn her face. Karthik was smiling after seeing her shy.)

You looks quite cute when you are shy. I think I am unable to stop myself. She is one of my girlfriends so it's not wrong if I have s*x with her. Her curves always attracts my attention. She will look really breathing in bikini. I want to see her in it. (lost in thinking)

Karthik was lost in her own fantasies while Melissa was nervous and then she opens her waist belt to take off leggings but when she look at Karthik, he was fantasying about her with closed eyes. She turn behind and put her arms on tree's trunk and came in position to have s*x. She then open her eyes and said "Karthik, I am ready you can go on but be gentle."

(Karthik opens eyes and after seeing Melissa in that position his tower built up and he got excited.)

Wow, she really have perfect body. She was really ready to take my penis deep inside her tight vagina. But it's really embarassing to have s*x in woods.

"Hey babe, I think it's not right time." Karthik embarrassingly said and it made Melissa furious.

She straightened her clothes and then pushes Karthik in anger "What you think of yourself, I am your girlfriend so you can order me for everything. Last night when I was ready you refused by saying I am nervous, and now today when you asked for it and I agreed then you again refused. What you think of me. I am not a girl who will spread her legs whenever you want. And Listen Mr Karthik, I am your partner, your girlfriend. If you dare to tease me again like this then don't tell me that I betrayed you."

Melissa was really furious and it increased her prettiness. Karthik then hugged her tightly and said "I was just kidding, why you take everything seriously but one thing is sure, you looks really cute in anger."

Melissa then stabbed her sharp canine teeths in Karthik's shoulder and Karthik screamed out in pain. He tried to Seperate himself from her and pushes Melissa back. "Hey are you mad? Why you bitten me that hard?"