
That time I got reincarnated as my in-game character

I was playing my favorite game that I just completed some hours but unfortunately I accidentally touched an uncovered wire and died.

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34 Chs

Ch 1 : Fresh beginning

[Author's note - You will see some changes in Main character's physical attributes]


The Sophiala kingdom-

A guy in long black coat was sitting inside an Tavern and waiting for his beer to come. His face was hidden beneath his black hoodie and he was carrying a big sword on his back.

"Hear is you beer sir" The bar girl served him drink and then he took the beer mug and gulped it all in once.

"one more" He demanded with a fierce voice and then that bar girl again served him beer and said "Hear is your beer sir".

He picks up the mug full of beer and started drinking it and again finished it in once.

"I want more" He demanded again with a fierce voice and this time his body is emitting dark red aura. After seeing it all the people in bar got scared and Seperated him from crowd. He was now sitting alone on chair.

"Are you deaf, Don't you hear me I want more." After hearing this the mug of beer slipped off from bar girl's hand in panic and then that man got up and this time his aura started harming others. All people started falling over floor in suffocation and started suffering.

"I said I want more, Give me more beer" His voice is getting more and more fierce and that bar girl was too much scared. She was unable to stood up on legs in fear as her legs were trembling in fear. The dear of death was clear to see in her eyes and after seeing it the Tavern manager came and try to calm situation.

"Sir, She was new here, Sorry for her bad service. I'll give you your beer right now, please forgive her mistake" He said in begging tone and after that man slapped the counter in anger.

"I want mu drink and I'll not repeat again." After hearing this threatening voice of that man that bar manager fills the beer in mug and served it to that man.

He gulped whole beer and then said "I want more"

The manager check the beer tank and unfortunately it was empty, he was now full of fear,.his legs started shaking in fear and his head bowed in fear and he said "Sir, we ran out of beer. I am sorry."

After hearing it that man in hoodie got up from chair and took out a bag full of gold coins.

"Here is your payment." He then turns behind and moved towards door and everything became normal.

"Sir, who was he. His aura was so fierce. I was scared to death" She asked and still sweating in fear.

The bar manager then gasped and said "Gosh, luckily he was not in anger today. You can relax now."

That bar girl then started serving drinks to other people and after getting free from work she asked to manage due to her curosity "Sir, who was he, and why he stays in anger always"

The manager then took off his glasses and said "ten years ago he came in our kingdom and he always stays in serious mood. His sword talks more than his mouth. His name is Karthik. He killed over thousands of demons and bandits. One of the most strongest members of Adventure society. It's better for you to stay away from him and not offend him. Even the king of Sophiala scares from him."

After two hours, at sunset peak situated in the north block of Sophiala kingdom. He was sitting on a big and old tree's thick branch and drinking wine. His beard is long nearly five centimetres and his hairs were reaching down hia neck.

[New monster detected, five hundred meters away.]

He stopped drinking and jumped off from branch and came on ground. He started drinking while walking towards the marked destination.

"Ten years, it's been ten years since I left everything behind after her death. But still it feels like it was just yesterday's incident. I am feeling quite alone. After her death my life completely changed. I left my Isabella because I don't want her to die because of me. In this last ten years, many enemies came to hunt me down, I have been killing them all who comes to kill me. Nothing left in my life other than killing and killing and killing amd again killing."

He was going straight towards a hell hound infront of him and dear is completely absence in him. Just after looking him the hell hound became rage like he was his inborn enemy and rushed towards him but suddenly many tentacles came out from ground and tied up him and then devoured it and erased his name and sign completely.

Soon after it the tentacles disappeared and he was still drinking beer, "An ordinary level 150 hell hound. It's been a long time since I have seen any strong opponent. Looks like I have grown a lot. My beer... why it stopped coming out"

[Mission completed, reward - One million exp, 1,00,000 good bars, 100 platinum bars.]

"In this last ten years I have been spending my time in bar to drink, and hunting people with bounty. Life is going well but I am unable to forgot that smile of her in my mind. Sometimes she comes in my dreams and tells me to hug her but when I open my eyes she disappears like she never existed before. I am still in regret for not being able to protect her that time."

He was walking ahead on the path in drunken state with unbalanced steps and soon he falls over ground and he was smiling sub consciously and the image of her was appearing in front of his eyes calling him master.

She was standing just right in front of him and after seeing it he raised his hand to touch her cheek but it crossed her face and her image disappeared. He became sad.

"She only comes when I am drunk, Whenever I try to touch her she disappeared like just now. Why, is she angry from me. Because I failed to... save her. I am sorry but please come back to me."

He started crying and fell asleep there over ground in middle of path like