
That time I got reincarnated as a storm phoenix

fanfiction of how i got reincarnated into a slime, the main in that was rimuru tempest. ...... In that time I got reincarnated as a slime their is 7 sins Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. watch our main character as she claims all seven of them and a hidden 8th the abyssal king Tartarus Photo cover credit to cobaltplasma on reddit OF "Arashi, Storm Phoenix."

Milimnava74363 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


"Yawn, I can't believe that my cats woke me up so early." Hi I'm a 23 year old woman. I was born to the very influential and rich jones family. My parents own a very powerful retail company and has a lot of blackmail on politicians.

Since I was kicked out of my parents house when I was 18 It was just me and my cats. My parents they just pay for every thing then they just ignore me. They tossed me aside like rats in their stores. I adopted the cats because of how lonely I was, now it's just me and my cats and no friends because when your parents are as rich as mine no mater how kind they are they will want to use you for your money.

Cats are not like that.

"Maybe today I'll finally leave the house and hide my identity to get real friends, hmm." After feeding my obnoxious cats I eventually decide to leave the house for the first time since I was eighteen. The sun was blinding not a cloud in the sky with hundreds of trees around me. I'm so glad it's my birthday today! since that's the only day in the year where I'm allowed outside. "What a beautiful day!" as i decided where I wanted to roam about on this perfect day.

I decide to go to the park near my house it's about a ten minute walk away, as I walk I think: "I hate my parents for locking me up it's so boring in there I wish I get reborn somewhere I can be free like those reincarnated as a monster books I like to read".

As I get to the park, I see a 30 year old looking woman being held hostage by a man who is holding a knife to her with a bag of money in his other hand while aggressively threatening everyone to stay away, the man looks in great fear as the knife is slowly moving towards her throat.

I run to protect her, I do arrive in time to push her away from a certain death but in the process I felt a knife stab down upon me. I look down and to a surprise to this perfect day i see a knife being pulled out of my lower abdomen and a blood puddle growing all around me. I think: "ugh it hurts a lot"[ Skill pain resistance acquired]what was that? if this is a weird reincarnation thing just tell me please. There was a long pause.... I guess I have to think about what skills I want then.... Aha I want heat and cold resistance that way i can be immortal to heat and cold![ heat resistance acquired] [cold resistance acquired] [heat and cold resistance acquired thermal fluctuation immunity acquired]. I have an idea how about being a phoenix [species phoenix acquired species... innate species ability immortality acquired] how about hurricane magic? [hurricane magic acquired] and lightning magic [lightning magic acquired] [hurricane magic and lightning magic detected... storm magic acquired adding to species.... supreme storm phoenix species acquired. species innate abilities are eye of the storm, supreme storm affinity and humanoid transformation and unlimited evolution acquired] [all choses completed commencing reincarnation...…] wait I'm not ready yet! [..... completed.]

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